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Wholly Original character design edition

NOTE: You will be playing against bots in casual queue until you reach account level 5.

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I want to help with putting Fernando's armor on!

>implying he can take it off
He's a machine. A perfect machine.


every thread until pixie-chan reads it

So is this girl "Dark Lord" that has been datamined?

Think this is "Flak", now known as Ash.

I don't remember what she did. Got a link to the datamine page?

This is from the last thread:
LMB: Cannon - 8 ammo, deals 400 damage each shot. Frontliner-tier damage falloff.
RMB: Siege Shield - Deploys a Siege Unit, a mobile shield. Exact movement mechanics are unknown.
Q: Kinetic Burst - Offensive skill, deals knockback. Formerly known as Flash Shell. - Deals 200 damage.
F: Shoulder Bash - An offensive mobility skill. Channeled. Deals knockback. - Deals 800 damage.
E: Bunker Buster - Based on Ash's description, it could be an anti-shield skill.


Kind of interesting that you can reversal off of reversal.

This is Ying.
She is my wife.

She is best girl, because she is perfect and cute, and this is an undeniable fact.

VGS has become too much muscle memory for me. I watch a video of someone else playing and at the end I instinctively type in VVGG.

>tfw there will never be a skin or even artwork of a Judge Dredd Lex because he's too obscure of a comic hero

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>deals 400 damage each shot

That's what it did in the datamined version. The name "flak" implies splash damage to me at least.

Judge Fear/Death skin for Androxus when

Oh, the other thing to note is that her base HP is over 5000. Her damage is probably low because of how tanky she'll be.

There's also a tiny chance that it's Stoker.

Is that so bad, though? I still need to keep little notes next to my computer to remind me what says what.

Sounds like Fernando 2.0 but a bit more offensive. She's knockback-based so anyone trying to step on point, just knocks them back. If someone's shooting from a distant then she also seems to have a shield similar to Symmetra to back her up. My guess would be simply a point holder and not really having the potential to be a flankline. Still, this is Paladins. If it has a movement ability it can flank.

A lot IMO depends on how her shield works. It's something you summon that moves on its own. I can see that being annoying if it's automatically moving in any simple way.

I mean, odds are, people have seen the Sylvester Stallone or Karl Urban movie at some point. It's not THAT obscure.

One of the cards is "Gain CC Immunity and 90% Damage Reduction While Channeling Shoulder Bash." sounds like it'll be useful for that.

>400 damage each shot. Frontliner-tier damage falloff.

M-maybe the attack speed is fast

Based on the datamining video on Ash, her attack speed seems to match Barik's.

>playing BK on brightmarsh
>when a round starts, enemy makoa is always on the side with the water
>obviously going for hooks
>always misses me and gets shat on
>on the third round he actually gets me
>falling off the side
>throw a poppy at the fucking wall before touching the water and abuse the air control card to backstrafe myself back onto the platform
>blow him up while he just stares at me in defeat

holy shit I don't think I've ever BTFO anyone this hard before
wish I had shadowplay on

>3 out of 4 standard abilities are normal offense but have shit damage because lul frontline
>only type of CC or utility in these attacks is knockback
>mobile shield pretty much is guaranteed to be a shitter filter no matter how it works
This is gonna be such a mess.

Of course they're adding her right after making Inara immune to everything, so she'll be worthless

>Play Nu-buck
>He sucks absolute ass
>Worst flanker in the lineup

Why did they do this?

Inara might have a nerf coming.

Can't wait for the patch notes tomorrow
5 bucks says they're nerfing inara but not seris

Just have Inara be debuff immune and not cc immune, and seris ult has a 1 sec before pull

and give Willo 100 more damage

I'd like to see Seris' ult last longer, but its pull ramps up over time, so you have a better chance of running away.

10 it will be buck again.

They need to change the ult's behavior, it makes you look downwards automatically.

>play Lex on new test map
>enemy has a Kinessa that stays always on the higher part of the map
>can't reach it but it doesn't matter because she doesn't have a good view of the point
>the only thing we have to do to win is to cap the point while avoiding Kinessa
>my retarded team manages to get killed anyways and lose
>they blame me

>add a flank class
>give him 1/4 the mobility of androxus
>make his revolvers shoot slower than androxus'
>make his ultimate have less kill potential and maneuverability than androxus
>give him Tyra's mark ability but RNG and on a cooldown that's twice as long

Dunno what they were thinking with lex desu.

Holy shit Willo is really fun on Serpent Beach

Willo is fun as fuck on any map if you're not playing against good aimers who make sure you're always dead, fast explosive projectiles are the best kind of weapon

Shame she's so shit at high level. Damage and/or health buff when?


Did you play the map? Getting to that spot as Lex would mean I need to go all around the map to the enemy base and climb back, all while going through the most contested zone of the game. It's easier to just ignore her and win the 5vs4 team fight but you need a team that is not brain dead.


>launch up a match as buck
>lagging the fuck out
>leap just doesn't work half the time and rubber bands me back
>lol everyone running at walls for 20 seconds
>kicked 3 times but get in right after
>bot buys me shitty items and wastes my ults the few seconds it plays
>basically leap around and try to get shots when I can
>team bms me for staying still half the game
>game wraps up team blames it on me
>I have most elims, damage, and solo kills
I didn't know if I was supposed to be mad but I just laughed the whole thing off

its lorez

So is it true that bots don't have pathfinding in some maps?
So many times I'm playing and one of my teammates is just running in circles and into walls right outside of my spawn

It depends on the heroes as well.

Ruckus, for instance, will run straight into a wall and get stuck there on almost every map. which is strange because this behavior didn't exist before. Same thing happens with Grover on Brightmarsh.

DPS and Flanker heroes all work correctly on every map that I know of.

I have a confession.
I only play bots, as sha lin, because im bad and it makes me feel like im pro

>not playing survival to stomp on literal fucking mongoloids


you misunderstand, Im not some hopeful youth, claiming skill i lack, I cant aim. i would miss a brick wall 2 cm away, so bots is the only way i can enjoy the game. and i dont bring my team down that way

I have a confession
I do the same exact fucking thing.
In fact, I haven't touched Siege multiplayer in a month.

Partly because I'm bad and partly because I get in too many matches where everyone is a shithead. So I just play training and feel good without the avalanche of shit that is teamplay.

We probably have played together a dozen times, at the frequency I play.

but the bots are BETTER than most teams sub 2500

not from what ive seen, they run in a straight like and just let me q them to death i get molested by players

I like bots because they never throw games. They also never shittalk in chat when they're doing badly.
I genuinely thought I was the only person who just stuck with bots as of late. Knowing someone else out there is doing the same makes me feel somewhat validated.

>playing siege
>drogoz, got 190 k damage
>our inara too afraid to step on point when enemy team doesn't look like a real threat
>their inara always go for the point
>nobody else, besides our seris and i, try to contest
Fuck, Inara and Viktor always shooting from afar and running away if they took a minimal amout of damage. In the end, the legends were true.

What is the most cancerous champion?

dont buff evie

tough call between Lex, Sha Lin, and Inara

Lex because of really high damage and permanently revealing someone
Sha Lin because of free stuns whenever and READY to dps literally anyone to death at a moment's notice
Inara because free 50% damage reduction and walling teammates off to their death

Git gud

Im a 3,5elo fag and this is true at least with the skye bot

Why did no one tell me damage Pip was so fun?

>winning 3/4 to 1/4
>losing the point capture
>kill them all
>start winning point
>log back in to see the main screen, can't reconnect to the game
>have to equip all my cosmetic items for all my champions again

wew boy what a great game u got lo rez sweet fucking disconnect hacking going on here wooo weeeeeee

How did you manage to avoid all the posts that explained why pip is more damage than a support?

How do I Torvald 101? Give me some advice on him. I want to get more into S U C C P A P I

>my elo is literally 600 higher in survival
I guess it's easier to carry? And I think people who are decent play the actual fun gamemodes

I feel like we mention it a lot
Just try to get another support on your team first or you'll get bad mouthed
I remember an inara and Torvald reporting me because they said I wasn't healing
I ended up with 50k healing which was twice that of our seris and I wasn't even focused on healing

You have no mobility so take advantage of cover as much as possible and prepare to have an escape route when people start ganging up on you. When you recharge your shield try to do it when the enemy isn't damaging you so you don't lose your main selling point of having 5000 hp shield health. Your Runic Blast is cc utility and not a sour e of reliable damage. Protection is your best skill as it allows you to keep teammates alive longer by giving them alot of shield health.

Your ultimate is your game changer. Use this whenever it is near overtime and win games. When using this ult make sure you're not on low health, and that the enemy team isn't going to immediately cc you when you ult. Before you ult position yourself where you can blast as many enemies off the map.

Field study is your best skill as it makes your teammates deal 40% more damage when you use Protection on them. Everything else is terrible.

>+1 sec on runic blast
>shield teammates fleeing then those who are engaging
>ult charges pretty quick, use when you feel like it
That's it.

Thank you, dear anons. I will try my best to put your advice to good use

>pip is more damage than a support
I didn't really know that. I've mostly been playing on my own and only started lurking here for a couple days.

does playing cassie require literal autism AND a really good computer?

Okay is there even gonna be a prepatch show today?
Literally no news on it apart from that partial mugshot of the pink haired dwarf woman

Disregard this, I'm retarded. Just found Alyssa's plebbit thread.

hi-rez is sleeping

>Log in to get my crystalized shekels
>It goes back to day one
Th-thanks Martini

My roommate's been having this issue for three days, weirdly, I don't, and we're on the same router, so it must be account specific. What the fuck could it be?

we all want to

Get that card that gives you speed bonus when recharging
Gotta go fast.


Junko Enoshima skin for Evie WHEN?




he said cancerous not good
50% damage reduction high health health regen debuff immunity on demand is really annoying
if she had any mobility options she'd be pretty terrifying but as is she can periodically become a more annoying torvald without his useful shield gimmicks

one piece of really situational advice is against a ruckus make sure you only try to use your shield absorption thing on him when you're certain he's using his emitter ability and not his repulsor field
they both look like a glowing shield going around his body with a small circular wave emanating from him on start up and they can be easy to confuse at first glance
the key differences are repulsor field will put bubbles on nearby teammates as well as the ruckus and emitter will create a little floating drone thing hovering over ruckus while it's active
emitter is a 3000 health shield that ruckuses love using as a clutch survival tool and the other is a damage reduction buff for him and nearby teammates
only one can actually be drained, and it's a serious blow to the ruckus to lose that instant clutch health when he really needs it since he's so vulnerable as a front line otherwise
seriously, I see way too many torvalds hop out of position to try to drain my "shield" only to get mowed down while I take reduced damage it's kind of baffling how few torvalds can actually tell that it's not doing anything and just get torn to shreds


I don't know how anyone could mistake emitter with repulsor, considering it gives Ruckus another healthbar, but I might be biased because I play Ruckus a lot.

>Ash is dwarf woman
Oh shit, that would be hilarious.

>Torvald tries to push me off the map

What about this feature, shadowplay doesnt have it?

I was just playing against a few Ruckus and I always managed to get their shields when they really needed it. I am actualyl surprised by the fact, that people mistake repulsor shield with his emitter.

>Fernando's Ult
Unless used in specific situations to counter some other ults it's just 3 extra seconds of life before getting mauled
I'd say it's the worst ult in the game, but then I remember Cassie exists

Holy shit. I just realized how much fun Torvald can be. Just made my 3 FWOTD with him. I guess he can only shine properly, if a competent enough team is providing enough protection from Damage Dealers. Blasting off Inara into the sea felt pretty good though

inara has literally 3 different ways of staying still when being hyperblasted

Thats why I wait until MotherĀ“s Grace wears off. Most Inara players seem to mess up the walls pretty quick too

>whos grohk

imagine if grohks ult had echo slam properties (every enemy hit also hits each enemy nearby with a second burst of damage)

Would be rad, but still shit, too easy to hit and he does not heal himself

Its pretty much the gimmick, just make sure to time it properly and don't waste it if you don't have to.

Just give old maelstrom back, they neutered him way to hard now that Seris is in the game an Inara been buffed. Wrath is shit and never works and totem legendary doesn't really work again good players.