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PF cait hopefully never edition

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eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=Captain Lemon

>tfw you like support but hate the retards you have to babysit

Who would you choose?


I want to rub my hands all over Ezreal's baby bump!

>image limit reached

Anyway, would /lolg/ queue with me?
Any ADCs on EU interested?


Why do people draw lulu as a cute anime girl when in game and in lore she's just a fat retarded midget?


accepting suggestions will edit later
she will be when they eventually give her a VU
remember poppy and trist?

xth for breast metal waifu

Sona, Cho, Vi, and either Morde or Vlad

But she hasn't yet and is still a retarded fat faced fuck.

>Renekton can use 2 empowered skills (W and Dice) with only 50 fury
>Slice, Tiamat, W, Dice
>Animation cancel is so smooth that the Tiamat aoe procs are still in animation while you're dashing away

>friend playing leona support
>at level 10 there is a baron fight
>he tries to "steal" the baron while the enemy is doing it with leona ult.
>it does 100 magic damage at level 1
>with barons resistances it does 58 magic damage
>he is TRYING to steal a baron, from the enemy jungler with smite, an enemy cait with infinity edge
>tell him, that was a huge mistake, he should have used it in the fight on the enemy team that happened right after
>gives me excuses of "well we are really fucked, and our adc is raging, and we are so behind so it doesnt even matter
>so you are titled then? Okay, but do we agree it's a bad decision
>no I am not tilted, my team is stupid and you really telling me saving leona ult for team fight would have won us the game?
>no I am not telling you it would have won you the game, but the chances of it being useful in the fight are fare higher, you could have possibly turned things around as opposed to hoping to literally win the jackpot of baron steals with 58 magic damage
>goes into full butthurt mode
I don't get it, does he not want to git gud? Does he like losing games?
Am I the one who is taking crazy pills?!

well if you phrased it like that you do seem like kind of a douche

Like it or not but dealing with people is all about how you approach them and the message youre trying to get across




Please enlighten me what I did wrong in communicating the message.

tilted is the most overused word by this community. even more than toxic

Mmm, I think I use it in an accurate manner.
Where a person shutsdown, stops actively thinking and just goes on autopilot doing stuff with little though or reason.

What champion unjustifiably rewards you even if you go something 0-13 in lane provided the game isn't over?

This is how most people see advice, it it's not a magical solution to instantly get them diamond then it's worthless and wrong. They don't understand maximizing chances and opportunity costs.

The year is 2017 and we STILL have no qt brown Kassadin daughter. She's not coming is she bros?

tilt is a very real thing, I just hate it when people use it as an excuse

>"lol im so tilted right now"
>proceeds to continue making bad thoughtless decisions instead of trying to calm down

Literally Fiora

I agree with this guy, you should learn how not to sound like an entitled faggot if you're going to try to communicate.

>so you are titled then? Okay, but do we agree it's a bad decision
I hope to fuck you didn't actually type this.
That is some self-righteous condescending shit right there.

Also why the fuck are communicating after the fact?
You think highlighting your teams mistakes aloud will make them play better?

Communication is for map rotations, not your faggoty micro-managing of people's keystrokes.

God fucking damn I'm getting mad just thinking about some faggot telling me how to press my buttons instead of trying to win.

revert rengar

the new one is legit the worst champion i've ever played
including volibear and shyvana

>what champion scales well even if they had a poor early game

I dunno, Nasus?

> Nasus

Nasus even with 1000 stacks now is useless

Why does Riot save the absolute most fucking braindead flaming retards for your promos? Every single fucking time i just fly to my promos in winstreaks, and then lose. Rince and repeat.

How long is this live maintenance going to last?

>tfw had another autistic breakdown from losing and broke my left alt button

Why am I like this

100% crit with 2 items

If you ever play with a good ADC don't hesitate to ask them if they want to duo for the next game. A lot of ADCs have to deal with shitty autofilled supports and will appreciate you

>add adc
>they suck for the next few games
>remove adc
Rinse and repeat.

9 chooses my new summoner name

Fiora, Yasuo, Tryndamere

>it's a full build jungler is still farming instead of ending the game episode
Low elo really is a special place

Xth for the cuddly 2x4 of explosive late games


I want to look EXACTLY like shyvana!

Bronze is a truly magical place

It doesnt really matter how much a person feeds the team with the massive advantage in kills will still absolutely fail at getting objectives/closing the game


You sound insecure as hell and mad to boot.

>That is some self-righteous condescending shit right there.
Are you trying to argue that leona should try to steal baron with her 58 magic damage ulti instead of saving it for the teamfight?
Like step back for a second, remove your feelings from the picture and answer me in a logical and calm manner, yes or no.

>Also why the fuck are communicating after the fact?
>You think highlighting your teams mistakes aloud will make them play better?
I wasn't even in the game, I talked to my friend about it after the game was over.

But then again, you are projecting all kinds of shit on to me right now on mere assumption backed up by your own negative feelings.

Yeah, I have been over him for weeks now explaining basics, like creep control, when to trade, when to poke, what he should be trying to achieve in a given lane and setup, turret range and how much you can actually get away dancing in and out of it and how to time turret dodges so you can safely harras them under turret. Also stuff like item builds and why, doing math and showing hard numbers on why something is better than certain other options and so on. Like I am trying to squeeze as much advantage I can into him, but gold help me if he gets titled then he throws all chances to get an advantage out the window because "it doesn't even matter any more, my team is shit"


NTR Lover

Isn't that Riot is getting rid of those late game champs but also want to keep some champs outscaling than others? Should Vayne, Fiora and Kayle be reworked with this assumption?


HerHate MyWeapon

i want to look EXACTLY like *league of legends*!

Which champion pisses you off the most?


Is blind pick normal just for "having fun" and should never be taken seriously?



>You think highlighting your teams mistakes aloud will make them play better?
Well saying things like you could have saved an ability for later actually will make them think twice before blowing an ult unless they are retarded.


Playing in silver is a nightmare.Wish i didn't fuck up my placement matches.

>Calling some random poster OP
You have to go back

Hey Cait autists

Its up

Am I retarded? How can I win lane hard, get fed, and still have less cs? What the fuck do I do? I have a hard time getting cs mid-late game.

Yes that is a karthus top and Taliyah mid. Fuck Taliyah.

>Pulsefire waifu never

Thanks, Riot.

Look at the store you fucking autist

wait a fucking MINUTE, ricegnat drew Quinn? where?




Anybody got that jax getting mad at somebody telling him to git gud?

>browsing Veeky Forums while in a game
Is this really what these retards do that feed all the time? Are you the person I'm getting in my games that feeds and afks for 2 minutes?




So when will it be safe to play again? How fucking long does this shit take?

>all these shitters not only stealing my PF Cait but also feeding with her

One week of agony ahead.

is that number like....your rank in points on that champ compared to other players?

>got autofilled to ADC in my last promo game


>getting the most important and best role handed to you on a plate


ywn hire Lulu to help you with beekeeping then molest her multiple times

why is there no beekeeper skinline

But he didn't get jungle?

You can't get autofilled in promos retard

You can have less CS mid to late game if you group and do shit while the enemy ADC afk farms. Most important thing is to CS well in Lane. Also remember total gold is more important than CS itself


>tfw no bee champion

Well I did. I queued as Top/Mid with the "autofill protection" icon there and everything yet I STILL somehow ended up with ADC. Luckily we had a vel'koz main who carried


either you werent in promos or lying.

>First time, he doesn't get JG, plays a mean Darius Top against Yi
>despite holding out against oppressive Jhin Zil bot lane, our Fiddle JG is rusty and BS happens
>then it goes down hill and I actually go beyond 3 deaths
>A few matches later he's on the other team as Renekton, but Trist and I are overtaking Yas Bard bot lane
>Mid and Top bite it and ultimately I end up with a rare and to me, obscenely bad score again
>Yup, Renekton ASCENDS to Godnekton
So I'm just here wondering why he'd add me after the match and a support of all things.

eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=Captain Lemon
Any climbing tips?

Stop living in the moment, like a negative version of Rakan. Literally look to the future and even if you can't see some "light", don't do anything to make your future darker in the moment. Left alt button, case-and-point. RIP

Do you main any of these champions? Feel like asking before Riot kills them off.

akali and irelia :(

>morde that low
How does akali need a more urgent rework than mordekaiser? She's already had one recently fuck.

Post easy as fuck games.

This, this is actually pretty good.

You can't stop riot from "fixing" your champion.

Even if them "fixing" it means taking it out of its role and slapping it in a new one.

Yeah but it only made her issues worse. From what I can tell, Morde's gameplay isn't even that bad, he's just so buggy that it doesn't work half the time

> Diamond V

not impressive

They're all "tier 1." They're all at the same priority ignore actual order.

>Duo Update
I don't, but I got Ghost Bride Morgana in my shop and now I'm skeptical about buying her. It'll probably be a visual update and not just a gameplay one after all.

If they rework Morde, he's going to be a toplane sunfire/sv cc bot. We both know it's true.

What makes you say that?

It's amazing how confused people get because they lose when they sit playing ARAM for 20 minutes whilst taking no jungle camps or side lane farm

>yfw they take away Morg's gigantic ass tiddies and give her an actual top