Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Reminder that the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated.
kemono ears
Where do you even check that? It used to be listed on any game's community hub but they don't put it up there anymore.
guys show some love for injustice 2 on stream right now please
Galko fighter when
>arturo championing injustass on nlbc
fyl ft10 me in the baiken mirror when rev2 officially drops
TFH beta very soon
Shermie's dumb hair ruins the whole character for me. She looks like one of the Kanker sisters
>Tekken 7 soon
>REV 2 EU soon
at least I know what I'm doing this summer
>Bane's super does 100 damage if you're out of venom
>cutscenes reset trait meters
who the fuck let this through
I'm an xbot that likes Killer Instinct and the only other fighting game I've played in my life is all of the iterations of Street Fighter IV.
KI is getting kinda dead and hard to find matches in even with crossplay, and to be honest I'm starting to dislike the combo breaker mechanic. And KI is the only fighter the xbone has.
Is Injustice 2 actually fun for a fighting game semi casual, semi serious player who does still like to spend time practicing and improving and playing online?
Also I just found out that pic related voices SuperGirl in addition to Chun Li in SFV. She'll probably be in MvCI too, she's everywhere these days.
Training mode? Each to their own I guess...
Yes, it's the perfect game for casual play. If you want a fighter
>Is Injustice 2 actually fun
NRS games are always a joke competitively and they won't be relevant for casuals 2 weeks after release
Look at the player numbers for MKX on PC
this thread fucking suxx
>50 people playing MK9
>360 people playing MKX
>1000 people playing SFV
wow I feel bad for PC only fighting game fans
That contradicts neither points.
They're also almost entirely eastern Europeans/Russians who can't afford SFV
wud play!!
>there are "people" who won't be buying Lili's game next week
Explain yourselves.
I'd use Otako desu
im playing nina
Okako is underrated
Because I'm going to be buying Lucky Chloe's game
Pretty high IQ main my friend
why don't you just sell your xbone and get a PS4/PC?
i just can't get into 3D fighters beyond button mashing and trying a new one of the 50 characters on the roster every match with my friends
>they won't be relevant for casuals 2 weeks after release
why do you keep saying this
It's a 2 year old game with ugly recycled clone characters that rewards button mashing... I'd rather be playing TFH beta desu senpai
post console numbers
Casual audience buys games to discuss them with their bros, not to play them. They'll be on Uncharted 8 or whatever the next cinematic experience is by the next weekend
Those numbers aren't that bad.
do you have any facts
I think that makes the twentieth wild and obviously untrue generalization you've made so far.
pretty sure there are more console players of marvel vs capcom 3 on either PS4 or Xbox One than there are every PC fighting game combined
>Laura Bailey
the things I would do to her and that voice
I read r/Games regularly
when is Serious Dan
Then you can surely provide some numbers and sources for them
Who is the Dante of Tekken 7?
i dont need numbers and sources to predict the sky will be blue tomorrow
I don't know who that is but every Tekken characters plays the same way so you can just choose one whose appearance appeals to you the most
To be honest, I'd feel much better if anyone besides you made that prediction.
That's a bad analogy considering what you're doing is more akin to predicting that Allah exists
i fucking hate this place so much. everyone hypes up injustice 2, guilty gear, tekken 7, but you faggots always end up going back to sf5.
can't even show some fuckign support for an injustice 2 weekly.
but the sky is a light green/almond white user....
Lmao, you seriously fell for viral marketing. Nobody actually wants to play an NRS game beyond the story mode
Watching a stream is not supporting a game, get over yourself.
>I might be able to play Venom/Doom after all
I have a Japanese pen pal who is backpacking in Europe and he wants to know where all the GG/BB tourney and tournaments are.
I do
>tfw lose to laura everytime
its hard being free
Europe doesn't play fighting games not even Tekken
get a trip, SonicFox
Tell him to FT10 me in BB if he ever goes to Denmark.
are you gay furry?
SFV is a way superior competitive game to injustice 2.
In what way?
inb4 some dumb shit about deadshot
No I'm bad at western fighting games
SFV is an overly simplistic good fighting game. Injustice 2 is a mildly simplistic shit fighting game.
Cute dead girl
SFV is fucking brilliant. Go buy it ;)
premier shader when
SFV is shit.
Also, whether a game is shit has nothing to do with whether it's a good competitive game. The two things every competitive game have in common is whether they are fun and whether the meta can develop.
Leaked image of the next SFV DLC character
already have it
can I buy the CPT pack instead?
finally a tekken guest character
Why did Paul have a creepy sex face
Are you sure you didn't mean Tekken 7 instead
I fucking dread going online in Tekken7.
Sure, sure. It's only $24,99 after all ;)
At least you can
Should I buy Tekken on ps4 or pc?
I'm concerned about populations
i think I made up my mind.
why don't you tekken haters post this more
It was fun in the soul calibur days.
life must be hard as a goobie
how do I ibuki double bomb combo?
Outside of Asia, Tekken is only popular in Europe and Europe is PC-land
If you're American lmao @ u for even considering it
please be in MVC:I
The game is in maintenance mode and as a big fan it's pretty obvious to see that (shin Hisako, nuff said about her. Kilgore was much better compared to her). Microsoft is pretty negligent of the series but it's kind of a strange affair with the game's development. It's 5 years old so it had a good run at this point really so a new game coming wouldn't be surprising for the Scorpio
I don't even combo break that much really asides from blatant ones.
how do i play with mika now, is her 50/50 strat no good.
None really?
I ask because he wants tomake some money on the side so getting free wins while traveling would be a fun side thing.
I have it on ps4 and pc even though there is crossplay
I know, none of my friends like Tekken either, so I'd be playing online only
F hp is a 50/50
charged st.HK is a 50/50
s lp is a 50/50
Kick command grab is a 50/50
jump in divekick is a 50/50
what are you even saying?
Disney said that no people who worship foreign gods are allowed
Of all the things SFV should be complained about FChamp decides to overreact over the least obnoxious shit.
clips.twitch tv/ArtsySleepyPeanutFunRun
Yeah, it's like people who complain about the season 2 characters, all 3 are better designed than literally every season 1 character, mechanically at least.
Who cares. He's going to eat up marvel anyways.
nah m8. they got interesting ideas but kolin is a general clusterfuck and there is absolutely nothing special about akuma.