Friendly reminder to all and every single GM fangirl that still lurks Veeky Forums; Veeky Forums is an anti-GM board. Your kind is not welcome here
Friendly reminder to all and every single GM fangirl that still lurks Veeky Forums; Veeky Forums is an anti-GM board...
Wow an AWD was faster than a RWD. Pussies and dykes use AWD on a road track.
found the buttraped GM cuckold
why isn't a comparison between AWD and RWD allowed? are you implying RWD is inferior? is the corvette therefore inferior?
nooooo. delete this
>mfw i caused this
>Prez/poo/ avoiding conflict as usual
I would be ashamed of having to defend GM products too if I were a GM shill
>p-plz respond prezo!!! I luv u xoxo ;_;
lol he is having a meltdown again
>so triggered by corvettes he makes threads like this
>thinks people care what he says
>mfw a soviet post
>any of the above mentioned brands
Another reminder
McLaren beat the Nio 2 weeks after the record
Get over it
>faster than a peel
nope, NIO did a full lap, McLaren didn't, if you account for the extra distance, the NIO is faster
But the NIO is not a production vehicle, and did the run on slicks. The EP9 is a Formula E vehicle
Actual nissan fangirl here.
IDGAF about gm fangirls. If I wanted people out I would go to carthrottle.
Polite sage.
These company war threads are funny coming from a bunch of fuckin' bus-riders.
>assaulted by opposition's V6 F150 with a bodykit
>sodomised by the other peer's V10 kit car with no driver's aids
>skull raped by an AWD Altima
I'm really beginning to think there's no recovery for the Corvette
Bet you feel fuckin huge dontcha mate?
I know these are shitposting threads, but is anyone seriously a fanboy of GM on Veeky Forums? Most of us idolize 80s and 90s Japanese cars.
it's like the amd vs nvidia threads on /g/
bunch of idiots shilling for corporations that don't give a shit about them
Made me kek
WHY did you bump this?
you think any "gm fanboy" gives a shit about crappy sports cars? we're in it for the braindead simple and reliable old trucks and suv's
Crossboarder here.
In this thread on Veeky Forums, we have a thread called love live school idol festival general. They have a "problem" with fans of the love live anime and games being fans of the voice actresses. Mods and janitors are VERY vigilant and delete all voice actress pictures and discussion from their thread, even though THE ENTIRE GODDAMN BOARD is neglected as a result. Why is a problem? Fuck if I know, the mods are probably from /a/ and think it's "3dpd". It's a thread that got kicked out of /a/ after all.
Why can't we have mods that dedicated here on Veeky Forums to delete alphonse's 24/7 bullshit?
>all this grammar
if i am this bad at posting when drinking fuck knows what i did wrenching while beer. no wonder i had to replace my valve cover gasket twice..
cry more
>wrenching while beer
Stealing this phrase
At least most people on /g/ actual can own an AMD or Nvidia. No one on Veeky Forums owns a C7z or a GTR.