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Gumiho so sick best terran best build best towel
gumiho played really well last night
it was pretty impressive
gumi HO
byul was playing like someone paid him to lose.
trap played bad too like he was focusing too much on charge strats even though the patch just came out and he lost both games to tank+stim pushes
byul means "star"
netflix castlevania
it means that too
what happened to my avilo thread :\
What is starcraft 2?
^ this
it's a game i really like. zerg is my favorite and it's the easiest to play
terrible teeth wow
I tried to beat the third level of the terran campaign. The goal was survive for 30 mins. I lost. Starcraft is tough game.
is this a good mouse for sc2? its on sale
they don't sell the good mouse for sc2 anymore
just get a zowie mico ~_~
*dances into thread*
*take my seat*
*looks into jans eyes with clear intent*
janny gook gook janny janny nice *farts* gook nice janny gook *farts* *farts* nice gook janny *farts* nice gook
in other words... i'm ready to pwn you again today janietor.... eh heheheh...
i drew had a dream i got hit by s car though... hmm
looks like i have the place to myself... *flips pippeli over b ball shorts waistband*
*opens fridge*
*gulps orange juice from carton*
*gulps milk from carton*
*idly fondles penis*
i tried spelling "waistband" as "wasteband" back there... lol...
it must be hard to learn english... how did i ever manage it?
*boogies down* oh yeah~ gonna kkill the janitor ~ oh~ oh~ oh~
actually im here too
actually *puts peen away*
gonna fap real quick
to what
ladyboys again
thats unfortunate
oh well
im in plat league
yeah maybe in your league rofl
just got a new gpu, how did i do
its hard to tell before youve compiled all the drivers and run a proper benchmark test. in sc2 the graphics card isnt so important though, really network latency and cpu capabilites are the most essential.
tfw bought and o/c my (>i5) 4690k to 4.2ghz just to get the ultimate sc2 experience
that'll be great for running starcraft 2 legacy of the void~
another platbro reporting in
epic rage face redditbro XD
+1 to you my good sir!
Come, Mister tally man, tally me banana
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Come, Mister tally man, tally me banana
Daylight come and me wan' go home
you see black africans are renown for their work ethic
this black gentleman is saying he worked picking bananas all day AND all night
this ancient song is one they've been singing since prehistory
A beautiful bunch o' ripe banana
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Hide the deadly black tarantula
Daylight come and me wan' go home
as you can see the song gets a bit scary here...
i fell asleep earlier but not again...
nevertheless... the banana man song is proof...
>SPOTV SSL Classic 2h 13m
gonna be one of those days
gook night
gooked out at the bus stop
i opened one of those shitty videos once it was utterly shit and not in the least entertaining
i know
thats why i post them
i enjoy them
ahhh... sleepy...
*tucks you in*
*soft voice* nooooo..
i wonder if you guys would miss me if i killed myself...
probably not
gook morning janny... my one true friend...
my love...
janitor, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. jan-ee-tor
SSL is live!
is it? and who is playing... little cartoon girl
wolf and this fag get so angry when games get dragged out because they get paid by the day not hour
GaYoung Kim added 3 new photos.
4 hrs ·
2014년 오늘의 나는 WSL 대회 중이였고,
2015년 오늘의 나는 넥슨 아레나에서 프로리그를 관람,
2016년 오늘의 나는 세부 가족여행 중이였음 :D
이럴 땐, 페북 참 좋다
2014 years today I was on the WSL contest,
2015 years of today I watch Pro League At Nexon Arena,
2016 years today I was on a cebu family trip :D
It's good for you to do this.
Rate this translation
>stasii is the plural of stasis
god wolf is an idiot
she used to be hot... what a shame... aging...
shut up retard
dang lol. even fags are getting tired of being blown up
based effort
At least he's not Rapid, I can't believe how thoroughly awful that asswipe is
reddit pill me on the jews
why are they so evil?
seems like the janitor woke up 4 hours ago to ban people and went back to sleep... lets test it out... this theory of mine...
the janitor really is a bad guy
her big fat thighs...
i wanna pizza...
lol why
why blizz?
what a bitch btw... the janitor not the pretty girl...
hmmmmmmm brb
ahhh... i'm lonely today
she used to be hot
now shes cute
women peak pretty early imo
not gooks tho
hmm gooks... yes i think you may be right... but for the wrong reasons...
gotta put a baby into them sooner rather than later
impregnating a young gook...
fapped to pregnant gookette dancing nude today
StarCraft: Remastered #zerg victory screen.