/eagg/ East Asian Genocide General - Nearly Died Edition

Previously on /eagg/: Pastebin for newcomers: pastebin.com/d4kmz03p (embed)
Musou Stars OST: pastebin.com/eB09X6D4 (embed)
Recommended Reading: pastebin.com/eJ4kNhSE (embed)
What we know so far about DW9 (thanks to whoever posted this): pastebin.com/yyQCXi69 (embed)
Cao Cao 2014: pastebin.com/UHcpuWM6 (embed)

-Dynasty Warriors 9 confirmed, Liao Hua is still not playable.
-DW9 will be open world. We may or may not get a lot of newcomers. Everyone from 8XL and Xun Yu from Empires will return.
-Warriors Orochi may or may not be phased out.
-Lu Lingqi is a shit tier waifu
-Berserk Musou is out.
-Fate Extella: The Umbral Star is out.
-Sanadamaru confirmed for localization, named Spirit of Sanada and no Vita version.
-Toukiden II is out.
-Wang Yuanji is da best!!!
-Musou Stars is out. [JP Only]
-Musou Stars trademarked in Europe, called 'Warriors All-Stars'
-ROTK13pucc~ is out.
-Reminder to remind people that we exist.
-As long as no one is being autistic, feel free to discuss anything you think belongs to the general.

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Zhugay Kongmeme lmao


>poo gay

Sun Xiu's tomb was found: kaogu.cn/en/News/New_discoveries/2017/0523/58274.html

literally who?

The second to last Wu Emperor, who succeeded Sun Liang. He killed Sun Chen (the guy who killed Zhu Yi during Zhuge Dan's rebellion), although his own actions threw Wu into a terrible state and he put supreme power in the hands of the Emperor that would soon be transferred to his succesor, Sun Hao.

>tfw shufag
>tfw shu gets bullied all the time

Atleast koei loves us

How is it possible to unironically like Shu barring a few people?
