If he can make $1 billion from a $1 million loan from his dad (which is a 99900% RETURN), why is it so fucking hard for me to turn $100 into $100,000? Jesus Christ, I'm not even asking for much.
If he can make $1 billion from a $1 million loan from his dad (which is a 99900% RETURN)...
It's exponentially easier to make money the more money you have.
It's also exponentially easier to lose more money the more you start out with
So if I started out with a billion dollars I should end with over a google plex of bitcoins?
>from a $1 million loan from his dad
it was way more than that
Of course it's easier.
You're telling me I can go to the bank with $1 in assets and get a loan?
He took full advantage of bankruptcy laws at the time. They actually changed the laws because of him.
With a million you can:
>take out a loan for more money
>have plenty of possibilities to put your money into and can afford higher value shit such as buying property
With a $100 you can:
>invest in memestocks or shitcoins
idk but its pretty easy to see why
he was given an education. he was given powerful friends. he was born with family connections. he was given a "small loan" of 1 million dollars (a lot more if you consider inflation)
you have 100 bucks
If 1 million people get a $1 million dollar loan from there parents, what are the odds 1 of these 1 million people can turn the $1 million into $1billion?
Take the parents out of it. How many people do you think have ever borrowed $1 million+ ? And how many of them have turned it into $1 billion?
Wait till you are 70 yo and see again.
Just getting a 10% compounded over 50 years is 12000℅
He was at the right place and time in history to do this. Anyone could have invested 1m in pretty much anything in the 70s and be very rich today, but not many people had that much back then. Today this is much much more rare with only Bitcoin and a couple of stocks providing any returns like that again, there's not really a growing market for things, even Zuckerbergs vr investment is failing.
1m back then is probably 10m now just from inflation.
You could do it. The trick would be finding something that scales. For example the stock market would be a proportionally worse choice for you than the millionaire investor as the fees would hurt your profits more.
To best bet to multiply a $100 would probably be to find something cheap and resell it.
Hell, that almost inspire me to make a blog on the subject.
you sure can
however given how high risk you are expect a 4 figure apr
Where the hell are you gonna get a consistent 10% return. City of Dallas police and fire pension fund?
The past 5 years the average return on the S&P 500 etfs have been like 20% each year
cuz u cant buy shit with 100
Put it into an index and wait fifty years
Keep in mind that back in the 1970s New York City was an absolute shithole
Nowadays it is a so-called 'world city' but back in the day it was complete shit to live in, so rent prices were fucking low compared to today
Because he got a:
> A 1 million loan that he never had to pay back
> A 20 million loan that he never had to pay back
> A 320 million inheritance
> Inherited a 1+ bill company
Trump started off with a Milli because his great grandpa, his grandpa, and his father all worked their fucking asses off their entire lives and didn't blow their loads at any point so they could pass it down from generation to generation. If you are like me, your parents grew up poor and werent left shit by any of their parents because they were immigrant farmers not looking to get rich. Thus we were left nothing. Boo Hoo sad story get over it. This idea that Trump didn't have to work for his money is a slap in the face to the generation before him who worked endlessly to get him that start. You are never going to get that loan, so you better start behaving less like Donald Trump and start behaving like great-granpappy Trump and start working your ass off, saving that money, and learning about money so you know how to make a few moves with it when you get older. When you have a SON, start teaching him about money management early and how to respect and grow money, give him a little taste to start out with once he has learned, then give him the majority of what you have saved up once he is an adult and mature enough to earn it. If he is not, you failed as a parent and should either have another son or off yourself. If you did your job, your son should be able to grow this money and learn how to make exponentially more than you did and pass it to his son later on.
This is the cycle of wealth. Not get rich quick. Not gaming the system. Good ol fashion saving, investing, and leaving your kid something when he comes of age. The good news is you are worried enough about money now that you care. My dad didn't, and his dad didn't before him.
Like I said earlier, stop complaining about not getting the Trump treatment in life, and start thinking about the many Trumps who came before him who had to break their backs and not spend a dime in order to pass that wealth down.
>If he can make $1 billion from a $1 million loan from his dad
your initial premise is false.
you can't draw real-world conclusions based on Donald Trump's lies.
Most of you guys who post on here are so selfish you probably wouldn't consider your son an extension of yourself. You probably have a dad who is stingy with money or is non existent. You guys are focusing on Trump getting a big ass interest free loan, and ignoring the fact that his father had that money to begin with and that his father was kind and loving enough to trust a milli with his son. You guys should be focusing more on how papa Trump, granpappy Trump, and so on made their money. I'm sure if you go back far enough you end up with some cuck neet like yourself selling shoe shinings for a nickel a piece somewhere in Germany. And you bet your ass that dude was saving his shit up and passing a little down to his son, and made sure his son knew to grow that money and pass some more down to his son and so forth.
You guys need to start breeding a culture in your family that wealth and assets should be passed down so it can be grown.
Unfortunately most familiies don't think like that. The dad of the American family these days thinks "Well I'm gonna get mine and I'm not giving ANY of it up no sir" meanwhile his son is losing money on an apartment and trying to stay alive while paying back disgusting loans. I know sad sob story, but hell that's a symptom of a family not focused on wealth/sharing things like a true family would. It's almost taboo these days for a father and son to be close enough to share wealth and assets, I bet families like the Trumps laugh their asses off at how selfish the American family is.
Reminder that no one knows what his actual net worth is
It's YUGE. I have the best net worth, the very best. Anyone that says otherwise - FAKE NEWS
Speaking as a loser whose father abandoned him you have pretty aptly described my goals in life.
Building a fortune is hard work, no doubt, but to build a legacy carried on by your family is much harder.
As the saying goes I guess, bad times make hard men, hard men make good times, good times make soft men, soft men make bad times.
The Trump family seems to have done a really good job carrying good values down from generation to generation. His kids at least seem like good people who understand the lessons you mentioned. Of course they could be total shits behind closed doors, I've never met them.
Money atracts money. Simple as that.
There's no point in building a fortune or a legacy if the foundation is shit. YOU are that foundation. Make sure everything that ISNT money related is not a distracting factor for you so you can start focusing on the wealth.
as far as your saying goes...it's easier to just go with the flow of society and blame the situation on everyone but yourself, but in the end the strongest families don't bow and break just because the weather is bad. Empires built on sticks vs empires built on bricks my friend
see my post about legacy wealth. It takes at least two to three generations of understanding money and passing some of that money and education down and watching it multiply with time. Ppl are jelly because the Trump family built a rock solid foundation for wealth and made the right moves. Our families did not so we bitch and moan instead of doing what they did.
Please direct me to this magic bank that gives homeless people loans for a dollar.
10% is easily doable with simple value investing
Butthurt Bernouts that can't handle the fact that they're going too be forced too get a job over the next eight years
That's it. All you need is some connections from our legal mafi- er... businessmen
>It's exponentially easier to make money the more money you have.
The whole concept of money is fucked, isn't it?
It's basically just a really advanced and complex system of slavery.
I have a theory that the whole concept of money itself is a Jewish invention. A White system would be something like a bartering system. In which case, you would only be worth what you can actually physically acquire - as in, if you cut down a tree, you own the tree, you can make your own house with it, you can trade it for nice stones or something for a better foundation etc. Money is fucking Jewy, it's so complex and such a worthless fucking zero value thing when you really think about it.
>Hell, that almost inspire me to make a blog on the subject.
Yes pls
Do it user
>I have a theory that the whole concept of money itself is a Jewish invention.
You must be fucking retarded and lazy. Look up the history of banking. Spoiler alert: it started at the end of the dark ages, when merchants would start to travel to other cities. Because there were so many bandits and shit it was dangerous to walk around with a bag of money. Thats when banks came in. You just dropped your money off at the bank and you would get a personal note with a seal. That way traveling became saver. Jews ofcourse, noticed that they could start writing more notes than they had actual money in the bank. 500ish years later they are still raping the world.
>the past 5 years
are you underage?
Paper money first instance was in China. A currency like gold or salt has been developed by every civilisation independently.
What you're describing is a needs based economy, "each according to his needs". I don't know if it was thought of before but it's most famous supporter is Marx.
>monetary theory
Yes but not impossible to learn with someone of even average intelligence
>merchants started to travel at the end of the dark ages
fuck off you coward, just like commies stormfags are resentful for succesful people because they are too weak to succed themselves
atleast here in germany the church made it illegal for christians to earn money with money
so the jews were the only ones alowed to do bank work and give out loans
and maybe there was a realy big need for loans so the banks got big
>implying your son won't blow it on hookers and coke
what would you guys do with $150,000 in cash?
He knew his market and how to ply his trade. Doesn't matter if you have $100 or $1,000,000.
>teaching your son fuck all about money
You don't deserve a legacy.
Put a down payment on a Lamborghini Huracan.
Fuck I want one so bad.
>Lamborghini Huracan
that looks pretty gay man
u dont deserve to be rich cuz u got shit taste
He not only inherited fathers business, but his business acumen, tactics, knowledge, connections.
That is even more worth than money itself.
>with 150k
Pleb man.
Don't buy 1 if you can't buy 5.
He literally received a huge inheritance once his dad died not to mention when he started his dad helped him get connections.