Demons Edition
Old 177763405
Demons Edition
Old 177763405
xth for NTR.
who do you pick?
Xth for hating luluposters
I want to SPITROAST an Ahrifag
I want to impregnate Ezreal!
I haven't looked at the chart but lulu and liss and then I drive off a cliff
Xth for high elo games!
still editing some stuff, noticed I used the word total many, many times
i want graves to demolish my bp!
i want to be his semen demon
jizz genie
baby batter bringer
cum caresser
sperm summoner
prostate apostate
ejaculate empress
mayonnaise maiden
jizz jockey
spunk monk
sperm worm
erection confection
ejaculate immaculate
salami tsunami
boner condoner
and much more!
talking about graves isnt off topic btw ty mods
should I rush bork on renekton?
xth for breast metal waifu
Same desu
>get into a normal
>play ww jungle thinking I'm gonna awoo and have fun
>early game is fine, I'm 3/0, trying to feed the riven top for her mirror match
>then karma feeds akali like no tomorrow
>adc thresh and zyra lose vs blue ez/nunu
>go to help them, I get a double on bot and the flame me
>meanwhile lee ganks top and kills riven
>she's 2/1/3 she should be fine
>go into bot again, get another double, but akali roamed and shut downs me
>now the karma/zyra/thresh premade starts flaming me
>try to not lose my temper
>riven starts flaming me "no jg gg"
>tilt to oblivion from this
>karma ended 0/11
>I was the only one with a positive kda at the end and got an S
>all of them report me at the end
I just wanted to awoo and have fun ;_;
do you even play the game or just collect porn and post this shit here
i want to befriend sej invite her over for a relaxing game night and treat her to a nice dinner that i made myself in my one room apartment only to have her say no and ask for dessert where i give her my last home made flan where she says "no, i want you" only to spill my spaghetti and have her overpower me while im trying to give an answer to her
and then wake up with a note next to me with sej missing saying "check the fridge" and checking the fridge shows a half eaten flan and another note saying "sharing is caring, ill be back tonight" then cry eating the last half of flan because i dont deserve someone so nice
I want Kled to smother me with his buttcheeks!
if you do less damage then your support in a game you should honnestly just kill yourself
i want to be gold again but i just calibrated to silver again and i know i'm getting worse at the game
can I get a 1G in the chat?
i thought trick was 2g
xth for Camille
go away
why isnt it since it was give me that shyvana
Why does Lulu wanted to be RAPED lolg?
i still dont know why yasuo is manaless, gets 2000g worth of free crit chance, gets a free shield, and that's just his passive
what is the argument for this champ being balanced
Everyone who is cute dreams nightly of being raped. Like me. It's just how things are.
*unsheathes katana*
Katanas don't have sheathes
*unzips katana*
because he doesn't have mobility
oh wait
I don't understand why Riven is manaless, the only champion allowed to cancel animations and strictly goes against the building AD shouldn't increase tankiness shit riot preaches about.
>when you are at 193 cs and no one on the enemy team has over 100.
speak for yourself
im an ugly shit of a bear and i just want to be dominated by a woman
im sick of being the one taking the wheel
let me be the bitch for once
He's popular. That's about it.
Riven and Yasuo are allowed to be manaless because they are still gated by low cooldowns.
Oh wait
>finally get to awoo and have fun
yay~ :3
Any fun Lee Sin memes, lolg?
So I'm thinking of dropping Kled for ranked.
His laning phase is so fucking shit it makes him an unstable pick regardless of his late game, especially if you're against a counter.
Any tips against counters besides "cling to turret?" Because Kled has shit AOE for farm until he gets tiamat.
>some irrelevant faggot says something on twitch
>eceleb faggots start commenting on it
this is what the majority of you enjoy
this is the esport scene of the west
*unsheathes 4 second cooldown dash that shields for AD scaling*
how to got gud at ekko
kog and lewdly cuddle
cant just play the nigger
you need to become the nigger
build anything
If you're playing him mid, then:
>learn how to position
>watch some vidoes to see how his W works in team fights
>Learn how to time your ult in a team fight, even moreso - learn how to time the W+ult combo
>play safe until you reach 6.
>max Q for farming
What are some champs with whom I can get two scoopz while the rest of my team only gets one?
>go into a normal
>walk top, say hello to Darius by gathering my first blood
>simply say "lol" in all chat
>don't back like an idiot and rely on pots to heal up, he kills me
>"lol" because I was an idiot
>kill him again "lol"
>his jg comes top and towerdives for a kill he "lol"s back (though the jg did the dive not him)
>go back and kill him "lol is my line"
>solo kill the dumb fuck 8 or 9 times, i dunno, he only 1v1 beats me the one time I was an idiot at level 2
>after first few towers are gone he groups mid, after a fight he and Lissandra are under mid T1 tower backing
>ult them, double kill
>catch Heimer retreating, triple
>sidestep MF ult, quadra
>Lissandra "gj panth darius ragequit"
>win the 5v4
Am I an asshole or just good enough to take advantage of people's egos?
this shit is literally less than a fifth of Xayah's voicelines but literally the only thing 99% of players hear is her single 'FEATHERS FLY' that she shouts at the top of her lungs every 140 / 125 / 110 seconds
what the fuck is riot thinking
is there any logic to this shit
That sweet, sweet diamond border is within grasping distance, /lolg/.
Can I do it?
Good, her voice and her lines are absolutely cringeworthy; don't want to hear it anyway.
>His laning phase is so fucking shit
He has no mana costs, a remount is basically like giving him a shitload of FREE lifesteal on top of being completely stupid for all-ins, a ranged tool to help grab cs when being zoned, for harass, it even comes with hard cc to guarantee successful ganks, and he has his fucking mario kart double dash
according to streamers he has a better level 1 than Darius and his 2-6 is still pretty solid.
>Sona will never mommydom you
How do you live with this information lolg
I haven't given anyone the big dog dick since they ruined his VA. Has anything changed?
Any yorickfags here?
How did the QoL changes help him? Is he more viable with the changes to bruiser items?
What theoretical skin do you want for Yorick the most?
Unless if you're against counters, then he's fucked and you end up losing trades.
>dead nigger yorick
it aint happening
welcome to top lane, you can't get away from bad counters.
>watch an old woman succumb to dimensia at work
>she calls me all sorts of slurs and thinks I'm some sort of nazi
>realize that she has less than a month to live after being taken away by staff
>get flamed by coworkers because of not actually talking back to her
>go to play League
>lose a couple games
>finally win an Orianna game flaming the shit out of Xayah
>realize at the end my behavior was rude and I apologize
>she works in the same field as I do apparently
>watched a client apparently die from brain hemorrhaging today
>tfw 60 minute game of anguish and hate lead to nothing but feeling good for five minutes and not actually improving but instead losing control of self
Feels fucking bad man.
How do I become the next Faker?
I'm currently Bronze I
Xayah's E damage is fucking retarded.
it's FREE lifesteal
it's EXACTLY the SAME as lifesteal
>shit laning
am I getting baited here
Yorickfag here.
The qol changes are not that impactful, I didn't experience a lot of change.
Pool party Yorickfag would be dope.
>Sandcastle E
>Mist walkers with floaters
i can understand w+ult when baiting chasing enemies, but how can I use ult aggressively? That's pretty hard to do without a zhonyas
she thought it was fun
but it wasn't
Reminder that 10 bans basically means Yasuo should never see the light of day ever again
anyone want to play in NA?
please reply, this is very important
yeah what's your ign?
>my support is brand
>we get camped hard
>I don't really get to do any damage because I get focused first and die
>brand manages to throw all his spells in the general direction of enemy champions before he dies too
>brand ult+passive kills 3 people
>this happens like 3 times throughout the game
>brand ends up having double my damage to champions
Hey, as long as it works.
Pic related.
be a slant eyed gook
yeah you have to respect that shit, extra feathers really make a huge difference because the falloff from additional feathers is so slow. If she hits you with 4 feathers then you basically take 2 damage for every 1 point of bonus AD she has (on top of 300 from the base damage), in addition to another multiplier from her crit chance.
post em
whatever you do do NOT rate em
Reasons to live?
I'm gonna have to ask you to stay the HECK away from my waifu, stop trashtalking her, AND kill yourself IRL, ideally by jumping into an industrial meat grinder.
lucian is a nigger prove me wrong
She basically ulted and pressed E and the shit killed me from around half health. It was no big deal it just surprised the hell out of me, especially since she tried to pull it earlier in the game and I managed to sidestep it.
>you will never blackmail Janna for sex
>you will never molest Lux
>you will never convince a desperate Riven to blow you for room and board
Based as fuck/10
>ywn marry Sona and have MF as a mistress
Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!
If you play top lane you should kill yourself.
If you play mid and expect me to give you the second blue you should also kill yourself. Especially when you already died twice.
Good choices but
>not one for every role
come on that's how it works
Canonically he hasn't stolen anything yet, made reference to the fact that his race once were kings and hasn't eaten one goddamn watermelon.
Did you have a bad game? Do you wanna talk about it?
Well the only role I play is jungle, so
adc master race
Name one (one) champ mechanic/skillset/aesthetic that is not currently in the game but would shift the whole meta upon being added
god fucking damn give me some actual cool shit riot
adcs are what I eat for breakfast
Support is a lot of fun.
Puppetmaster. Could be done by like making an enemy taunt his allies into attacking him. Kinda like Winter Wyvern's ult.
>bullshit blue
>cheese red
well gee fuckin wiz user
Talon, Swain, Camille and Viktor.
Vampirism or Natural Talent on Vlad?