I want his beacon of knowledge asap
I want his beacon of knowledge asap
Other urls found in this thread:
first for kys
Please buff both Xerath and Vel'Koz.
xth for impregnating lulu
Of course. If Riot could somehow ruin PP MF then there's no hope. Expect a one-piece with loose swim trunks on bottom and then the art will be at an atrocious angle with wonky proportions and a manface.
Guys I really want to play URF mode. Right now. Where is it?!
Please help... I'm starving... for QWER spam
xth for breast metal waifu
I tried, user, but I wanted something that wasn't just her.
>europoors waking up
>luluposters start shitting up threads
like clockwork
>Pool party Ahri is revealed is some joke skin with Ahri wearing a lot of pool stuff that barely let's you see her body, meanwhile Pool party illaoi is almost naked
I need to live so I can see him reimagined as Invoker, but SEXIER.
I can't wait for riot to show both Valve and Blizzard how this concept was meant to be executed.
Dream on, user.
Go in training mode
>he puts flash on f
easy 300 gold desu
How would you feel if it was like this? Too little going on?
I feel that's the risk that's run with having an almost naked skin.
>buff Xerath
Hell yes, give me 100% AP ratios on Q.
>buff Vel'Koz
...a little bit more questionable, that request senpai.
Kaelthas Sunstrider is the inspiration of Invoker.
Kaelthas IS the concept, you fuckmonkey.
i want graves, a GAME RELATED champion, to demolish my bp!
i want to be his semen demon
jizz genie
baby batter bringer
cum caresser
sperm summoner
prostate apostate
ejaculate empress
mayonnaise maiden
jizz jockey
spunk monk
sperm worm
erection confection
ejaculate immaculate
salami tsunami
boner condoner
fluid druid
wang wizard
and much more!
and i want mods to stop being so braindead ty!!
so i'm playing normals to practice before starting ranked and i'm starting to wonder if it's even worth it. my last four games have been
>enemy picks lvl 2 cheese panth/jax bot lane, then turns into a 5v4
>adc and jungle know eachother IRL and just chat back and forth using in-game chat and ignore what's actually happening in game
should i just say fuck it and do placements? i know normals aren't serious business but i half-expected people to at least try to play the game.
>guy hovers ahri
>doesnt take her
>enemy gets her
>get into game
>popstar ahri
automatic loss
There's no point playing normals to try and learn the game. Just jump into ranked even if you're fucking shit. You won't start learning until you do.
t. bronze shitter who only started playing ranked this season but expected to be a higher rank because you constantly saw gold borders in your normal games
Its not worth it. Play normal for warm-up, or making sure you're internet isn't shitting itself.
Playing norms for skill gain is a tossup, and you will get better results by just playing ranked.
I'm only low gold level, so there isn't much skill involved, but that's my thought on it.
So you've never played ranked?
Hoo hooo hooooo. The fucking afk's you're going to get, lad.
white chroma too?
And Kaelthas was made by blizzard. So riot has to show them too.
I never implied Invoker came before high elf edgelord, just that the former is sexier.
I strongly second this. Both of them are my go to mid laners and I would exclusively play them if I didn't hate most mid Match ups.
>ywn exude heat
Why can I only play one lane? I can hyper carry every time I get mid but I feed my ass off in every other lane.
>buff 500 + 175% AP true damage at level 6
yeah that makes sense. might as well play with people who are at least attempting to win.
i played back in s5 (ended silver 2) but i took a long break. i've been getting back into it but i've just been playing normals and arams to get a feel of the reworks and new champs. i guess i had a little too much faith in my teammates for normals.
xth for NTR/Mindbreak/Impregnation.
>l-league isn't dying g-guys!
>Riot pulling out the Pool Party Ahri, Angelblade Riven, and Demonblade Yasuo already
>got a legendary Lee skin not long ago
This game is finished. Zed ultimate is probably their last cash in.
Take the time to learn ONE champ for each lane.
But learn more than one for you lane.
Keep you ranked champ pool small
Their last cash in is Magma Chamber, don't be silly. That's the final desperation pull.
Doubt they'll go out without a bang.
When overwatch was taking players they came out with a bunch of features that were always requested and greatskins.
We still need magma chamber and items overhaul.
They got many things they can do to freshen up the game but they arent necessary yet
>implying the leaks were real
theyd only put out pool party ahri and sona after the game dies to see if they can revive their cash cow
Jesus Christ Wukong is disgusting right now. Free kill the moment you hit 6, no skill required.
the swimsuit is fine, and I'd actually prefer it if they didn't fuck with her hair and tail color
that said, her beach ball could look way better, and all her skills would most definitely need water particle effects and sounds
Because mid literally is even less PvP than jungle, but with more gold and xp than any other lane
People who DON'T know how to lane go mid. And the itemization makes you have highest impact of any role from that farm.
shut the fuck up karu
>e auto q guy 3 times
>he doesnt back when hes really low
>walk in bush w e auto q
I hope the leaks are real just because the Secret Boss Viktor, not only a new Viktor skin, but also with cheesy videogame villian vibe, i just love this sorta thing
tits too big in this pic desu
>W E auto Q
>not W AA Q AA E AA
ntr is disgusting
kill yourself
>Dying to a dirty monkey
My god you're as bad as people who still get grabbed by blitz
why is she so mocca?
>sion reclaimed the support throne
What does my champion selection say about me?
>Why Arcade Yorick
Are we bullying Adcs again?
Time to bully adcs again!
m-muh shields...
it says you're a thirsty wizard for playing almost exclusively hot chicks
Except I'm the one playing the monkey.
White as fuck
>Kog walks up to you and demands cuddles or else he'll eat you
What do?
why do you hit your A button so many times?
Who is "we"? I don't give a rat's ass about Ahri or Pool Party.
AA means autoattack retard
You're not confident in your mechanical skills as you rely on champions that are either safe or can still perform well when behind. I imagine you're one of those 'play super passive in lane no matter what and wait for late game' players. Which is fine but not great if you can win your lane.
You gotta EARN those shields!
These are all on the mark. Well then.
Cuddle it
traitors hang first
Cuddly him roughly!
tell him to fuck off
Why is Evelynn so goddamn poor?
No harm must come to Koge
Also no lewd he's underage
It's not FAIR, shields are too strong! I'm in charge here, not you!
she spends all her money on porn and condoms
Quick! Post the best Olaf skin.
>Using condoms
300 gold?
F-fuck you!
He can handle it, he's a void monster!
thanks for the forced 50% riot
man I had the most bullshit games today
I fucking hate the way forced 50 is meant to be both teams are equal but ends up being "you get the 1/10 bot 0/3 mid and 0/2 jungler to ''''''balance''''''' things out
Is Graves still worth it after the nerfs?
Did I say you can speak, Bitch?!
Didn't I tell you to Farm?! Why aren't you Farming? Do you wanna be a little shit?
>that cs
>6 deaths
you deserved that loss regardless of afk or no
i refuse to hit the enemy support if they are cute
>play bots to test ping
>100 more than usual, weird
>reconnect modem to see if that fixes the issue
>Internet is back in a few seconds, yet the game does not reconnect me. Close & open
>get a prompt saying the client rolled back to a previous version for 'safety measures', yet no update is going on
>try to log in back, to get into the game
>Wrong password
>force the client to check for fixes
>30 minutes updating to the current version
>finally end, get the same stupid prompt again
Whoever designed this stupid mechanism at Riot is a moron
You can't bully me or I'll afk and then what are you gonna do by yourself huh slut?
Please let it be real and a legendary with Skeletor laughter to spam
How do I become better at Jihn?
Ask a guy who hasn't eaten in four days and played nothing but LoL anything.
tell me user, why arent you playing urgot?
Does p=np?
I'm stuck in silver 1. I was plat two seasons ago! How did I become so fucking terrible at this game.
>Crushing an ignite top Teemo so hard as Cho'gath that he rage quits
Is there a better feeling?
I used to main him until last week because I know they're going to make him shit with the rework
are you a cute skeleton?
Then you're just proving to me that you're a little bitch that needs even more Bullying!
I'm here to make you a fat fuck, if you can't handle that then Please do leave.