Monthly reminder that holding Bitcoin is the same thing as playing blackjack

Monthly reminder that holding Bitcoin is the same thing as playing blackjack.

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lol nocoiner btfo

in blackjack you can cash out tho

Buy the dip you faggot


So what shitty altcoin scam did you fall for OP?

What price did you sell all your bitcoins at?

You sound pretty bitter btc has been amazing the past year :)

>Judging by the reasoning given by the New York Stock Exchange for delisting shares, this move does not seem to be a vote of confidence for the company. It appears as though the New York Stock Exchange had moved to delist shares due to a lack of an underlying fundamental business. MGT is in the process of trying to create business operations for itself, through its Bitcoin mining operations and licensing new hardware, but until now did not appear to have any meaningful sources of revenue and this may be part of the reason why the NYSE delisted the company.

i would argue that it's more like buying microsft shares @ $5

Is there any money in mining bitcoin?

difficulty is too high for profitability any more on a scale below $200k investment probably

That's an idiotic statement which is so nearsighted that it assumes the price of bitcoin will never change.

yes, but u need capital to start

What is holding ethereum?

Not really very much. Just buy the most efficient (not the fastest) cpu and gpu you can afford. If you want to make BTC faster, buy more of them. The idea that you need $200,000 to afford a single computer is retarded.

ETH-fag here. Only 300 right now, but it's been going up

u need ASICS

You can't cash out from bitcoin?

What the fuck are you talking about? I cashed out a bunch of times, even in the middle of that early January crash.

Finally a credible thread in this pump and dump shitshow

>16 months of steady uptrend
>"pump and dump"

Go cry in a corner faggot.

Reporting. Bitcoin fags gonna get btfo when ethereum surpasses btc market cap in about 3 years

You are litterally buying fake money with a fiat currency.

Get fukt

>fiat money
>not fake money itself

The name itself is basically a magic spell.

>this is how nocoiners cope

OP is a gay retard...

>fake money with a fiat currency
>with a fiat currency
>fiat currency
>fake money
>fiat currency fake money

Just KYS!'re hilarious kido.fake money is bit coin backed by nothing but the short dick of the guy buyibg and selling it.

Fiat currency is out bullshit funny money allowed to be traded but wich is also backed by an equally short cock.

Your cock.

Gtfo faglord.
Bumping thread of truth to call out the plebs.

>TFW only 40 eth

I've got money to buy more, but I want to wait until my next paycheck.

the fact that ethereum devs will grant mulligans and undos to anyone who improperly programs a wacky contraption contract