Is anyone else greatly disturbed how facebook, google, etc are coming out making political statements? It is like STFU, your job is to entertain us and that's it. Seeing them band together and change policies to creepy pro-hillary garbage is a scary glimpse into the future.
Is anyone else greatly disturbed how facebook, google, etc are coming out making political statements? It is like STFU...
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Yeah, I saw those news reports too. I find it odd that anyone would care what the opinion of a store and a search engine would have to say. Furthermore, why would they even be allowed to influence anything pertaining to the political sphere?
national borders are an inconvenience for them so surely you can understand
>facebook, google, etc are coming out making political statements?
Can you provide examples? And by that I mean, examples of political speech that go beyond serving their economic interest, i.e. beyond lobbying for or against certain regulations because they negatively impact the business they're conducting.
>Is anyone else greatly disturbed
I mean, they're private entities. They're entitled to whatever opinion they want. I'm not exactly disturbed by the plethora of businesses speaking out for conservative values either. If the business is the same, I don't care. And if it isn't, I can always vote with my feet and say "fuck you" to them. I'm not on Facebook. I block cookies from Google. I don't need them, why would their political position "disturb" me "greatly"?
so corporations are people with a protected right to political speech until they disagree with you?
Conservatism is dying. Let it go.
You sound like you eat a lot of mayonnaise.
This. I use Bing.
TLDR - google has been making power moves in conflict countries traditionally reserved for nation states for some time now.
What's the problem with Hillary? Are super conservatives not a fucking problem?
>You sound like you eat a lot of mayonnaise.
A bit off-topic, but why not. Strangely enough, I've never had any in my whole life.
>links to a literal ad for a book by a moronic narcissist loudmouth
Got any walls of text from less dubious sources? It may or may not be true what he writes, but I just fucking hate Assange and refuse to take anything coming from him seriously. He's a whiney unprincipled bitch.
Hillary, Trump - honestly, it's the same shit. Elitist egomaniacs bending the law for personal gain, completely out of touch with reality.
>I'm not exactly disturbed by the plethora of businesses speaking out for conservative values either
I wouldn't be that disturbed by that either. But it doesn't happen nearly as often. And when it does, the business gets demonized, like Chick fil a.
Google, Facebook, and Amazon are the new Evil Empire.
Facebook essentially started the "fake news" trend as a means of censorship
>conservativism is dying
>Majority in all levels of government
>Will have a Supreme Court majority over the next eight years
Nice fake news
>Will have a Supreme Court majority over the next eight years
More like over the next fourty. You know Trump's replacements will be younguns.
>More like over the next fourty.
justices become more moderate over time. They start worrying about legacy.
Says increasingly nervous man...
>And when it does, the business gets demonized, like Chick fil a.
They haven't gone under, so they must get some business and there's a substantial group that lauds them for their position. You can't exactly look at liberal outlets as the end-all be-all. One man's evil is another man's virtue. You could make your argument for this very thread - isn't OP demonizing Facebook and Google for speaking out? Same shit! As a business you just pick a side, pander to them and get demonized by the other. That's pretty much how the public works these days.
>Facebook essentially started the "fake news" trend as a means of censorship
Help me out here, how exactly did this happen? How were they actively involved in "starting the trend"? They're a platform for people to post whatever crackpot theories they come up with. Of course there will be a lot of fake shit. The first allegations against Facebook were by conservatives that their content is less prominent. Then the allegations of the progressives came in, that Facebook promotes fake news. Now we're probably back to Facebook being a target of conservatives. I don't think Facebook as a company has promoted an agenda - they just react to whatever public backlash they're facing. They changed a lot of shit due to critizism from both sides. I'll give you that their employees are likely to be mostly progressive and that will probably shine through to the decision making, but I don't believe the company itself has officially picked a side and is trying to actively suppress the other. Both sides are seeing their ads, why would they sabotage their own business? (not that anything would be wrong with a private business picking a side either)
Sidenote: We've all been nicely conned into this discussion. Classic OP = "1 post by this ID" thread.
to disregard a weighty statement about how supranational corporations interfere with national politics around the world because you don't like the character of the man who tells you speaks volume about your own user
bro, we're just looking for some concise, factual examples of political speech by google. not a tl;dr formal analysis
If you know someone's biased and full of shit - disregarding them is hardly a deep character flaw. Sure, there will come a time when your heuristic leads to missing out on the amazing needle in a heystack of shit, but somehow avoiding wading through shit still seems worth it.
We do this all the time, pick your poison. I won't hold it against anyone outright disregarding Jezebel, tumblr or Sarkeesian the same way I won't hold it against anyone disregarding Infowars, Breitbart or Assange. I'd rather cut out the fringe nutters and miss the occasional masterpiece than read all of their insane drivel in hopes of finding something worth-while.
Btw, should you be the odd one out, not disregarding anything because of the speaker and evaluating everything on its merrits alone - hats off, you're a better man than me with more time and patience.
Rule 82 of Proper Jewery
Limit political identities to people who do not owe you money, stay neutrality towards those intent to pay you.
Fucking ferengi man
As someone from outside the USA, I couldn't care less about whether your country is ""conservative"", """"liberal"""", or whatever.
But hillary and her pro-TTIP stance did concern me. Thank god she won't be able to push that shit on us for a while.
I know inforwars and related stuff can be a bit nutty at times, but it's hardly the same as
That's some bottom tier retard crap. Anyone who reads that shit and enjoys it non-ironically has got to have some severe IQ deficit.