Chieftain edition
>Where do I look up tanks?
>Most aesthetic tank
Centurion Action X
>Latest news
Wargaming doesn't give a shit.
Chieftain edition
>Where do I look up tanks?
>Most aesthetic tank
Centurion Action X
>Latest news
Wargaming doesn't give a shit.
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Don't let the thread die this time guys.
ded game
ded thread
Has Foch started the fire?
I was really lazy with the OP and I didn't realize that copying links did that. I'll remember that next time I make the thread.
Who thinks the arty update was bretty good here?
I would imagine that update made arty far less effective in shotgun mode with the reduced alpha
Sneaky git.
actually, the increased accuracy and reduced aim time means arta is better than ever in shotgun mode
>tfw still pending application to NOPAN :(
I don't know how I feel about it coming to console. On the one hand arty nerfs would be pretty nice, on the other I don't wan't nerfed light tanks. My only arty right now is the M12 which already has mediocre damage.
hope you have a 13 90 it's very good now AND it gets vstab now too
chink lights are still good
Yea luckily I got one not too long ago but that update is probably at least a year away from hitting console. I hope we get swede tanks before it launches. Right now my only chink tank is the Stuart but I'm not sure I care much for the line.
The Swedes seem promising but I don't think they're a good fit for the current meta on PC. They should be fine if you've got mostly wide open maps on console, though.
Console has largely the same maps as PC but we do have a few exclusive maps that are pretty open like Thiepval Ridge and Dookie Pass. There also are few maps that were removed from the PC version like Dragon Ridge.
Bush TDs work the same as PC but are ineffective for most players because most of them are retards that can't figure out the spotting mechanics.
The IS 2 has the be the most enjoyable tank in the entire game.
Apart from that disgusting low res model
Yeah. It can pull off some ridiculous shots.
Let this general die already.
We can't trust the Euros to do literally anything.
I think he is now living the real life version of My Summer Car.
Hopefully he'll be streaming his suicide soon.
>tfw accepted to NOPAN
when does the shitposting begin
What did you guys think about some of the points Foch brought up in this video?
>What did you guys think about some of the points Foch brought up in this video?
Well, he's not wrong.
there is no such thing as an aphrodisiac
I don't care.
as I casually play arty I myself don't care either, HE does just fine against them from my 203mm
>there is no such thing as an aphrodisiac
That's what you think.
That's not what my chinese copulation comics have teached me.
English is hard.
for those of you that possess your babel sounds as a first language, yes
>the prototype/paper German heavies get buffed since I stopped playing
>the Tiger II, a real heavy tank that Germany actually mass produced, is still possibly the worst t8 heavy
I like this OP
kys nigger fetishist cuckold
>tfw have to load mostly gold while grinding my 110 in order to even be competitive
still laffin at this. seems that NA is ran by cunts.
>Lowe shoot gold
>252U shoot gold
I wish WG would reduce skill rounds damage and limit number of shells a tank can carry just to see what will these shitters do.
Which one /wotg/ ? The road to the meme-loader or german accuracy ?
Batchats if you have no soul, AMXs if you have no brain
If they'd do both of those things I'd just laugh my goddamn ass off
But then I remembered premiums are fucking sacred when it comes to nerfs and will never get touched
batchats, AMXs are just worse leopards
Is the amx 30 really that bad ?
No. The Leopard 1 is just better.
They're good but inferior to the german counterparts
updated haha
Next game, AMX M4 49, also shoot pure gold.
>WoT Blitz: Major Premium Shell changes
>Damage will decrease by an average of 15% (will not affect U.K. HESH shells)
>Shells for the SU-100Y and Tankenstein (which are premium vehicles) will not undergo any changes.
When's the last time WG nerfed a premium?
They were afraid of nerfing one of the premium KV's after overbuffing it a while ago.
SPershing I think is the most recent, and that caused a shitstorm
OK, WHAT is the relationship between Jingles and Rita?
Is it just bullshit made up by people on Veeky Forums or what?
don't you know that rita lives with jingles and literally at one point they were engaged to be married?
she is cucking him. and the adult male audience that seems to swoon over her. i mean, i'd berry her that's for sure.
Well I stand corrected then. Thank you.
>she moves in with him
>they live together for a while
>they get engaged, planning to get married
>they break it up
>she still lives with him
Appreciate your advice anons, it was a difficult choice. But in the end I was willing to handicap myself for those amx aesthetics, I just couldn't resist it.
thank you for not picking the batchats
What the fuck? Jingles looks like he's 3 times her age.
Is there a source on this? This is just fascinating and disturbing at the same time.
Is this why SS just seemed to distance himself from her overnight?
One of his vids.
And Jongles isn't that old, he's in his 50's I think, so only twice as old
>Jingles looks like he's 3 times her age.
*wheezing laughter in the distance*
Fucking hell, there is something wrong with Rita.
>I only said yes so I wouldn't have to pay rent, but now that I fucked him once he's ok with just being "friends" again
To be fair to Jingles, he did get to fuck her, and all it cost him was some potential man cave storage space
What is it with these kinds of games and weird engagements?
Two tranny WoT/AW players got engaged over a fucking live stream.
It's an mmo, it doesn't matter what kind of mmo this stuff jut comes with massively multiplayer
>ywn have a live in tanks prostitute
why do I even get out of bed
Just become a famous wot youtuber and be yourself ;)
>and all it cost him was some potential man cave storage space
That's valuable space that he could have used for storing GuP merch. So it wasn't the frivolous transaction that you claim it to be.
>buying merch
But it's cute.
>not tanks
lmao wat r u gay?
>The AMX 40's listed topspeed is 40
These things are just wannabe Nendoroids.
The listed top speed is actually 50
Can you cum on it without ruining it? Asking for a friend.
Either way thats a good joke
You mean that's not a nendoroid?
>Germany's premium consumable is chocolate instead of meth
Still triggers me to this day that the icon isn't a Scho-Ka-Kola tin.
Holy shit. How bad can someone be?!
I know that feel too well
>low alpha
>low pen
>heavy tanks gun handling
>but hey, its reload time is 2s shorter than Iosif Stalin Triple))))))))
>fucked him once
at most he got a pity handjob
the people who decide about those are not easyly available atm, wait till the weekend or maybe even after the weekend when dolen is back again
if you have send an empty application you will get denied automatically
>best WR in MT-25
confirmed for op, pl0x rebalance
>Scho-Ka-Kola is a German brand of bitter-sweet dark chocolate consumed for its strong caffeine and kola nut mix. The chocolates have a caffeine content of about 0.2 percent, which is derived from the cocoa content of 58 percent and the addition of 2.6 percent roast coffee and 1.6 percent kola nut.
>2.6 percent roast coffee
>each round tin contains two discs of dark chocolate, laced with caffeine from coffee beans
sounds disgusting and intriguing at the same time
It's actually delicious. Helped me pull all-nighters many times.
>not sold in my shit country
>only sold in axis/sympathizers and countries Germany invaded
that's a pretty good meme
Just order it off Varusteleka.
>he doesn't know about panzer chocolate
You'd think Lithuania would qualify but nope, get fucked I guess ;_;
>tfw 5% short of judenfrei
A Finnish ski patrol in the terrain of Kantalahti in Finnish Lapland is on the third day of its mission behind enemy lines when the group is ambushed by Soviet forces at the foot of Kaitatunturi fell. During an intense firefight, the men manage to slip past the enemy who are trying to encircle them.
What ensues is a wild pursuit on skis. Aimo Koivunen, who opens the track in the virgin snow, feels his energy slipping away. The Russians are gaining on them until Koivunen remembers that he has the group's entire supply of Pervitin in his breast pocket. Before that he has taken a suspicious view of the strong stimulant that was given out to commando forces operating behind enemy lines, but now the situation is serious.
The men have to ski fast and it is not easy to dig out just one pill, so he dumps the whole supply - 30 pills - into his mitten.
Hows the netplay in this game with high ping? I have euro and jap friends who play, wondering if its even worth it making accounts on those servers to play with them.
Soon Koivunen's skiing gets a new boost, and the whole patrol moves forward at a much faster pace.
This lasts for just a short time. Soon Koivunen notices distortions in his field of vision, and his consciousness begins to fade. The overdose of methamphetamine contained in the pills puts Koivunen into a state of delirium lasting several days, with alternating phases of wakefulness, sleep, and hallucinations.
His next recollection is from the next morning. He is 100 kilometres away. He has lost his patrol, and has no more ammunition, or food. Now he faces a real ordeal just to survive.
During the days that follow, Koivunen successfully flees Russian partisan forces, is injured by a land mine, and lies for a week in a pit in the snow waiting for help to arrive. He skis for more than 400 kilometres in temperatures of -20° C. During two weeks the only food he has are pine buds and a Siberian jay that he catches and eats raw.
When he is finally rescued and taken to a hospital his pulse rate is nearly 200 beats per minute and his weight has dropped to 43 kilos. Aimo Koivunen's adventure story is part of the history of Finland's wartime commando forces. But it is historical in another sense as well: Koivunen became one of the first Finns to overdose on speed.
god bless...