Bitcoin's Privacy Gets 'Failing Grade' in 2016 Threat Report

Bitcoin's Privacy Gets 'Failing Grade' in 2016 Threat Report

"The Open Bitcoin Privacy Project (OBPP) published its latest study today, which explores the state of bitcoin privacy throughout 2016 and identifies key vulnerabilities in the ecosystem."

"The newest report identifies four major threats that confronted bitcoin users over the past year. These include the merging of co-owned funds into single transactions; the re-use of bitcoin addresses; the linking of network identity to a particular bitcoin address; and the linking of addresses together through network activity."

""Practical improvements to privacy have kind of stopped for the moment. Overall, I would give the industry a pretty failing grade.""

Seems like most people are catching on. BTC is on the way out and privacy-centric crypto is on the way up. If crypto will eventually replace fiat, Bitcoin certainly wont be the coin to do it.




seems like most central banks are being pushed by their actions to keep the printing festival

better talk trash about BTC and PMs

That's like saying internet privacy gets failing grade. Stop being a retard. Currency transactions shouldn't be anonymous anyways. That is only advantages for the corporations who are trying to get away wiith doing sketchy things.

Fiction transaction are easaf for anyo who has ever taken stochastic calculus. One if the easiest things to do is track so called "random" activity.

>public ledger

So how does one stay off the map? say you use your identity to purchase the coin and then push it all to a downloaded wallet without attachment to identity. Would merely making transactions through a proxy stifle the network identity bit?

put it through a mixer and send it to a new address

gets obscured mostly.

send it to several new addresses more like so that the total output don't match the total input from the dirty wallet.

>BTC is on the way out and privacy-centric crypto is on the way up. If crypto will eventually replace fiat, Bitcoin certainly wont be the coin to do it.
t. nervous banker

Bitcoin will get more and more private. Currency transactions should of course be private, only state cucks think otherwise.

We will get confidential transactions and mimblewimble making bitcoin as anonymous as it gets.

If you want privacy use monero

Why would anyone use crypto for anything other than privacy?

Buy BTC. Exchange it for Monero. Use tor and send Monero around. Use tor and exchange Monero for BTC.

to cut out middlemen and banks from your transactions

Why? There are zero benefits for consumers, only businesses benefit.

>to cut out middlemen and banks from your transactions
bitcoin transactions are already more expensive than bank wires. this will only get worse.

More like t. Zcash/monero shill

t. Bitcoin shill clinging on to his obsolete technology

motherfuckers are you retarded?

Not an argument

>bitcoin goes up ten percent in a week
>hurr short it bitcoin is finished Drumpf btfo