/palg/ - Paladins General

>Who is best husbando?
>Who is best waifu? - new with Ash included

NOTE: You will be playing against bots in casual queue until you reach account level 5.

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Previous thread:

I want to help with taking Fernando's armor off!

Hey, what if i have a piece of those sets, like, plushy makoa head and not the body or cannon? Will it be locked or will i receive the other parts?

>Removed Disenchant from Legendary and Gold Cards
>“After the ability to disenchant cards was introduced we noticed players were playing less champions than before as they were now disenchanting legendaries for champions they had not yet played. We want to preserve legendaries as powerful and valuable assets to the game and keep them as something that encourages players to play a variety of champions”

lmao holy shit. People play less champions than they used to because of the fucking essence system, what the hell is wrong with this company?

You still have what you already have, there will just be less stuff in the champion chest if you roll the rest of the set.

Paladins really feel that kind of game where the currency is completely clientside, you know like all those shitty f2P from the old times.
> eehehehe rekt *lenny face* rekt *lenny face*
Rekt chest IS a joke user. An unfunny dead meme (unless you still play tf2).

Sets are discounted for direct purchase if you own a part.

And if you get a set you own parts of in a chest you get essence

>hey guys this system we implemented is making the game demonstrably less fun
>what if we made it even more restrictive


That's pretty fucking fair.

>flashbacks to TF2 crates

>two time as week
Not sure how to feel about it.

I have good memories of cheesing Avenger's Alliance and a couple other old browser games by changing my system clock to do daily shit hundreds of times a day.

Maybe one day someone will find a way to make Paladins run at 20x speed too.

hol up
can you directly buy sets that were previously exclusive to a chest? (helios nando, genie ying, toy soldier viktor, etc.)


>still no solo only queue

I don't think so, no.

I think only if you have a piece of it already.

What are gold cards? Legendaries I hoard because Hi-Rez can do crazy balancing like Mother's Grace and they are rare as hell.

Red Seris guy must be crying about all that wasted money even if he was the reason they added this shit.

Also nope, I have cuddly Makoa eyes and the rest is still locked.

gold cards are the rarer version of loadout cards that come with a spray of the card art.

basically junk

Sprays. And it makes sense, since you could disenchant it for far more than the base card was worth, keep the spray, and just rebut the 300 essence base card. Kinda defeats the purpose of gold cards, as dumb as they may be

150 is a pretty decent deal anyway i guess
gotta pray to rngesus for that helios set

>gonna have to wade through every single one of those ugly green viktor skins before you start getting anything good.

I want to correct my sentence, TF2 even was a very exploitable game back then even in 2013.

TF2 has a file named item_game.txt that manages EVERY ITEM in the game: Their description, their classtype, their usage, and most importantly; what they are considered AS by the game. You could obtain a deflector (Weapon from the robot), or you could paint a hat in a colors that the game do not sell (Because it's basically a RGB sliders) and, the most abusable, and what breaks the game (AND the economy) is the fact that you could multiply key, over and over again.
With one simple command.
item_base 1

This commands is the one that every "base" weapon in the game has, it's basically the starting weapon (Bat, Sniper rifle, Minigun..).
So what you could do, is inserting the commands into the Mann Co Key description, and inserting the commands into the Name Tag description (As it makes copy of base weapon when you rename them), and you could duplicate for free.

Ah damn, if only i knew this glitch before. The one who reported this received a Cheater lament's hat with Two halo unusual instead of one.

Ash's official render is so shit. Why do they have to texture the shading onto her? Doesn't compliment her at all. Hope it's not her final portrait.

>pts not updating

Is the Baroness Tyra set purchasable?

Fuggin PTS won't update to OB51. RIP.

hahahahaha i buy a single rekt chest and get literally the only weapon i dont want hahahahahahah fucking shoot me

get someone to play with you
it's not that hard making friends

It's not that bad
I can see it being really useful to people who already have all the cards

My PTS isn't downloading wtf? It's just stuck

Am I the only one playing this on PS4?

Ok, now you can remove disenchant.

Something funny about them doing mastery on recent characters first instead of the staples that been around since the start.

It's chest exclusive.

Ash looks kinda shit because of her ugly ass hair

Man, cosmic skins look like shit. What are the obsidian ones like?

Holy shit how many things does the pts have to download for as first install?

Oh its even 4 items too, the way they were describing it was that it was only going to be a single thing per key.

Every patch the game has gotten

And what next?

No need for boosters, jewbear domain is finally erased

>only unique items

I guess that applies to cards you don't have yet, so no dupes are gonna drop?

Can someone on pts post makoa obsidian eyes?
I want to see if I can use it with a normal skin and make him look coked out

Are you sure you actually got the seris spray?

>"we noticed that in the new system we implemented, players were less willing to take risks and experiment with their loadouts due to the punishing nature of our hyperinflated currency system. therefore, we've decided to drag players out of using the same loadouts and champions by making it even more difficult to acquire said currency and saddling players with shit they never use."

brb, gonna liquidate all my fuckin leggos while I still have a chance

You'll still need to buy a boost for 4 but thats a given

Boosters still makes it much faster to plow through all the bullshit sprays and cards to get the skins you want. And at the rate they're going every damn card in the game is gonna be a spray sooner or later.

Ash feels like total dogshit to play
-the "Charge" is just a delayed dash, which struggles to cross gaps
-Right Click knock back has to be primed(Takes ages to do it) and has even less range than her normal shots, can't be cancelled
-Shield is a fucking joke and covers next to nothing
-Primary has no range, does terrible damage and the aoe is a joke
-Ult has a mini leap, which throws off your positioning, and the radius of the effect seems smaller than the objective.


Mine is stuck too.

She moves so damn slow too.

I just downloaded like 15 god damn patches to get stuck here. Fucking lo rez

Maybe a visual glitch?

End task all of HiRez shit then open up the PTR client

Nah. Had to close out and restart to get it working.


20fps in teamfights after previously having great fps

can play overwatch with great fps

Is it acceptable to main Barik?

Kinda boring but you'll win loads of games.

Just a different shade really, it looks better but not by much.

Apparently they were going back and forth on a lot of these and these were the best two they could come up with. Should have just went with the recent smite style and just did interesting things instead of "lolstarsnsheet"

I'm too much of a piece of shit to install the PTS - what's the default Legendary for Ash?

But be ready for some heartbreaks, Hi-rez loves to nerf Barik.

how 2 inara?

simple silver/gold/platinum recolors would've been better imo

>these were the best two they could come up with
What the fuck, now I want to know how awful the other shit they came up with must've been

>Should have just went with the recent smite style and just did interesting things instead of "lolstarsnsheet"

It might just be maeve, everyone else it looks decent.

Not exactly what I expected but thanks user
Will use

Have as much fun as possible before OB51 goes live, then commit ritual suicide on the front steps of Hi-Rez HQ.

The animation is cute

>get matched with 2 people with mics who I can't understand
>First round I'm the only one to go near the point
>close game

Literally the only good thing about this game on console is you can swap to hulu when matched with third world apes.

Smite tier mastery skins would've been too much work, they require some actual art direction with figuring out what will be gold and what will be blue or black on a champion. The garbage they're making now only required 2 textures to be made and you just slap that on everything the champions has, bam you're done.

Ok what the fuck is this obsidian shit?

Did Ying get any new skins?

>she already felt slow as shit
>take her slower
everytime time i get back into this game it gets slower


So, does Ash's ult stop Drogoz' ult?

>imune to all damage

>Smite makes mastery skins years ago
>they're ugly as shit because they make the entire body gold, including skin and all
>now they're having to waste extra time and resources remaking every mastery skin over the years
>somehow the Paladins devs took the idea of mastery skins but didn't realize to not make them look like flat garbage that covers their entire body in one texture

What if drogoz ult could be stoped by shields? would it be too much of a nerf?

>All recolors are now in collections
>Can't just buy a single part



My girlfriend is also playing it on PS4

Thanks, man. I appreciate it

Pretty nice they gave her best card for free

>putting too many points into lung capacity can make fire spit too fast for rockets to hit early or hit at all.

His ult isn't really the major issue with drogoz being top tier

>Not using Lung capacity IV to land 2k rockets

>martini said they plan on changing a lot of the legendary cards in the future
>remove legendary disenchanting now so people won't be able to get essence back after they make the changes

>tfw I found that out the hard way by trying out lung capacity 3
It's almost like you have to shoot the rocket before the spit

>or hit at all
I doubt this, but at the same time I know it's Hi-Rez, so I'm not sure.

What's the "best" amount to put into lung capacity?

Don't blame them though, it was an uncommon glitch for characters to show up basically as the cosmic skin due to lighting issues and people creamed themselves over it every time They probably will do something really cool for 25. most of the 1/5 skins for for Smite were kind of shitty anyway. For easily attained levels not much point in putting in a lot of work so I get that.

Watch them debut it with Fernando with golden armor encrusted with diamond for reaching level 25.

>Nando's 25 mastery skin is Drybear's casual wear

People have been saying this for months lmao, at one point people thought hirez would just make lung capacity 1 the base speed of the spit and give him a new card.

>had a struggle deciding between buying fusillade for damage or wyrm jets for fun
>very hard time deciding
>bought fusillade because of that sick damage
>nerfed next patch

>Nando's 25 mastery skin is a speedo

Each point increases the flight speed by 50%
1 point is enough for making it easier to pop it with rockets
At 2 using the spit from outside the doorway to ying dummy the spit would hit ying before the rocket hit the spit

Never tried point 3 and 4.

Better disenchant it while you still can :^)

> items are working in the test range
> Cards are still fucked

Win some lose some I guess

1 obviously, anything higher goes too fast.