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Sombra online.

Here comes T.Racer!

Post em


Summer skins when?

Jamison Fawkes! And Hana Song!

Tracer won round 1

Currently on round 2



I want to sup from Hanzo's teat

Time for some Bleu.

Why do you keep posting the poll Tracer already won ?

Hana Song!

What the FUCK is up wit hogs hook? I came back for free points b4 end of season 4, how do I consistently hook now? Like its happened several times now where ill have an easy opening for it, latch someone but it fails. Is there a new strat for this shit? also did they change the range on the burst for his rmb?

>love her blue skin
>also love her Talon skin

Amélie is great

that's round 1 poll la'

Nice catch, my bad
Tracer won round 1

Currently on round 2


cloud9 vs LG Evil on lads



but SK just beat LG in overpass map

Rivalcade Rumble
Cloud 9 vs. LG Evil - Rivalcade Rumble - Group D
twitch tv/livethebattle
Time to watch my boy Kaiser shatter some air.



>it's a "Genji is literally unaffected by flashbang in every way imaginable because his every ability completely negates it, either by momentum, reflecting it, or just ignoring it outright"
>it was the only episode they made before the show got cancelled


Hello B.va poster!

How long have you been gone? Because it breaks if your target breaks LoS before you pull them back and was changed to that a few months ago.

at the very least they could make her invis uncloaking time shorter
having to wait a second out in the open not being able to do anything is a pain

>appears literally twice and only twice in the top 500
she's not viable, that's why
>lowest winrate out of any hero in the game
if you can't see why she needs a buff you're genuinely retarded

Just so you know McCree's flash hit reg, like soldier's M1 and all of Rein's abilities are now serverside and not native so if you have anything above 40ms good luck.


>tfw missed out on round 1
>didn't have to choose between two bestest girls

Feels good man

and then screaming that she's been here all along to the enemy is pretty dumb too

>can't mix weapons and skins

its not los, im in the open, hook and detach. its not a break either because its on shit like mercy. i know the made los break be super sens but the shit ive been seeing in a day of play just seems buggy

And you think increasing her damage will do what?

Could just be part of the problems that seem to have been introduced with this patch like mentioned. I've had it recently as well.

>a character that can't secure kills can now secure kills
figure it out, genius
and no, at her present state she, as a character cannot secure kills. That is what the stats tell us. So keep your anecdotes to yourself


Will Blizzard ever start adding in more animated sprays and not just the ranked ones?

We need the bee keeper.

>The enemy has a shield generator

When the fuck does the new season start?

My Torbjorn training is almost complete, i got the golden gun and the cute spray, all i need is sitting emote.

Season 4 here i come.

git gud

Mercy wins round 2

The winner of this round will face Tracer in the finals


you can't get good with an underpowered hero. She's literally useless.
>top 500
>appears literally only twice and still loses hard
really activates my almonds


sounds like a pretty bad joke then. Not sure how anyone can actively play this game with shit like ive been seeing. ontop of most of the game modes being just bad. how do you mess up 1v's and cap's the way they did?

Sounds to me like you're a shitty fps player.

Good POTG, then again all Torb POTG's are good

tactical reminder that if you have your ultimate and we're about to lose the point when the enemy is at 99%, don't waste it. let them take it and save your ult for the next round

the more you know

So what you're saying is, because only one or two people out of five hundred don't play her, she's terrible?

thank you user

kaiser already missed three earthshatters

Spamzo is fun
fuck the haters

>shitty top 500 players still haven't figured out her spray pattern

I'm saying when the opinion of most of the pros is that she's bad and outclassed by tracer or genji, they're probably right and when she has the lowest winrate of any hero in every single rank. There's an issue. Objectively. Now get your head out of your ass

Because Kaiser moved from KR to NA he has to get used to the differences in magnetic vibrational frequency before he gets back to playing at full capability, it's common problem for non-awoken carbon-based lifeforms

Uma delícia.

NA already affecting Kaiser gg

>tell my team we should probably find it to make the team fights easier
>no one listens so I spend my time looking for it while my team doesn't even try and just keeps trying to burst them
>I find it and destroy it
>team suddenly asks whether the enemy team suddenly got easier
>my fucking face when

That's not even spanish.

>potg as McCree
>missed 5/6 shots oh Pharah
>Zarya with one HP bar dies to flashbang
>miss headshot on flashbanged Sombra

Hey guys let's play a game. Will it sleep?

>potg is mccree casting deadeye without even killing anyone

All of Rein's abilities are delayed since the latest update.
It's a bug that probably is being caused by some changes in how the hit registration works.
It's not entirely his fault.

>have smurf in team
>he's in a premade
>his friend is shit
>goes on and on about his buddy will carry us
>the smurf does well but is no where near a solo carry
>end up losing
>smurf dude is incredibly salty
>his friend reminds us all that we're shit and didn't deserve a win anyway
>mfw we only lost because his friend did absolutely nothing

Someone runs in front of it and got slept instead.


I will never understand people buying a 2nd account to smurf in lower ranks. Literally acknowledging that they suck and were carried into the higher ranks.

How many of the "pros" have actually spent time playing as Sombra? Because all the top ranked people that play her and play her exclusively have pretty much said that with her recent buffs she's a little over powered for what she should be doing.


Nope and nope, it goes through because fuck hitboxes.


Someone is not in tune with the latest and dankest memes...

End my life famalams.

Retarded russians and fucktards refusing to swap to something better just cockblocking me from getting plat.

I have one specifically because my friends hated playing with me on my main. They're those play once in a blue moon friends and I'm master, so it's just not fun for them. So I just play with them when they're on with the alt.

>tfw season high is 2502
I don't know this feel

>tfw placed in diamond seasons 1 and 2
>now I'm gold


I fucking hate this shit, also Blizzard will never show us the hitboxes for the characters cause they know they WILL get shit on for how retarded they are

>he's not intelligent enough to use Sombra
She'd be more annoying than Tracer if her damage got buffed.

how autistic is it to play exclusively roadhog?

That's a bit different, I'm talking about people that buy 2nd accounts to exclusively play in lower ranks to talk shit and such.


>Neglected the game all season and only really start playing within the past month
>Was dropped to 1000 after a bunch of teams disconnecting in nearly all my placements
>Climbed to 1799
W-w-will I do better in the next placements?


that's disgusting.

She can barely kill mercy and she needs to move in and out of invis instantly

>dropped to 1000

I don't even play ranked but holy shit, dude.

I'm with you here, matchmaking is so fucking shit.
>play for months and multiple seasons to rank up
>lose it all in 1 - 2 nights and end up in gold.

The SR system feels really fucking retarded.

Why can't you, at the very least, lose less/gain more SR depending on your performance? If you lose but you've killed a shitload of supports/landed loads of hooks/done fucktons of healing or whatever then you don't lose that much SR.

>start playing again
>jump into comp after some games, go sombra
>hanzo and pharah tell me to switch off because I'm not doing jackshit and my damage is fucking awful like all useless sombras
>gold damage, obj kills and elims on top of constantly pulling clutch hacks on charging reins/ulting roads/mercy about to ult

I forgot how dreadful solo queue was in this game

she doesn't murder anyone because she's trash

Hey guys, rate my stats. I'm inexplicably good at Mercy and Winston, but my favorite hero is Tracer. Can someone explain why my aim is relatively shit on her while I still have good elims and damage? What can I do to improve my stats? The app is called oversumo.

exclusively playing any hero is extremely autistic

I had a lot of those disconnects, where it would connect me to a game, and then immediately say I'm disconnected, even when my internet was fine.
I lost about 200 SR that way.
I took it as an opportunity to learn characters I never touched before though.

t. shit players

>play as mercy for the first time
>random is a competent soldier with the perfect voice
>protect him with my life
>start to feel like a healslut should
what is this game doing to me

Don't forget the best part, you can't even blogpost about it on /owg/ because they'll say "hurr golds don't matter!" regardless of the context you gave and how relevant an indicator it is