I love Lissandra!
Best freljord, proven with facts!
League of legends general /lolg/
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I want Ahri to cuckold me.
Who here /automated/? Just broke Diamond 2 on urgot with scripts, hbu?
He rocks!
Wish me luck lolg!!!!!!
I'm still going to lose though cuz muh team
Which scripting program did they ban?
Hope you get cancer and all your family dies
>acquire arbitrary meaningless ranking in an online game
>by not even playing on your own
That's like printing your own monopoly money and acting like it's real.
I really like Vayne
worst vayne skin
>all these niggas crying bitch tears
good work user
can you leave my boyfriend alone
Why aren't you playing the freelo death mage?
>Script kiddies not using superior esoteric memes to compliment their game strategies.
>twisted treeline
nice b8
I want to breed with Slutty Fox
I wish i had a gf Ahri could steal...
>twisted treeline 3v3
i just wanted to know which scripting platform the banned.
there were some news regarding that and they only used stars instead of the name
i thought it was BoL but I'm not sure
king really gay but also ded?
Sorry, can't hear you from all the way down in plat 5, shitter.
what would this entail?
Tell me about it
Reminder Vayne is MINE
I just picked fiora to nasus. Did i outplayed myself?
good you can have trash
Very few people actually like Vayne as a character so I will give you a pity (You)
>ywn play Orbital Spider Cannon
you can fuck him early, then at 6, then at 4 items.
i used to build lifesteal as third item but it delays ie+er+zeal powerspike so i skip it
playing him now because he's cheap (new acc so cant afford cass nor azir), i never liked annie
its surprisingly good against draven
even more teamfight presence
Is infinity edge good on yi?
Bets bitches
Why do people bitch so much about autofill? It literally can't happen to you more often than 1 in 4 games, in my experience it's more like 1 in 7.
I've also had pretty good luck in my autofill games this season. Even if I'm unfamiliar with the role I have pocket picks (Lulu support, Warwick jungle) and I just play my best without feeding.
>some guy's name ends with 2g
>i had a ban
>didn't ban udyr because i noticed it too late
Wait can you actually not demote by doing this shit?
>Vayne's lore comes out
>Stupid male apes realise she's not their idea of sweetness and kindness you associate with women and waifus
Haha kys
>virgin shaco main
>obligatory unfunny "CLEVER SHACO MAIN NAME"
>playing his 1 trick in a Veeky Forums
Is there anything more pathetic?
Doran's shield is a good starter in any lane where you expect to be aggressed upon.
I think that's actually a healthy spot for it to be.
Alright, /lolg/, claim your waifu/husbando, or be eternally cucked.
>tfw Australiasubhumantrash will forever be cucked by my superior genetics
>tfw carried by a voli with a 2g club tag earlier today
Basically a dead item unless you also get a zeal item to pair with it. You have to be fed as fuck to pull it off.
Vayne is a visually unattractive character with uninteresting gameplay. Lore is tertiary to all of that. If the first two conditions aren't satisfied then the third is irrelevant. I don't even know Vayne's backstory, the problem is that Vayne provides no incentive to care.
Oops. I forgot to include a reply to this user .
>not seeing the Udyr 1-tricks in whatever shithole elo you are.
It's as if you want to lose.
I really like Draven
I've been playing him a lot lately but even when I do well I'm too bad to carry
should I just accept that I can't carry as adc in bronze?
>play swain for the first time in ranked
>don't shit the bed pre-6
>build zhonya's
>actually unstoppable in teamfights
Why isn't this guy pick/ban tier? I see no weaknesses aside from having a kinda-slow push unless he spends a shitload of mana on ult.
>don't play since late S6
suddenly Jhin is shit color me surprised desu is le champ is doing well in LCS let's gut him to utter trash for reddit stop crying and give us shekels
what happened to /ourguy/?
>should I just accept that I can't carry as adc in bronze?
You can absolutely carry as an adc in bronze and on draven especially
Almost as boring as kayle
>9 lose streak
Fuck off, this expression is the worst.
I don't mean in general but I mean I specifically
if I don't have a good support then I can't carry which makes me think I'd be better off in a solo lane
but at the same time I really wanna keep playing Draven
there is nothing attractive about vayne, her lore, her model, or the people that play her
i put her lower on my list than gnar
The overpowered piece of shit was played every single game for over an entire year
>let's blame reddit
Fuck off dude
>play with some friends who are god awful
>girl who plays adc/mid just cause she likes lux/ashe/vayne
>lose every game but dont cause cause I'm secretly getting nudes
>W/L drops below 50% after a week
>no more nudes flowing and she hasnt improved at all, the rest of the group is only slightly above her whereas they are present to follow up when i initiate but still split targets etc etc
Taking the 3D bait was a mistake.
not nerfs but botrk buff make him trash
How does Vision Score work?
I placed an destroyed 1 extra ward but that got me 23 more points than the enemy support?
Unless it doesn't count Control Wards towards the original total?
NEVER duo with girls on your main. always gotta smurf
You see, a lot chicks out there show who they are to get free skins and freelo.
Look at Dyrus' slut succubus of a girlfriend.
She's not Plat because she's good, she's play because she's motivating niggas to carry her ass.
>getting nudes for flex queue
How much does riven and Yasuo skin cost?
>if i don't have a good support
There is no such thing as a good support. Support players are garbage players who got carried to whatever elo they're at because they're too shit to play a carry role. You are dealing with the supports who couldn't even be carried out of bronze. Both sides have shit players, why are you not using this as an opportunity to exploit and get fed? Draven is one of the easiest ADCs to solo carry a lane with.
Basically refused to be turned into a powerless cuck because her mentor was too incompetent to train her properly and tried to turn her into a pet.
We need a new skin
Deathfire touch did get nerfed though
Stoooooop. Don't play Draven at all. Play an easy adc like Miss Fortune or Varus so you can focus on the macro of the game first.
Do not play Draven, Lucian, or Vayne if you are low elo and trying to learn adc. No argument.
FOUR Horsemen Jhin (3 others can be added, Yorick especially)
Golfer Jhin
Archangel Jhin (killing others is selfless)
Disco Jhin (joke skin, sweet animations and poses per shot)
Vayne guy here? Got something for you since I put the original off for so long.
Kinda feeling a Riven or Kat one next but no one's really given me anything for them. Any suggestions? Probably doing Xayah/Azir after that.
thanks tyler
>nerf deathfire touch explicitly for jhin since he was the only ad user
>nerf his ulti slow
>nerf lethality
>It's just bork buffs brah
not only 3D but sex is just a meme itself
and yeah, duo with girls on smurfs
>why are you not using this as an opportunity to exploit and get fed?
because I'm bad
which leads back to why I'm starting to think I shouldn't play adc
>Don't play Draven at all.
get fucked I'd rather be bad on a champ I enjoy than play snoozefest champs like MF and Varus
Perhaps the amount of times you used your sweeper
You also purchased more control wards
so that's where you came from, huh?
None of these are true your male brain simply cannot comprehend it
Is it weird I've never run into a scripter or atleast I don't think I have I've seen guys dodge skills pretty well but like it was never consistently throughout the whole game masterfully. Currently D4, do a lot of people script?
Then don't complain about not being able to carry as Draven. In bronze everyone's macro is fucking trash. That's like play Riven in bronze and complaining about your teammates when in reality your macro is already trash then you picked a micro intensive champion on top of that. It's 100% your fault.
That's pretty lewd
Please treat my sweet sweet Ahri with the tender love that she deserves! Satisfy her in ways I could only pathetically dream of. It always makes me so happy when my dear Ahri tells me exciting and fun her nights are. Sometimes, she even let's me watch her!
They aren't always obvious.
I've run into exactly 1 and I've been playing since season 3.
>Why am I not encountering scripters who script at a D1/master level in D4?
yeah i played vs draven + morgana this game
> uninteresting gameplay
shes one of the most popular Marksmen for a reason.
BigBrother :)
>tfw I faced a xerath with questionable accuracy at times
>he gets hit with a decent number of skill shots
>he misses standing still targets.
Honestly I think people just assume some people script but like said most of them aren't obvious because they don't wanna be banned quickly.
I don't think so but I don't know riot got $10 million in a lawsuit apparently against a company selling scripts but I imagine most of those sales are to chinese people since they love cheating.
At least it isn't as bad as cs:go where every time I log onto the game when I do every half year someone is cheating.
I played a game today with a friend and one guy on our team was cheating and someone on the enemy team was cheating too. Don't know how cs:go players put up with that bullshit. Happened last time I tried to play too.
I pick the most fertile one
Riot has just added a game mode that lets you pick your passive and skills
You can pick any skills from any champ in the game
What do you pick and on who (aa method is not changed)
I guess i deserved that, i gave shaco a kill once
I wanna cuddle and love Jinx
>feel nostalgic
>play a few Shyvana and Vi games
XJ9, are you watching me from the halls of heroes?
I'm just asking lol not implying its a crazy problem
>sweeper usage
That makes sense.
Pls respond
This is the most toxic ability in the game
>queue up with friend
>in his placements
>get a game with a darius top, gragas jg, jayce mid
>he is lucian bot and i am leona supp
>5 min mark
>gragas leaves the game, doesn't come back
>he gets caught out a few too many times (where i cannot get him out) but remains
>darius and jayce keep facechecking everything
>jayce gets caught out literally every 30 seconds by randomly facechecking shit in river
>darius gets caught out literally every minute or two by also facechecking shit
>the enemy team just groups in river bushes waiting for them to stupidly walk up while none of us are nearby to help
>still have a shot at winning
>darius is walking up river just northwest of baron pit to ward a bush then catch top wave -> enemy team collapses onto him
>they get free baron
>we lose
>queue up for a second game
>friend goes lucian again, i go leona
>m7 draven and a blitz are enemy laners
>yasuo is 0/6, checked op.gg and he was in promos for silver
>nautilus jungle focuses blitz instead of draven every time he ganks us
>top lane is behind
>we both died once to the draven early on so draven was 2/0/0 for a while until the naut decided to start feeding him
>lose to 15/1/x draven
i thought silver would be better than bronze
these people are way worse than the low bronze people i played with a few weeks back
>you can walk around the wind wall
>you can walk through the wind wall
gee that sure was hard
is there a list of things that this doesnt block
like a full and complete one
>Kat's ult leaves Grievous Wounds
who designed this champ
What about Cait? She seems easy.