/pg/ - Persona General

Eligor Edition

>Hashino thanks western piggus: personacentral.com/message-director-katsura-hashino-celebrating-western-release-persona-5/
>New game domains registered: personacentral.com/potential-persona-5-spin-off-website-domains-registered-including-p5d-p5u/
>English P5 DLC schedule: personacentral.com/persona-5-dlc-scheduled-announced-english-release/
>Next major event announced for August 2nd: personacentral.com/large-scale-persona-live-event-announced-august-2-2017/
>New Persona games to be announced 2017: personacentral.com/atlus-to-announce-several-games-in-2017-includes-the-persona-series/
>New Atlus studio "Studio 0" to create new RPG named Project Re Fantasy: personacentral.com/atlus-project-re-fantasy-concept-video-site-update/
>Persona 20th Anniversary radio CD announced: personacentral.com/persona-20th-anniversary-radio-cd-detailed/

>P5 Info

>General Guide
>PQ Guide
>P4U2 Guide/Resources

>Art, Guides, Music, etc.
>P4 Dengeki Comic Anthology
>Persona Image Collection
>Persona 5 Resources
>Persona ISOs


Other urls found in this thread:


decarabia better

I love Ann!

>your job/occupation
>which persona character is most like you
>which persona character would you fug

Cum in Aigis's mouth pussy!


Best woman, best wife, best cake.

Add more date events to P5!
See Kawakami go pray at the shrine for Joker!
See Kawakami cry when she finds out I turned myself in.
Go on a hot springs date with Kawakami where she washes my back and I wash her hair then we get in a mixed bath together!
Go on a formal date with Kawakami where she wears a fancy dress and gets all dolled up just for you!
Joker moves back to Tokyo after finishing high school and is living together with Kawakami!
Eating Traditional Japanese breakfast with Kawakami in her room!
Go fishing with Kawakami on Sundays and catch the Guardian together!

Obligatory Makoto post

Finally a general OP true patrician's can enjoy

I can't wait for Persona 5 Akechi Goro of the Resurrection!

can't evolve to Murmur, weak

Makoto is love!
Makoto is life!
Makoto will be my wife!

>College Student/Prospective Business Owner
>Most like Makoto
>Would fuck Makoto

First for KawakamixUsami. A virtual tsunami of Kawasami.

Makoto hates it when joker _____ but thankfully Ryuji is always there to _____

Help me Annfriends, I'm developing some feelings for Haru but I want to stay loyal to Ann.


How would you go about making the strongest Eligor possible?

Data Entry

This has been a good Futaba Friday. So, thanks, /pg/

Makoto hates it when joker cums inside but thankfully Ryuji is always there to clean it up

Makoto hates it when joker fucks Futaba but thankfully Ryuji is always there to talk her down from the ledge of her apartment.

>Gets top of the class score
>Fail the test, allowing Makoto to bully him

need more group chat shenanigans

>Business Systems Analyst/IT Guy
>Makoto Nijima

>has a completely untraceable power that can let you steal hearts and even kill people
>still gets caught

>what is ng+
>what is replay value
>not lick it up

Aigis is much better as a slutty brain dead Bimbo that loves to suck cock.

I don't know what to tell you dude. Guess you never really loved Ann in the first place.

Daily reminder that Yaldabaoth did nothing wrong and being content with your station in life isn't a bad thing.

>Joker goes back home
>Kawakami is feeling lonely
>Ms. Usami is also lonely
>They start chatting in the teacher's lounge one day
>Ms. Usami leans over the table and kisses Kawakami
>Kawakami doesn't try to push her away

>Ryuji... Jokers gone out and I don't want to have dinner alone. He's not me again. Can you come over?

I wonder what Sae would do if she walked in on her taking these kinds of selfies.

>He's not me again

Makoto hates it when joker changes her diaper but thankfully Ryuji is always there put the dirty one back on

Good idea, shitty art

Just minmax his levelups until he has 99 strength, endurance, and agility

Also toss on Arms Master, God hand, Charge, and Apt Pupil

joker just denied that makoto is his true self

Be angry that they took away the person she used to do those kinds of selfies for

You Don't
Get To
Twenty One
Without Making
A Few

Futaba loves it when Joker ________, and then they ________!!

I really love Ann, it's just that Haru is super adorable and it would pain me to reject her. But I suppose it must be done.

Hey /pg/, gonna do some writefagging tonight.

I'll check the results in like an hour, but for now:
Give me a scenario and I'll tell you what each PT girl is the "type of girl" to do.

>He's not me again

You can buy Akechis outfit at Burlingtons. It's for toddlers though.

Walking in on sojiro masterbating bonus point if it's to a picture of them

Gets NTR'd
Have violent messy break-up

you faggots know what to vote for

>Ms. Usami calls a maid service and asks for an available girl
>Becky arrives and is told to let herself in.
>After taking her shoes off and turning around she finds Ms. Usami, hair down, glasses off on the couch, legs spread in lingerie with candles lit

>that sudden realization when they recognize each other

>in a few years people born post-9/11 will be legally posting on Veeky Forums
wew lad

Makoto's rapidly expanding diaper

We know Ryuji.

I hope you do the Futaba one sometime regardless. That concept is so simple yet so golden.

Aigis has now been improved by giving her a vagina and making so you never have to listen to her again

Strip poker you fools!

It's worth it just imagining what Yusuke will do!

>mfw Makoto knocks on my door in the middle of the night crying cuz joker kicked her out again and she's got nowhere to go

persona 3 cafe

>happy fella

when you're in bed and mishima won't leave you alone

Joker is the most patient person

What would his Persona be?

wait, why do his underpants disappear?

I'd like the Ann fic to win but with no concrete ideas I'm sure it would turn into some Ryuji shipping bullshit

checks out other girls
completely ruin the moment

An old west gunslinger?

Living together with Joker

How else would he reveal his hard dick?

Usami going down on Kawakami littering her body with pleasant kisses from her plush plump lips until she hits Sadayo's secret garden

Cause of makotos cognition of him revealing his hard dick

Because he has to reveal his hard dick


Don't forget to kiss the inner thighs

>hello boner my old friend




post some Futaba abuse stories

Walking with Joker, they complain their feet hurt. He scoops them up in his arms and starts carrying them. Their response? You can do carrying without asking for it too if you think that would be better.

Makoto can't help but feel _____ everytime Ryuji rips off ______ revealing _____

I intend to get to most if not all at some point.
Futaba is the type of girl to be completely unable to wrap her head around what she saw. She never thought Sojiro felt that way about her. She wasn't sure if she should feel unsafe or not. She sleeps in Joker's room for a few months after, until she more or less forgets.

Ann is the type of girl to freak out and, upon seeing the picture, steal the photo from Sojiro and slap him. She avoids going to the cafe from then on out, suggesting that the hideout be located elsewhere, but she doesn't want to say why.

Makoto is the type of girl to look away too quickly to see that it was a picture of her. She doesn't hold it against him, masturbation is perfectly natural in her eyes. She keeps it secret like a true bro

Haru is the type of girl to be so mortified that she can never go to the cafe again. She runs away with tears in her eyes

How they would tell joker they're pregnant

Well, guess it works aesthetically


>he has to imagine that the only way any type of girl will want him is if she's a total slut and wants to suck dick
>his immersion is ruined if she's a loving chaste girl

his dick
he's gay

Domestic abuse here , can't do that it's against my morals, futaba had a hard life.

Back in august I took some requests for fanfic to distract everyone from the colored men and the aggressive 4head posts. I never really thought much of it and stopped about two weeks after when new commissions would get shouted down.

I really never thought I'd be creating a fanfic culture on /pg/....

Based Frei at It again

Makoto can't help but feel disgusted everytime Ryuji rips off his bandaid revealing his scabs.

Makoto can't help but feel ashamed everytime Ryuji rips off his clothes in public revealing he's a PHANTOM THIEF

Makoto can't help but feel shame everytime Ryuji rips off her dirty diaper revealing shitty ass

How about as a feminine guy then?

Makoto really hates it when Joker makes shitposts on /pg/ where he leaves out words so others can fill it in with dumb _____ and _____

the lid of jewelry box
an engagement ring

People born after Veeky Forums was made are already posting on it and calling people "newfags" and pretending they've been using Veeky Forums since 2003.

What would her persona be?



Makoto can't help but feel flustered everytime Ryuji rips off her shirt revealing her hard tits

best one

Thank you a lot for that. I was playing the game when it came out in Japanese, and it was so annoying to see the same Haru edits and lazy Ann BLACKED shitposts. Of course, we still have shitposts now, but they have a little more effort, as well as some nice writing.

>tfw so autistic using Tor to get what writefaggotry you want

anyone else know this feel

>hard tits