/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1621

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Sky Compass Guide (now includes air dates)

>Schedule for May:
4/30 - 5/9 - Alchemist Astray
5/10 - 5/15 - All Four Celestials
5/17 - 5/24 - Guild War (Light)
5/25 - 5/30 - Xeno Ifrit Showdown
5/25 - 5/30 - Hero's Return (Naoise event rerun)
5/31 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event (Charlotta event)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread







You killed him and ate his corpse.


>new update


Me being hugged.

>no apologems
He is the real KMR

Thanks for the horn.

Zoi is the cutest Chococutie!

today was a good day

Everyone did their best. SOIYA!


>KMR dying again

Whose MC died?

>Heles will never bonk you


>Heles will never reward you
Why even live?

>Jin and Soriz
every time

>Heles will never crush you with her big soft butt
>Heles will never pincer your head with her solid thighs
Why the fuck keep on living?


>that team
That's pretty gay, my dude.

ETA for the next events?

Post grid Wawi please.

>turn 69

>he doesn't now what time events usually start

>he still doesn't know how Cygames works

Passionate (gay) sex!


any rose queen or anyone up for it? there's shitters dying in her 80% at the twitter ones

I love it.
Just the usual water stuff

So is there any way to access the Celestials shop right now? The announcement said something about adding some pendants, but I can't find the shop anywhere now. Where does it hide between runs?

Reminder for Xeno event.


>kmr being the first one to die
>kmr using gravity at the wrong time
>kmr didn't even get 500k minimum

Blacklist when?

sure i'll leech a couple

Ask again after Xeno Ifrit.

Is this the most homosexual raid gbfg has ever had?

Nia is a whore.

No point in a blacklist if you don't use coop rooms.

ChocoCats here, we went 2-3 again, not that we could do anything against superseeded crews.

>3 nipples
Where is Yuggu's third tit?

what did anonmean with dark boss in july?

xeno diablo?

On her toe.

>hiding individual honors

Looks like chococats will have an opening soon.

The fuck.

Every other event shop sticks around for months after its over. The shop for the Inner Light event is STILL loitering around in the events tab.

Is the multiattack on the axe worth it?

It's her clit

>honors so low that little white bar covers them
toppity kek

F-first time i rank so high

Where is the ChocoCats leechlist?
I want to bully Nia


>first she gave me her clit and now this
Is Yuggu memeing me?

Not him, but I swap the damage cap axe for the da axe when I'm not fighting fire.

Noted. Thanks.

My wife Beatrix is fucking adorable.

Reminder that (You) has 4 open spaces. This is your chance to join a superseeded crew!

It's the best option you have if you're not a varunalord

its 3.2% da without varuna

I won't join a crew that betrayed teasel

Shut up nia

>implying i'll be able to meet my weekly shitposting quota if im actually playing the game

How active in discord do I have to be to not get kicked? Is it fine if I just hang there all the time but don't talk?

>First it was 2 slots
>Now it's 4

Why join (You) when you can join Dem Boiz for unfiltered GAY boiz talk!

I know it's supposed to be Be-a-to, but I like to pretend it's Beat-o.

Diablo room: eea96

Is dem bois really gay friendly?
Asking for a friend.

it's literally infested with /pol/tards

Is your friend Sandalphon

Can you give us a reader's digest on (You)'s current drama?

how do i join dem bois right fucking now?

Need DPS for RQ
Help please!


It's time, /gbfg/!

Please carry my EX1-3, I need mage creeds.

Please. 9FD63

Literally all L59 and Swifty shitpost about is how traps aren't gay.

Hey it's me, your friend.

do i keep 2 or 3 of the mainwheel buncles?

3 seems kinda over the top bjt I'mnot sure, need opinions.

perma resist bruh.

>The code you entered doesn't match any room

2 should be fine


Are you really hurting for summon space so badly you need to get of 1?

It was 9FD6E , I'm dumb, sorry.

Yes. We got several people that barely talk.

She's just so... overdesigned. Give me Monika any day.

the worst thing they did to her was removing her cap when uncapped

>tfw gbf Monika has tits
Fucking why?

2 people leaving because they're sick of the game/RL commitments.

People sick of teasel coming in and whining about meeting minimum requirements when people have been busting their asses in fights.

Ended up teasel and the syrian bomber, who doesn't have time to play and had been saying for a while that its ok to kick him, leaving.

Can't unsee her right hand being an atrophyed twig

>no more ripped pantyhose

>complains about lecia being overdesigned
>uses monika as a counter example

So for GW contribution, what are you expecting? Just as long as we get in the top 80k by whatever raids we choose to do is fine? Is there a certain time members are expected to be on for?

Next Celestials when? I need kirins NOW

"overdesigned" is the least descriptive thing you could possibly say about a character that you have an issue with. It doesn't mean anything. Stop using it

But it gets (You)s so he'll never stop using it

Not really, take a look at VG, now THAT IS overdesigns.

What an overdesigned reply.