which brand is better historically? which is better today?
Which brand is better historically? which is better today?
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Lincoln has always played catch up to Cadillac.
Cadillac use to be the biggest luxury brand in the world, now they are just nigger mobiles
Cadillac has better history shit they even had that phrase "standard of the world" back in their early history but they have fallen from that
Poor CTS-V, the V2 was such a unique and interesting car and now the V3 is just a shitty imitator.
Cadillac. 100%.
I gotta be honest, I saw a new Continental the other day and I really liked it. Especially the huge windows. It's just been so long since I've seen a vehicle with large windows, what with all the governmental safety regulations and stuff lately.
but with Ford and Chevy it's the other way around.
That's because Henry Ford was like the Steve Jobs of the early 20th century car business. Minus the politics, of course.
>korean garbage
try again
>Lincoln has always played catch up to Cadillac.
>but with Ford and Chevy it's the other way around.
What?!? You seriously cannot be this ignorant
Cadillac is known for copious amounts of wiring.
Lincoln is known as being a more reliable Ford.
Cadillac is now horribly tacky and appealing to blacks.
Lincoln is the car your boomer father will reverse mortgage the house to pay.
Take your pick.
Fuck off and die, Lincoln shill.
Except i'm not? Go take your pill, shill.
>hire the guy who designed Audis
>to design your cars
>surprised when they look like fuckin Audis
Gooks these days...I tell ya...
That Volvo S90 looks pretty nice.
How can Cadillac recover it's brand?
1. Make the Sixteen
2. Buy up spots in movies. Tony Stark could drive a caddy instead of an R8. James Bond could drive a Caddy instead of an Aston. etc. They just gotta pay for the product placement
3. They have to not give a fuck. GM doesn't make all the cool caddy concepts because they KNOW not many people will drop 200k+ for a Cadillac badge, but look at Hyundai now versus what they used to be.
They need to make a loss leader that is a Rolls Royce for 50% less. Give it 700hp and a fucking yacht interior. Lose money on it and make it back selling the Camaro you fucking GM fucks.
4. Make an ACTUAL S Class competitor. Even on Joe Rogans latest podcast he and another richfag were like "man I like the new V, but its a Cadillac" so its shit. Normies don't like American luxury.
5. NEVER HAVE ANOTHER AD WITH A NIG. It hurts the brand.
>MFW a Cadillac from 2003 is better looking, more luxurious, and has more cylinders and horsepower than both the cars in OPs pic combined.
Depends what you are looking for imo.
For me the Lincolns have always been super comfortable, however they really fell behind in the last couple of decades.
I would say if you are looking at it from a today pov Lincoln is more comfortable. The new Continental has a plethora of comfort features that the comparable Cadillac simply does not have.
I really like how on the Continental I can push a button to open the door. It seems simple but it is really nice.
When it comes to performance Cadillac is king. Those engines and the way the suspension sits is just incredible. The pickup on them is great and you simply do not feel the road at all which with a car like a caddy that is what I want.
Overall Caddy is probs better but I am a Ford guy so I stick to Lincolns.
As a Ford guy, I really like Cadillacs more than Lincoln. Tbh I think I would rather buy a Chevy than a Ford nowadays. I don't like the choices Ford is making.
>3. They have to not give a fuck. GM doesn't make all the cool caddy concepts because they KNOW not many people will drop 200k+ for a Cadillac badge
and they're right because they won't. the Maserati ghibli is a complete piece of shit yet europeans and americans alike eat it up.
the industry doesn't reward quality they reward trends. Tesla cashed in on a trend so they can get away with selling large shitboxes with horrific build quality for high prices and even Euros will eat that up.
>but look at Hyundai now versus what they used to be.
Hyundai isn't anywhere close to releasing anything like the Sixteen and they haven't had any crazy concepts. Hyundai's rise comes from their own Industry back in Korea supporting them. Japanese cars could've killed off the Korean industry before it even started but most Koreans buy Korean so Korean gets a chance to Rise (i,e when a Korean car company does something right you better believe the Koreans will buy in droves to support their industry)
>They need to make a loss leader that is a Rolls Royce for 50% less. Give it 700hp and a fucking yacht interior. Lose money on it and make it back selling the Camaro you fucking GM fucks.
That sounds like a good way to put the entire company in a deep hole forcing them to heavily retract like 90s Jap auto brands. you aren't going to make that money back selling cars who's topping price-range is $70,000 (camaro). they sell half or a quarter of what the Mustang sells so that doesn't help either.
>5. NEVER HAVE ANOTHER AD WITH A NIG. It hurts the brand.
No one really gives a shit about that because the world outside of Veeky Forums isn't racist nor do they consider blacks as being such inferior beings that any product next to them is avoided. if that were the case Euro luxury and exotics would've fell down long time ago due to popular rap videos and every nig nog having a rolls of a "lambo". there's also arabs... particularly those in Europe.
>Make a successor of Cadillac Fleetwood and cimarron (rebadged cruze)
>Make more FWD crossovers
More geezers will flock to Cadillac. GM should know Cadillac is the old people bread and butter brand.
The old saying goes "It rides like a Cadillac"
This is a best AD Cadillac ever had.
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