League of Legends General - /lolg/


First for retard jannies
Also second for we need an futa option to win the contest

xth for breast metaI waifu

I haven't played in over a month. I haven't really felt the urge to play at all this time. Am I finally free?


What the fuck is this teaser supposed to be? Roblox?

facebook /LeagueofLegendsLatino/posts/1467217316668641

Xth for Lulufags btfo.

Also Xth for Elise is healthiest girl and perfect for bearing my offspring.

>rotating game modes
>its actually just ascension every weekend

i fucking hate riots hypocrisy, purposely holding urf back because "people would get sick of it fast" but have no problems with ascension being in every other weekend

why do bronze and silver players always call me boosted when I play normals and get matched with them? I am diamond 1

Demonblade Yasuo.

That or a new champ.

Unironically betting on a new champ due to the fact that we should be getting an Angelblade Riven teaser as well, if that was actually the case.

>OP is such an autistic spaz and wanted to make this thread as fast as possible that he forgot to add the site in the OP

who are the most likeable champ mains

am i banned


usually it's them calling you a "smurf" despite you playing on your main

rashida jones is so hot but this is not a great picture of her, makes me sad

Xth for Ahri stealing Xayah and taking her to an orgy with muscular, well endowed noxians in a NTR themed pic should win the contest

The site wasn't even in the last thread, stop being a whiny bitch.

Previous thread didn't have it either.

>playing normals when you're diamond 1

>thread tracker link is broken
might as well not even exist then desu


I play dumb champions to make the time pass, without caring what happens in the game because it's a normal and it literally doesn't matter yet they seem to get really amped up about losing.

Name a single yordle champion that isn't cancer.

I really fucking hate rakan and xayah for some reason.

Which champions would be considered True Neutral?



At least not anymore.

Also Gnar.


I wanna cuddle Jinx even if she was intensely sadistic

>lol jus carry

And then my team 4-man surrendered because Ahri was "too fed".


>Ranged top laners
>Not cancer

I have 12k IP and I feel like buying / learning some champs.
Here are the contenders:
Viktor (MID)
Ziggs (MID)
Illaoi (TOP)
Malzahar (MID / SUPP)


She shouldn't have had that last poro snack.

Post objective truths about League of Legends.

Shit taste desu except Viktor. End ur life desu senpai.

It has a very large asian audience and the teams most commonly performing at the top tier are asian formed teams

Aurelion Sol
Twisted Fate
MAYBE Zilean

given the right amount of time anyone can reach challenger with an average win rate

wew lad
probably the most useless toplaner once lane is over

Why are you bullying me, those aren't even my favourite champs, those are just the ones I have never really played much, but kinda got the urge to learn.

My favourite champs are:

What about Shen and Kassadin?

Who's the most fun in Ascension?

Yeah, I'm thinking about dropping her and picking up a better top that can carry harder.

Trundle maybe? Rumble? I just love the play style of illaoi

r63 is the worst fucking fetish. It's literally just autistic oc.


both excell in this map

Sorry famerino. But please only play those champs if you are a sadist. But yeah get Viktor he's cool, but kind of weak after Rylai's nerfs.
Master Yi, Warwick, Darius



cause we're shitters and we spect someone who is in high elo to play perfectly

>No hair based champion

Objectively false.

Feathers count as hair for birbs

>Syndra misses Q
>Syndra misses stun
>I land my full combo
>We were both full
>We both die

Gut this cancer

>Hurrr MR

It was literally in lane im not going to have the 300 MR required by then

Shen is lawful neutral. He follows a strict code of balance and runs the remnants of a once-legendary Ninja order that does the same. At least for now. Who knows if that'll chance once we finally get that Ionian lore update that inevitably dives into the nation's inner corruption. Or his eventual reunion and team-up with Zed.

Kassadin seems like it could fit anywhere between chaotic good to chaotic neutral. Either way he wants to stop the void from invading Rune Terra, which is considered to be a morally good goal at large.

Thinking about getting the taric or yorick one. Thoughts?

I don't see it as a fetish, I see it as a way to realize better/interesting alternate takes on a character

the fetish part is that she's a shortstack with jet black skin, huge tits, and a sadistic personality. Not the fact that the character is canonically a guy.

I highly doubt that's a new champ

more ranked

It is an easy game if you think about the purpose and consecuences of the things you do.

All my money on blue

anything that can either interact with walls/bushes or anything that can chase down squishies because some idiot will pick an adc in that mode and feed kills. Things that have area denial gimmicks are also strong. And for the love of god unless you're picking something that has insane burst pick something that has hard cc.

GP will feed.

>get a support who is autofill
>keeps complaining
>tell him to play whoever the fuck he wants
>just follow my lead and i'll carry laning
>he does exactly that
>we win
>he even does better than the mid and top
>both of whom were complaining about fairness when i didn't give a fuck

Good because that sounds like it would be a fucking horrible idea for a champion concept.

The only exception to the rule would be a demonic champ based off of a kutakuchi-onna.

I preffer base Yorick over any skins.
Also Hyena Warwick is god tier skin.

I think I understand now. Thanks.

Is there some official information on which role is played the least/most?

All on red

you might be right

Jinx is a CUMDUMP

I know this is bait, but the fact that some people actually think that baffles my mind.

I don't get it do you smurf or are you unironically bronze and like to get laughed at?

From most played to least played

I don't remember the source but I believe it's Mid-Jg-Top-AD-Supp

most played: mid
least played: support

Pretty obvious and it's always been like this.

I want to cuddle with Nami and fall asleep in her warm embrace!
Goodnight /lolg/, think I got it right this time

Shouldn't every role be played the same amount;

you can't start a game without 2 full teams.

>Good because that sounds like it would be a fucking horrible idea for a champion concept.
It would be cool fuck off

I assume it's going off of what people Queue for, rather than what they actually get.

IE mid is the most popular role based on how many people queue up with mid as their primary role.

>you can't start a game without 2 full teams
You can do anything in bronze

Why does nobody play Vi anymore? Doesn't she fulfill basically the same role as Lee?

which mid is the most broken

I want to make Lulu cry!

As jungle Warwick, is it better to go straight to upgraded jungle item or get Tiamat first?

>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3

She's a cumslut and craves her pussy being filled with cocks to shoot loads of cum in her womb. Cum is what made jinx go crazy since she's such a slut for it.

She has a much weaker early game than he does. One of her issues is just how easy it is to counterjungle her.

Tiamat first

im bad
though i might make some replays of this match

the original version was funnier

>Jensen is literally 7/0/5 amd Bjerg 1/4 on Orianna/Taliyah respectively on Stream

>Still manages to throw because he gets caught twice


Tahm Kench

>press R on somebody
>die instantly

good champ

Always get Tiamat first; it makes camp and minion farming that much easier. Also the AOE and active is pretty useful for extra damage during ganks.

>Cum is what made jinx go crazy

Riot Games has hired you to design 3 skins guaranteed to sell well, a shamelessly slutty one, a joke one, and a supremely edgy one. What skins do you make and for whom?

>Go joke build in ARAM
>Team Spams ?????? at me
>Tells me to stop trolling

Did I queue into ranked aram?

>She has a much weaker early game than he does. One of her issues is just how easy it is to counterjungle her.

Also, she needs trinity to work and it is very expensive item for a jungler.
And has high Q CD early game wich is not that good for a gapcloser since is a skillshot.

Nice, thanks. How about skill order? I like maxing W first, but Q seems like more damage.
