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Dragon training edition!


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Should I buy Kha or Elise?

rate my Darius build
did you know treeline bots will automatically leave at 46 minutes gametime to avoid being trolled?

>walk through forest
>stumble upon this cutie
>she is completely out of mana and on low HP

what do you do?

if youre dia 5 or higher, elise
below that kha

not that elise is hard but she cant hardcarry like kha can plus kha does well in clown fiestas

Heal her!



does riven wear a diaper?

what should i by

traditional karma, maybe janna, the rest are garbage

>summit managed to get out of bronze in his first season
What's your excuse, bronzies?

Would you help Sona find and swimsuit that fit?

>tfw too poor for tf skin

>using skins

For some one who's not in love with the Dragon Trainer skin, is it wise to get it (good deal in my shop) or will it just go ignored on the off-chance I get Pool Party or Winter Wonder?




I liked the new episode of beyond the rift with summit

yeah I saw it
fuck summit, what a tryhardtobefunny personality
if he dropped the act he'd probably be a coolguy

tfw shit choices when I have RP

RAPE HER, no witnesses

I hope lulu gets a yearly skin like Ahri.

Blood moon akali is her best skin, only contestant is crimson

I just watched Redline for the first time.

Give me the fastest champ in LoL. I want to rip people's asses open at mach speeds.

>get tryndamere to chase you for a solid six minutes
>TF ults in a few times
>jinx killed by stray boxes
>finally caught by third TF ult and stun
>team still cant pull themselves together long enough to fight the enemy team without trynd

>based vi skin
>good akali skin
>pgud syndra skin

kys youreself'stve

I raise you with
bm is based though

I didn't get that impression at all

bro, get 5 steraks instead of 5 of the triforces and try that build again

how do you die as tryn

he talks with street words when he has been a nerd all his life
forced jokes too

If I had to choose between crimson and stinger I would pick crimson, better art and my favorite color

support players are sissy retards and should be verbally abused at every opportunity

i've been doing that before the steraks buff and before autists on youtube made it known
it's funniest on morde

That's probably just the degenerate wigger counter strike culture to be honest

What champion pisses you off the most?

>verbal abuse

No, sona is for loving


fuck yeah highest base AD

ive been doing it on garen for a while

what if youre a bear

post more sona pics

Can i play ranked with a tablet succesfully

did you ask for varus yesterday?

New Rengar lore is a pointless retcon.
His old lore was touching and wasn't trying too hard.

If anything they could have had the new story as an add on.
Being made fun of and disrespected for being raised by humans, but still reking their shit because Rengars human dad wasnt a puss and raised hIm well. Hell they even kinda tied in Gnar to have him kinda adopt him, as others did for him.

Riots writers are doing stuff that isn't necessary. It just goes to show how bad they are because they have to charge shit instead of adding on.

>>old Rengar
>>Nu Rengar
try hard projecting

how does darius do in high silver/low gold? i'm looking for top to shit on low elo babs

*blocks your path*

>asks this question
>calls others low elo babs

He is a low elo (that includes silver /gold) stomper since people around there don't always plan cc appropriately or build situationally. You'll easily get a Penta for the 1 out of 5 games he isn't banned.

I kill her with AAs before she can get in range, and predict the flash ult
Then I continue walking as I spam my mastery emote

Just play Rammus

rammus hecarim and bear stance spamming udyr are P quick

>I kill her with AAs before she can get in range
AAs don't usually do that much damage dude


> That enemy bot lane.

Usually they are on my team though : ^)

look at tryns damage
what the fuck did he realistically contribute on his vietnamese dialup connection

Is the annie bot guy a pedophile? he legit looks and sounds like one

THIS. Please, if you see a Soraka player, call them a dumb whore. Support player's belong under their ADC's heel.

yeah, he is

I dont even like Akali, shes trash now ;_;

my shop is based as fuck

i know, right? some call le good jokes man
i almost never see him banned, though
that seems not fun at all tbqhf[/spolier]

Holy shit I just got 4 fucking bots running down mid on co-op vs ai

They do not know how to deal with him at all. Go wild.


hes inting
also nasus destroys tryn

Stomp or get stomped. She's one of those champs.

i've never seen a full ad crit bard. no less w/o ss. how's the autism?

>that bard build

thats retarded
that tryn made me feel normal, thats how bad it is
45.5% crit damage rune page as well

I'm going to give this one to your team again for a few reasons.

How much does one of Sonas breasts weigh?



>No nurse Soraka
>No surgeon Soraka
Eventually, eventually.

i'm just learning this game but isn't it bad go get kill as support? or at least not as advantageous as having your carry get them? not that your carry was starving but still.


Solve this and find your answer

Is white mage not good enough? Just kidding I'd kill for any of those, or EMT Soraka.

what if Lulu had an older sister who was better in every way new Kuku, would you love her?

>no golf jhin
the adc is fed as fuck, i think its okay. also im not actually playing as a support. starving kills is a problem yes but if they cant get the kills in the first place you either take them or spoonfeed your allies, that also doesnt mean it will happen either

Post red flags

Î want Lulu, not anyone else.

Id honestly dodge


Im a madman, bets? Ez top on enemy team.

>advocating playing quinn
fuck off m80

These are all pretty good. I personally find Arcade Sona to be a delightful as DJ despite the simpler presentation and Star Guardian Janna has that lovely passive effect which is more noticeable on that skin than her others, plus they're both 70% off (I've had such fortune).

Deep Sea Nami is great overall, but perhaps a little lackluster next to Koi and its chromas. Still, it's a nice, darker alternative to it and the bright and cheery River Spirit.

Lulu is a bit low-effort among the SG skins, but still pretty satisfying to use, lovely blend of greens and yellows if you like that (as I do) and the polymorph is very noticeable and so easier to slaughter.

Traditional Karma is a rare treat, but really only worthwhile if you specifically enjoy playing Karma. Leona is great too, if a little lacking in the solar feeling thanks to the digitization, never mind being a tank/melee support in this meta (so I rarely use it now).

silver here
shit on that ex and all will be fine

wanker, quinn is fine

all on red

Nope, not me. Although I've not seen this piece before, so thanks for the +1 to my collection.

post cute yordles

thats not even best nep

I wanna fly with Lulu!

>he hasnt seen the sheer amount of edits
ive been on the internet more than id like to admit but even ive seen this shit

Garen,shen or volibear top for silver?

I'm not a sissy, nor a retard. That said, I'm still working on gauging situations so that I don't go and die in what is really a helpless situation a teammate's gotten into. I get the 0-death rounds now and then though, all while contributing effectively. Actually all those 0-death games were victories (remakes aside).

>under their ADC's heel
I prefer to be metaphorically over them blocking damage or making it near impossible for the enemy to click on them consistently.

Why is ez lactating?

Leave G2 to me

Yeah, I don't scroll enough sometimes, bad habit. Congrats though. I know mastery points probably don't matter to you, but that was an S right?

was S+

>highest discounts on most of the expensive stuff
>good selection and diversity to boot
I'm happy with mine, but wow.

VR Yordle girls when?
In my lifetime please

>doing my 10 games for ranked
>in my 5th game
>as adc
>not a single time have i had a support
>enemy team has had proper setups bot 5/5 times
>most of my team lanes lose anyway

into bronze/silver i go