Post large cars next to small cars
Post large cars next to small cars
I-is this a shop?
Nope, Vipers look big until you're standing beside one and the challengers are actually pigfat yuge cars in person
What said
top kek
Oh, that reminds me.
Holy fuck, seeing it like that makes you really appreciate how huge those boats are.
Parking American cars in Europe. On the left fittingly there's a large European wagon from GM.
man that reminds me of burnout paradise
The little Copen looked so happy
>dont talk to me or my son ever again
>this is someone's fetish
I knew the GT-R was pigfat but this really cements it
>go to beach for work
>see they made a new parking
>"wow these parking spaces are small"
>remember I dont live in america where everything is big for compensation
>"oh they are just fine"
this is a shop, r-right?
It's not how big the others are that bothers me, it's how small the VW is
>implying they aren't making parking spaces that are too small for anything but city cars
This reminds me, anyone got that shrunken shop of the guy riding a bike with comically huge monkey bars? It was posted here years ago.
Wrong, they're making parking spaces the same size as they always have, it's the cars that are outgrowing them.
Here's a good one
In my country they've been making parking lots where some walls on the curves had to be shaved off because normal cars couldn't pass
What did FCA mean by this?
Even in Europe that car is considered a hateful little tiny car
But lol that difference is still funny
Dude, lotus are the best (accept liability)
>w we like having tiny 1 liter shitboxes...
>y you guys are compensating with your cars that are bigger than a shoe box
thanks doc
In my country some parking spaces are so small my Focus sits on both lines.
poor girl, raped by that animal ;_;
>dually ranger
absolutely badass
>implying I was talking about """"""city""""""" cars
>80% of ameritard cars are >5.0 liter non efficient at all engined
>yet ameritards complain about global warming
sorry but your shitty minivan doesnt need >200hp or your shitty pickup truck doesnt need to be as big as a tank and have a million liter displacement
anything above 3.0 on a non sports car is retarded and pointless
>posts two small cars
separating the gt-r from skyline was a mistake
well you did a good job being wrong about everything
maybe that's why your country is irrelevant.
they're two Versas but I found the distortion caused by google's photographing technique amusing
>implying downsizing actually saves fuel outside standardized tests they're designed to pass
also LMAO@you posting a FWD-based wagon as supposed proof of Euro supremacy
>one pill makes you larger, one pill makes you small
finally, a hothatch marketable to americans
>and the ones that mother gives you, don't do anything at all
>they're two Versas
Ah, makes more sense. Was trying to figure out why Nissan was making a "mid-sub compact".
based Jefferson Airplane
top jej
we dont really see miatas in here so actually meeting one in person made me realize how smol they are
>smaller than a fucking diesel fiat
>the elan is smaller still
Hover over the two posts quoted for extra trippiness
UMM racist much?? How about you frig off back to you evil fascist nazi.
>t. google
well you did a good job prooving me wrong
I am not talking about downsized
there is no practical use for a >3,0 liter in daily conditions
also i just had that pic on pc fuck is wrong with you
>pic related a proper sports car which doesnt need a million liters or horsies
why the fuck are cars soo god damn big these days? i hate it
>there is no practical use for a >3,0 liter in daily conditions
yes there is, you can idle around
just get variable displacement if it bothers you so much, but a detuned large displacement engine saves fuel as demonstrated by Pontiac during the '73 oil crisis
Someone post a late 90s Civic sedan next to a the new one.
>sports car
>practical use
Make up your mind dipshit. Your mindset leads to shitty compromises like crossovers and the like.
>yes there is, you can idle around
what is that supposed to mean
must there be another oil crisis for people to realise that the displacements they use are too big?
i remember when the e90 came out and thinking wow thats a small ass car. but it was quintessentially german. the e60 ruined cars
e65 and e60 and that god damn 2005 f150
>"waaahhh how can he show a sports car that is under 3.0 liter and still a fun to drive car"
>"muh """""""""""""""""""""""""musul"""""""""""""""""""""""car needs a 5.0 atleast to be fun"
The left one is/used to be in Old Town, Orlando.
Nope, they saved fuel with bigger engines that didn't need to rev as high due to torque, achieving better efficiency
Wouldn't have made a difference. V35/36/37 Skylines are huge too.
There's no replacement for displacement
reminded me of this
Is that a fucking Custom Cruiser on the right? That's rad, I've never even seen one of those here in the 'states, only Roadmasters and the occasional Caprice.
Mazda only has small engines.
They're bigger than the competition's
my autism led to a remarkable discovery lads... this is why modern cars look fucking off
Came in here looking for miatas next to lifted up pick up trucks. Found none. You let me down Veeky Forums
woah crazy
3 cars fit in the engine bay and cabin
That's significantly lowered in the front with almost stock rear height.
I'm sure perspective plays a huge role though, like in that baywatch scene where they put the rock much closer to the camera than the other guy to avoid exposing the fact that he's a manlet
that's how they were stock, we just never noticed because we only noticed the body of the cars not how it sat on the road
the rear sits higher for theater seating ambiance i guess and for easier access to the trunk but modern cars need to figure out how to bring that uniform design that bmw used to be able to know how to do
ugh, i love avants
That's not even close to the stock rake, which was zero.
the e65 had a 0 rake which made the car look like the abomination it was
crazy how nature do dat