>tfw the black men in my neighborhood all drive better cars than me
How do I fix this????? It already sucks enough being white because of my small penis. I don't need this extra stress
Tfw the black men in my neighborhood all drive better cars than me
You better role-reverse them right back by stealing their cars
bbc was debunked and is a black male fantasy that no women actually subscribes to. blacks have a closer penis size to pajeets.
can confirm
ive met more whites with big dicks than blacks with big dicks
also almost all black faggots are bottoms
>the homeless men i had sex with had bigger penises than the black ones
lmao. okay dude
nice delusion. blacks have statistically bigger penises.
Alphonse, you need help, c'mon, lets go find your caretaker.
>tfw femdom sph fetish
are you trying to tell us you fuck homeless?
because thats fucked up but i would believe it
>they're this obsessed with me
nice projection.
>nice projecting of the projection
what's the appeal to that? i never got it.
why can't we all just get along
post kars
go suck a cock, faggot
cause i like race baiting
Take comfort in knowing that they are car broke and that you are a responsible adult with better and more important things to spend money on than a penis-envy driven transportation medium?
i already did, i take hourly cock sucking breaks between shitposting sessions
that can't be fun
>tfw no bf to drain dry
well i do. but he's not nearby. life is pain.
>all the brown people have tiny penises except this one
>are known notorious liars in every culture worldwide
lol ok
femdom is fun
is like being bottom for us straightfags
yes white people are known liars, but how does that change anything?
they're not, it's obviously blacks.
spoiler: even asians, latinos and arabs hate you.
and when whites (your merciful gods) are gone no one will save you from them.
literally inferior to asians.
>this group believes this because i said so!
wtffff??? my name!!!!
Jews too
>How do I fix this?????
Quick being an insecure faggot.
>National IQ
>Israel not at the top