>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
Fuck off Raul. Tharja is utter shit and has no semblance of being canon no matter how many fanfics you write
Off yourself faggot. You are a blight on this general
Azura is shit
Does anyone have a Mystery of the Emblem vc inject? I can't get one working myself.
Do you like Azuras singing voice, /feg/?
Azura a best!
Dropping Echoes. I wanted to play a fun game, not tear my hair out.
Would you a bunch of horny riders that want to ride all night?
I love Severa, and so do you, and Camilla does too!
Give Grima a hug, okay?
Weeding banner is going to be as shit as spring
Azura is a horrible character with a bad design
Not really. Her VA/seiyuu is kinda shit
I want to FUCK Saber!!
>ever bad
You have to go back reddit
Priam for FE Switch.
Happy birthday to the exalted weenie
>no defenses
Should I spend 2k feathers and lose my only Poison Strike 3 just so my arena team has 40 SP more value in the arena? I'm on the brink of getting into Tier 19, getting 692-698 opponents at the moment.
I hear you can get a pressie in Fates if you have streetpass data for Awakening, so I went and turned steetpass back on for Awakening but nothing is happening??
Do I need to actually receive streetpasses for awakening as well.
> slaps your waifu's ass
what are you gonna do?
Me2, user
Who do you think has the best redesign in SoV?
Jokes on you pal, that's your SISTER
tfw you're baiting all the Kageros with Nino and sweeping them with Effie
*Teleports behind you*
Nothing personal, kid
>slaps your waifu's ass
>erases you and most of your friends from existence
Clair, Deen and the starter villagers.
Celica, probably.
>Delthea is an absolute monster and has 20 attack, 19 speed, and 22 luck by the time I can promote her
>Luthier never gains a single point of attack and still has 12 as a Sage, with most of his other stats around the same
Is this normal
Why do they love Clive so much?
Fist-fight you to death.
Also Tatiana
Calling him an autist because he slapped his sister's ass.
I see you're a man of culture as well, however I'm a Jeanne fag
I got the same result too. Delthea is basically Echoes' nino.
You not dealing with your average royal anymore
It's hard though I would say Celica, Tatiana and the villagers.
>Boob-plate on 13 year old
>Good design
Nah. Nino is worthless unless you really put effort into training her up. Delthea is good right out of her recruitment chapter as an unprompted mage
Kamui and Boey are my favorites, but everyone looks good.
Delthea is probably the best unit in the game.
fuck off Fernand
Sorry for responding late, here ya go. I've mostly stuck with archers, mages and prepromotes the whole run.
Disgusting! so am I
>Red can't even damage one of the shittiest green units in the game
I thought Ryoma was supposed to be S tier?
*Unsheathes orange
Why does she have fangs though
Yes. Short of being extremely blessed Luthier will always be worse. Even if he does get blessed chances are he'll only be on par with Delthea rather than straight outclassing her since she's that good.
I've gotta admit, this is pretty cool.
I like Hana
Mine is -HP/+ATK. +ATK -SPD may be better because she gives no shit about speed, the only thing she has any business tanking are green mages so maybe choose the one that can deal with Nino/Julias best (maybe Snacki too).
Only Blade+ and DB3 are important. Everything else you can flex to suit your party needs. WoM is never not good on defense though, as long as people who fight you try baiting one of yours and fail to kill cleanly on the counter (melee especially in this case), Lilina will be able to port in and nuke. She's the biggest MVP for me on offense too, girl takes investments but shits out damage and is a queen of OHKO. Lilina's honestly not great on defense though, being super squishy and dies to any melee rushing her first, but she's STRONK on offense.
Claire, Celica, and the villagers. Boey's change was dramatic, but it looks good. They all look great user.
coming up on 60k feathers
I'm kinda hoping that I don't get anything worth upgrading in my next set of rolls so I have an excuse to promote Anna/Fonse/Cuntface.
This is your bride.
What was the point of her?
Why is one of the undead attack animations either a kiss or a hug? Mae has my condolences.
to make bermut redeemable
I will give her a lot of love.
no, thanks
Kinda wish the face was closer to the manga, but still fantastic work as always. Really cool they are doing all these side-materials and giving them all this love.
Oh wait, there we go.
Now at long last Fire Emblem the Shield can join forces with Fire Emblem the Sword.
I want to like her but she seriously had such a tiny amount of screentime I don't really give a shit.
Next 8 GHB will be:
Camus with Gradivus
Lyon with Naglfar
Berkut with Kreimhild
Arvis with Valflame
Emperor Hardin also with Gradivus
Sonia with Fimbulvtr
Walhart with Wolfberg
The Black Knight with Alondite
I really like all the redesigns. Rudolph and some of the one-off bosses are 10/10 stuff.
To make you hate Berkoot more
I'll have kids with Katua!
How hyped would you be if the fabled permadeath event gave out a 3*, 4*, and 5* Veronica?
This seems about right.
fuck, marry, kill
kill celica, fuck genny, marry mae
Marry Mae
Fuck Genny
Kill Celica
Fuck Genny
Marry Genny
Kill neither of the other two because that would make Genny sad. (also don't kill Genny either, you loophole exploiting fucks)
Fuck marry kill from left to right
Fuck Mae
Marry Celica
Befriend Genny
I ain't killing anyone.
Fuck genny marry genny leave the other two back at the monestary
Marry Mae
Fuck Celica
Kill and Fuck Genny
Fuck Mae
Marry Genny
Kill Celica Faye deserves a happy ending with Alm
Silque is Azura if Azura wasn't a main character.
>I ain't killing anyone.
That's not how it works, Corrin
Marry Genny
Fuck Mae
Making Celica my sex slave
kill genny
marry celica
fuck mae
Just call him Zelgius already
How are they similar at all?
Anyone with a replicate charlotte or miracle kagero my castle?
You have superior taste, friend.
Please respond. Any input?
>I hear you can get a pressie in Fates if you have streetpass data for Awakening
Fuck Mae!
Marry Mae!
Kill Boey, and counsel Mae through one of her best friend's death!
But the Black Knight wields the Mystletainn.
Nice try getting more people banned, nintendo