Veeky Forums - Terraria General


>For new players getting started


>Terraria Servers

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>Terraria: Otherworld

>MODS - Inventory editors, world generators, trainers and more

>TerraMap - map viewer

>TShock - Server client

>TEdit - World view/editor

>Block list, furniture themes and paint

>Fancy Builds

>Wave banks - music replacement

>Texture replacements

>OP pasta. Please use the info from this link when creating new threads.

Old thread

>Old thread


Don't let the thread die with less than five posts.

I'm forced to make artificial lakes because my world gen just keeps giving me absolute shit for water in areas I need it in, and the Angler brat isn't doing the correct thing and giving me the endless water bucket. What's the fastest way to make water duplicate? Using pumps and cascading layers of blocks doesn't seem to work like I remember it working. Pic related, I'm not trying to make a small ocean or anything.


Very nice.

Anything above 300 blocks of water is unnecessary, unless fishing for salmon. Just duplicate water by hand.

Looking for "advanced" decorating tips. I only recently found out you can place coins and ingots, and I've been playing around with actuators for foreground-as-background aesthetics, so I'm curious what other kinds of interesting things can be done e.g. things that can be placed that might not be obvious or stuff that synergizes well when painted.


Hey that's a good idea, painting books probably gives some good aesthetic variety.

>oh that place
>inspiration is flooding.jpg
>I'm gonna need these and these...
>Ok this gun be gu-
>Blood moon is rising.

Make due with what you got holmes.

Water Candle's effect should stack. Like, have 20 candles up and get swarmed.

post server stuff in this thred too

>it happened again

is the grealm mod any good? it seems pretty small which I'm fine with, but there's not much available documentation

>Page 10 already

>Just got my 50 quests complete achieve for the Angler
>Still not one piece of the Fish Finder

The RNG is ridiculous

>2 - themed shrine
>0 - sky island
>4 - trapper
>spend hours getting material for grav pots, only to see that there only are 2 habitable sky islands and theyre heck away from main base (pic related)
how the fuck do I play trapper? there aren't many traps in this game besides the 2 trap things from the defender medal shop guy


Also reforge change when?


Why do i even try...

more like gulag with that communism

r8 my house

what mod is this

i think it's called Star-something, i cant remember exactly

is it good yet?

I feel you. Only missing the weather radio for my cell phone.
RNG will probably do its best to not give it to me for as long as possible.

>is it good yet
i've had fun with it, was pretty quick to get to endgame and beat the storyline though so unless you like expanding your ship and decorating forget it

*Teleports behind you for 200 damage*

More like *swarms the fuck out of the inside of your rectum in a way that you literally cannot defend against*

Fuck those things.

I thought it was pretty good, but my standards are low.
It has an event (rare for a mod) that has progression all the way to the Celestial Pillars.

Is it worth playing on expert in singleplayer?

Once you feel confident that you know how to play the game, make a new character on expert mode and play it solo. It'll build character.


how does the progression work?

Some bosses add new mobs when you defeat them, like EoC, and some mobs only spawn in the jungle etc. A lot of the mobs drop their own materials.
It's been a while since I've played it but I remember liking it if only because it wasn't just another generic boss fight.

Why can't I place a door under a block that I've used a hammer on for fucks sake

Wait, it doesn't work for blocks with solid bottom too? Huh.

Progress on cistern.

tfw blood moon when you're trying to build

Bloodmoon cooldown when?
Bloody lunar tablet when?

There needs to be a big balloon item, bigger than the bundle, that combines all balloon accessories.

>Shiny Red Balloon
>x In A Balloon (4 versions), or Fart in a Balloon and Bundle of Balloons
>Horseshoe Balloon (6 versions)
>Honey Balloon
>Balloon Pufferfish
>Sharkron Balloon
>Bundled Party Balloons
>Balloon Animal

An accessory that grants infinite jumps. Think wings, but constantly jumping instead. All these balloons wasting away in my storage need to be put to use.



Hopefully my dungeon still has some good lamps I can pillage for this.

I'll give it a shot, sounds fun

Do you guys play on a server?

All solo, baby,

>this is still a thing

I just want my magic sword, god dammit

Is there any way at all to make walls not look shit when you're using sloped blocks

How do Lanterns work? I can't place them like how I place torches.

Make your block structures two blocks thick to give you some space to hide wall edges.

They have to hang from a block, not mounted to the wall. They are 1x2 in size.

Lanterns hang from roofs, lamps are placed on the ground, candles and candelabras go on tables

Why go through that much trouble? You only need a 30 wide by 10 deep space or vice/versa.
There's something about Dungeon Vases that always pisses me off. Could you at least paint it green or something?

Can someone redpill me on thorium? It's seemed annoying for most of my playthrough, with healer items hogging loot pools, and items that seem useless, but that part may be calamity outshining

I like them :3

It's been really nice when I've played it, as long as I ignored all the plentiful healer items and some of the dead-end mid-pre-hardmode progression items. It filled in some gaps, and the chef is fucking great.

Yeah, that's kind of how I feel about it. I've neglected to use the chef though.

But it's like a second, entirely separate set of health pots with their own cooldown. It's great.

Oh shit, I had no idea. Also, aquatic depths is top tier comfy, really like the areas calamity and thorium add


any user run a small server?


r8 my little bar-house thing



Server spawn was nice but I am a fucking retard who keeps dropping my sword as I have not really played since 2014(?).

What is the recommended gear before fighting Skeletron? I tried to kill him with an Ice Blade, Tin Helmet, Silver Plate, and Gladiator Leggings. I almost killed the two of his hands but I died because I was swarmed by the Blood Moon zombies.

If you got that far during a blood mood you should be able to kill him outside of one.

Moon lord is dead already. Server reset would be nice.

All in favor.. ?

Rate what my zero creativity made.

Looks nice user

>running game in background to pass time between fishing quests
>2 sextants, 3 fishing guides, still no weather radio
this is hell.

not to bad.
Have you tried making the plattforms into stairs with a hammer? Maybe that would look a bit better.


I think Thorium or whatever adds a potion that allows you to do two quests per day. The additional lures mod is god tier as well.

Aw yea, finally.

>misplaced walls can be removed with a hammer
Thank Jesus, that shit was driving me insane.

Not really into modding right now. Haven't played in a while and I wan't to beat all content that's new to me unmodded first.
But I'm rotating between two characters now. I just really wanna get this done before moving on to hardmode because i don't think I'm gonna have fun trying to fish in hardmode and in an expert world.
Also freeing up some inventory space when i craft all this garbage into the cell phone will be nice.

Any mods that make spears good? Not stupid OP good, but I want to do a spear run and I'd like to not hate myself for once.

So can we help ourselves to some armor in chests or how does this work?

> this is hell.
I think after 100 or 200 quests rates change. So rare rewards become less rare

Have you ever felt unsafe in your world?

Is everybody fine with me inviting /v/ to a server restart?

yeah, I know. It's slowly increasing with each quest you complete up to 150.
But they forgot to catch the case >150 so once you complete 151 quests you'll always have the worst chances.
It's like one line of code, no idea why it still isn't fixed.
One character just got the golden rod so he is at 30 and the other should be somewhere around 50-60. So there's still alot of room to improve those rates.

3 sextants and 4 pocket guides now. and another mermaid outfit.

I'm stealing this forest cover idea for sure. That looks lovely.

Looks great but needs some BOOKS

we make new characters or?

Quick! Favorite NPC and why!

Party girl, cuss she got a huge horsecock.


Demo because dynamite is OP
Party Girl for being best waifu with a completely normal vag

re roll

Why not? Rollin'.

I like the witch doctor best aesthetically. I let the party girl live in my room. She throws confetti at me.

That's no confetti.

Found the clothier.

A while back, someone posted an image of extremely tiny commie blocks using a lot of platforms. To the side was a bunch of item frames and barrels, also on platforms. Anyone still have that?

I need temporary NPC storage until I can build them all proper homes.
