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-- Robinhood FAQs --
- VISIT THE WEBSITE FIRST DAMMIT!! - www.robinhood.com

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, am I being jewed?
Jewish tricks? No, and please refrain from the antisemitism! Robinhood graphs are just shit and only show you an average, not-really-realtime price. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.

> How is it free?
"People" invest your settled funds when you're not using them, just like banks.

> Is this the place to pump and dump and/or shill a worthless stock?
Are you aware how small this community is? Better to try stocktwits or r/wallstreetbets

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
Real brokers, like TDAmeritrade's thinkorswim. Otherwise you should be using stockcharts.com, finviz, or a non-pile-of-shit for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.

>How do I git gud?
People here are gambling, don't listen to any advice in this thread. Do, follow news, earnings reports, and stay away from leveraged etfs, also learn difference between LIMIT and MARKET orders!!!


Other urls found in this thread:


Thank god for pip

Who /pip here



someone edit the pep boys logo to say pip boys

theyll issue warrants
but heads up, Robinhood doesn't trade warrants, ergo, you lose all your money

How do I know? This happened to me with BAS. Reverse split 570:1, then issued me warrants which wont be effective unless the stock hits $55 in 7 years.

Jumped in PIP for that special divvy months ago. Bought in more this morning when the correction happened, this company is still kicking/making moves. Gonna be a nice ride to Jupiter anons, strap in.

finally broke the 30k mark
took a while but still pretty happy regardless

the company has been merged with another company, this ticker symbol will be delisted at any second

Fuck me.

Please God, let this symbol hold out till tomorrow

Im in pip at 0.91, this retard stock wont budge

I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life

I have lost 9k on stocks 3 months ago, there are runners almost everyday but I am either too late, or stupid

I hate my life I want to die i want to die i hate being alive

Statisticly i should atleast have one major win.

So i shouldn't hold through the merger? I'm not using Robinhood. but if they say i can't claim them before it gains 500 percent i'm fucked.


also IBB was moving just like gild now that gild is dying is no moving like gild #fmll


30k CAD for total account value
not robinhood but still the only place i can really post about stock stuff

get on MSTX it still hasn't popped and its going to soon.

What stock?




Hahaha bagholding fagit. Piece of shit stock aylmao kys yourself

hell no dude why? theyre going to be trading under ALT

I like the name, ALT. Could be a great meme one day.

If you're literally following every meme train on biz then yeah you're gonna get shafted 9/10 times.

Grow a fucking brain and do some research yourself.

I lost 2k when I first started because I listened to these memers.

Occasionally there's some good stuff here and I did make some money but don't blindly follow.

Honestly just dump all your assets into an etf

Can you buy stock options on RH? I just realized my current broker won't let me without an application and I found a good opportunity.


This stock is literally a ticking time bomb, unless we can pull out tomorrow morning before it merges. I have no day trades left

When is the merger?

Watch XCO, they were given a non compliance warning from NYSE so their stock fell pretty far. But volume has been steadily increasing everyday. Not to mention it's a natural gas company with an earning report coming up. And come on, can a company even lose money on natural gas in this day and age. Just a heads up. Hoping for a positive earnings report on 2/28.

my average is under .13 its going to fly over .26 no wonder you lose money.

Neophyte paper trader reporting in.
I'm learning a lot about trading on fundamentals like pumpability and how to not be a filthy bag holder.

Oh for fuck sakes Veeky Forums you sure know how to pick them!

Anytime soon. Today, tomorrow, who the fuck knows.

Any way to find out? Call them?

Late to the pip train. Threw $200 in with no day trades. Fuck it lessgo I'm up 75 cents already.

Keep telling yourself that desperate little fag

>"c-come bro, buy mstx! im definitly not a bagholding loser!"

You are like a drugaddict, not human, just willing to make up any lie for your fix.

I have 35k in my trading stocks account, and 130k in my bankaccount.

Enjoy your 20 dollars or whatever the fuck you trade with. NIGGER!

Faggots worried about PIP merger, are you all retarded? ALT(right) is the new ticker for the memers of the sun.

"You are like a drugaddict, not human, just willing to make up any lie for your fix."

woah buddy

Nevermind I googled it.

Well if any of you fags can, consider $3.50 calls on SVU. Market grossly overreacted to a bad ER and its going to recover soon and the calls are cheap as fuck.

PIP isnt merging this week.

If youre worrying about a non-issue youre going to cuck yourself out of gains.

Now whose ready to see $1 in powerhour?

way to cope bro.. way to cope

How can you say for sure? I can't find a date for it.

What will happen though during a merger?


I've always thought mergers is positive.

you think PIP just becomes ALT?
thats not how it works

An user mentioned Robinhood doesn't trade the warrants? Sounds illegal to me, idk the specifics

sure, if theyre trading under your ticker symbol thats good, but PIP will be a new company trading under ALT

MEME it so!!!!

Okay, so they might give us either cash or stocks in ALT then?

just ask yourself why was the selloff so huge?
you think Veeky Forums is smarter than the market?
Fuck no dudes, we just have a sky high risk profile so we're riding a meme to oblivion

New guy here, I have 17 dollars of cash but it says my buying power is .45 cents. I sold a stock earlier and made a profit, is it cause it hasn't been givin me back the money?

Ask yourself if biz alone can pump 34 million into a stock.

I'll wait for your answer.

$DRYS....WHAT DO????

cash account or some 3 days settlement i heard that can effect any account. also if you dealing with high risk stuff it wouldnt let you use what made off of it

Pip dip, time to shine. Power Hour is here!

Man, fuck this board. This is literally loosing it all thanks to a bunch of fags.

Because there is no mention of it on their site or anywhere else. They will trade under the name ALT once they have merged but the date has not been set. This is crucial info for investors and they wouldnt just suddenly merge one day out of the blue.

The reason this stock has exploded today is because it was oversold after the ex-dividend date passed and people mass sold. Now its correcting itself and will do so tomorrow as well imo.

user made $1k on PIP a couple hours ago

Guys look at $DRYS......Should I go all-in. Id fucking hate to miss its moon mission again

The merger is not yet approved or negotiated with the shareholders of PIP and ALT. Calm your tits.


gotcha, so when would I be able to re invest with it? 3 days?

youll get warrants, I bet you
is there any press release telling you what you'll get? what happens to PIP when the company starts trading under ALT?
Do you wake up one day and your PIP turned into ALT, or ALT.WS (disappearing from RH, along with your money)

Calm your Fucking Tits he says....
Jump the fuck in I say....

no, but Veeky Forums is a reflection of the wider penny stock market isn't it?

yeah that was me, that was before I


Hey, I used to work for them. Shit company.

No, because they have not yet approved the merging with the shareholders. They will not suddenly just ninja-merge this without their approval. That is against the law.

Guys im not memeing im serious, it looks like its about to burst..is anyone else watching it? I could use some ideas

I bought 10,000 shares then did research and found out the ticker symbol might not even exist tomorrow. Luckily traders got back from lunch and launched me to the CURRENT stock price, which I got out of like an hour ago.

Just be careful faggots

3 day wait time. Once you get RH instant that goes away.

what is this "no day trades" shit?

is this a US only thing or is it specific broker rules

TD here

Do I need gold to get instant?


Yes. 3 trading days.

For fuck's sake the shareholders haven't even approved the merger yet.

You're only allowed 3 day trades within a 5 business day span. 5 b-days after your first day trade, you can then make another day trade.

Thanks for the help guys

No. Instant is awesome. No margin risk either.

Is this a RH thing?

All-in on PIP. Got 18k stocks in this at .85

Robinhood instant. They allow you 3 day trades per rolling 5 day period.

I sold NAKD at 3.05 and bought it at 2.36

its an SEC thing

robinhood instant will allow you to use those unsettled funds

but be aware that buying and selling a stock in the same day counts as a daytrade and if you get 4 daytrades in a week you get flagged as a 'pattern day trader' and if you are a PDT with less than $25k in your account then you are forced to go back to a cash account (waiting 3 days for settlement)

its not robinhood its the SEC

pussy ass cracker, im not even american so fuck off

I'm thinking dripping 3.2k on PIP guys should I do it?


You're too late.

Go for it

Whatever stock I touch drops dead so I bought two shares in AMD I like seeing people hold bags

buy some pip too so it will go up as well

Yeah I was just noticing that, I upgraded to instant, not sure if that was a mistake

Fuck it, I am holding $PIP overnight. If the stock goes poof and my broker won't compensate or let me trade in $ALT with my holdings I'll learn a $500 dollar lesson.

T-thanks Veeky Forums

Most is in at .80-.90 go for it.

Stupid question needs legit answers.... How do I tell how many trades are left. looking through docs and not finding it .

what part of

>the merger cant just happen overnight without alerting the shareholders with a specified date, thats illegal

do you not fucking understand?

Check your account tab, it's there.

Last chance for you flaming queers to get on the OESX train for earnings tomorrow. Not a moon mission but we will certainly get some orbital time and eventually we might be KUIPER BELT once management finishes turning things around.

>News: PIP and ALT shareholders approve merger
>Trading will begin under new ticker at 2:45PM tomorrow

PIP Volume 35,010,130
Let's fucking go

$PIP may now have too much volume, look at the chart for the past hour or so nothing but choppy flat lined waves; the machines got to it now.