Fighting Games General /fgg/
>Another early thread with a shit OP
kys yourself
Elphelt has TWO threads!!
>2 OPs made at the same time
>Both have Elphelt
Y'all love her too much
She's just a thot
>Denuvo Anti-Tamper, or Denuvo, is an anti-tamper technology and digital rights management (DRM) scheme developed by the Austrian company Denuvo Software Solutions GmbH, a company formed through the management buyout (MBO) of Sony DADC DigitalWorks
>"We are not competing with PC" - Sony
Elphelt is the second best gg though.
my back dash cancel macro is all set up
time to wreck tekkenfags on pc
Is this from GGs new Storymode
>onlineski getting sponsored
Honest question, do any of you feel guilty for trying to spend too much playing fighting games because you think you can win a tournie? I tried to play a shitload of KOF 14 but then I remembered I live in the middle of nowhere
that shit won't help you nothing
I just like videogames why is everything a life or death matter with your depressed faggots?
Combo Breaker sure has production value
I actually hope he does well. Unless he's a fraudulent shitter, in which case I hope he gets exposed.
good luck lmao
Lol nope. I rarely play shit.
I have never thought about wanting to win tournaments of going to locals, I'm an online warrior till I die
It had holograms and shit so I'd say it does
>Broski getting sponsored
seriously though don't get ripped off bro, there's too many trash sponsors out there
Vsav is back.
>Broski gonna be a pro
I hope he does well t b h
He might be playing Kusoge Fighter V but fuck we all gotta start somewhere
90% of people have a sponsor these days
where is the blazblue stream?
i have some friends in top 24
i want to get a clothed paizuri
I hope he mentions /fgg/ every 2 seconds one he goes pro :^)
and a lot of them are garbage "jersey and a handshake" sponsors that don't actually help you monetarily