/gtag/ - Grand Theft Auto General

No Shitposting Allowed Edition

Last Thread: >Crews for GTA:O
Join a crew by posting your SC name and crew you want to join in the thread then clicking the link below and requesting an invite. Make sure your profile visibility is set to public. Do not kill/grief fellow crew members.
socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/pc_gtag (PC only)
socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/gtag_vg_-_ps4 (PS4 only)
socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/meat_for_the_grinder (Xbone ft. 100% crew black)
socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/flibinjibervans (Alternative meme color crew)
Other crews: pastebin.com/GtsCr3VL
>Steam Group - No transgenders allowed
>PS4 Community - GTAG VG Community (transgenders allowed)
To join the community, search the community name in "Discover Communities" and leave a request.

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Transgenders destroyed GTAG. Discord destroyed GTAG.

shut up your gay retard

Abbreviations destroyed GTAG. mtfs destroyed GTAG.

The poll has spoken. New crew when?

Todays topic:

Opinions? Pic related, my personal opinion. And yours?

pic related

then make one and dont make kaz or blater cums

Where's the 3st option for "I'd rather join neither"?

I nominate myself as the leader of the new crew.

Many of you already know me, already know my qualities and great leadership capability.

For those who don't know me, I'm BasedViva.

Truthfully you probably know me and have seen one of my videos while browsing the trending section.

I have been leading internet based groups of all sorts for a very long time and I understand the nuances that are needed by a great leader like myself.

If you need some proof, here's my youtube channel.


That's the not voting option

>mfw trannies are trying to make ''abbreviations destroyed GTAG XD'' a thing to distract us from their cancerous ways

>implying you can't hate both trannies and abbreviations
I made the post mocking the guy for using Q instead of queue, and I also made about 20 posts complaining about trannies. Deal with it, fag.

is it really that hard to make yourself not look retarded and use the proper fucking spelling for a word

whats the ratio of tuners, stolen cars, muscle car, and shitter super cars in sessions?


Just how shit will online be after gunrunning

Jetshitters get btfo what do you want more?

>cars with explosive and other armanents on them
>all of them are bullet and probably explosion proof
>aquatic too
>will probably be able to call them in like the MC allows you to

>add an insurgent with rockets
>add armoured cars with miniguns
gunrunning will be a mistake

how relatable is this, GTAG? xD!


SC: zombyes, PC GTAG invite pls

Get a load of this dragfag.

>tfw unlocked and purchased literally everything in game
>tfw made so much profit in CEO and MC that the cash fills the HQ to max capacity
>done all heists
>customised all cars over and over again
>tfw nothing else to do and no cool GTA friends to play with and role play or have fun

Is this what it's like to be uber wealthy but completely alone and miserable? I guess I have criminal mastermind to attempt but I need to git gud

the only thing worse than a tranny is a faggot who uses abbreviations

Now you can PLAY THE GAME. Meet players and make friends.



Play the game modes, hire associates and fuck around together, help noobs and befriend them.

What's the best way to help out new players? Also is the GTAG crew good to join?

>hire them so they can earn extra cash + rp
>let them use your vehicles
>support them when they're being attacked

Just showing them around and stuff. They're always so grateful.

ive tried doing this. they all get consumed by the great wars downtown and the k/d ratio god possesses them.

>tfw you have to shit on 200 people to unlock a fucking green tint for your gun

Start up some freemode fights with dudes using that particular weapon only. Someone will come along and wanna accept

just invite some unwitting random to a deathmatch where the weapon you want is the forced weapon



what a hard cunt