Butt Prime edition
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What is Keystone?
I want to lick Nezha's body.
nothing worth thinking about, much less discussing
TF2/overwatch/paladins but it's a shitty 70s retro-futuristic version by DE
I've pumped too much forma into Paris Prime. What makes Dread the better bow?
Slash is always better.
radiation sorties are cancer
i bet redditpotato didn't think that post through.
>get told that xini's best place to farm relics
>find no one is ever doing xini
What's the fucking point then?
You were told wrong.
>tfw hema research is almost complete
>tfw after doing the final colors, will finally be able to upgrade to a mountain clan
never thought id make it this far. managing a friendly clan is the true endgame. getting into the top 100 in events is a bonus
is it worth to get dual toxocyst just for the headshot bonus + mesa peacemaker
Might as well get it now, it'll be Harrow's meta pistol after all.
considering you have to drop out of peacemaker every x seconds to refresh the buff?
only if you're a mesa-only autist
What are the warframes that have good butts and/or hips and also have a prime? Valk?
so close
it's shit man
it's not top tier, but it's not shit
Oh dude I know how you feel last week I had never owned a prime and my Foundry basically looked like this:
>Braton Missing stock
>Burston missing Barrel
>Tigris Missing Reciever
>Paris missing Upper Limb
>Cernos Missing Lower Limb
>Spira Missing a Blade
>Dual Kamas Missing Grip
>Odonata missing Wings
>Nikana Missing Grip
>Fang Missing Blade
>Ass Missing Chasis
>Trinity Missing Neuroptics
>Saryn Missing Systems
>Nekros Missing Neuroptics
>Lex Missing Barrel
>Fragor Missing Head
>Galatine Missing Blueprint
>Akstilletto Missing Link
>Bronco Missing Reciever
>Valkyr Prime Missing Systems
>Banshee Prime Missing Systems
Now I have everything except for Valkyr and Banshee, I'm still missing their systems.
Its that desire sensor bruh, you literally get everything up to 1 part missing before you start getting missing parts.
does it matter? ______no______
if it looks like her, it's good enough to fap with
I wish I knew this feeling. I had everything practically handed to me as soon as I started playing warframe with my friends.
anyone have a big doggo to trade imprints for? I wish to breed biggest doggo ever
you HAVE to go back
>when 3/4 people at akkad are 0% damage leeches
I threw that game on purpose because fuck these people
Its not fun, man. When you get 20 Lex grips in a row and literally anything else from the relic will complete one of your items, its not fun. You're better off not knowing that feel.
>soloing a Steel Meridian mission
>Lynx spawns, think "oh shit"
>Eximus spawns nearby and gives me the last Oberon blueprint I need
why can't I get that Nyx pic as a poster in my liset?
I had one relic that would get me the tigris receiver, ended up getting whatever was rarest from that relic. Common shit drops when I'm not grinding for it and doesn't drop when I am.
>Twin Grakatas with maxed out Gunsllinger on Mesa
I want to make the biggest doggo ever and share my imprints with everyone so everyone can have clifford
needs spring-loaded trigger also, user
why the fuck is the dragon nikana a downgrade rather than a sidegrade to the prime
the fuck
A noble man.
guys I just tried limbo and I think he's good instead of mediocre now
No one's typing that shit out you massive nigger
I did, it just redirects you back to the home page.
I got into close alpha without being a shill and asking peeps to register with my code for some reason.
I've still kept my dragon nikana after all these years in hopes it gets a pity buff like an augment. I was so happy to get the then best melee weapon in the game, I can't sell it now.
DE grossly overestimated player interest.
So why haven't the Grinner wiped out the Corpus yet? The Grineer have so many military advantages over the Corpus that the only excuses I can think of as to why they haven't, are that the Tenno keep them in check if they get too strong.
that's exactly what is happening. Lotus keeps interfering with both sides to ensure neither gain a stark upper hand; less for the interest of the galaxy and more to keep us occupied.
Keystone is almost done, anything I should keep a lookout for?
Dread and Bow girl are op as fuck
read the fucking text you idiot
Expected as much from DE.
He is good, but he is one of those frames that when on the hands of randoms will make your life miserable, just like Frost, Nova, Nyx and Banshee and probably several others.
But Limbo is far worse than them because he has the incredible power of making every simple job take minutes if he does it wrong, and randoms always do it wrong.
So you can Radial Blind blunts.
I never knew DE took the smoking pun to heart.
can limbo go through corpus spy lasers/grineer doors?
Go ask the forum, you shitter
Watching trade chat with a Kohm filter on always makes my blood boil
Yes, Limbo will move through all laser doors undetected and unaffected. He will, however, be detected by cameras and balloon drones.
>session unavailable
>please wait.....
>finding squad,,,
fuck off pls thank you
Just got Frost, when should I be using him and when should I be dropping/not dropping bubbles?
you literally only want to use him when you have to defend a non-moving objective with health from enemies with guns
>forgetting about avalanche
I've even got a max 4 build
Use him to defend a point or to revive someone. Or just set up a bubble when no one's behind you and a Heavy Gunner pack is staring you down. Remember you can erase bubbles with 1. It should be pretty obvious when a bubble is helping and when it's not helping.
ice wave is also cute
frost's a gud frame
Red Crit Brutal Tide Tekko
The corpus have the strongest weapon of all. Money.
Just don't forget that Frost's 1 makes any bulky enemy into trivial garbage
I've been cheesing out every single rail spectre just by freezing them and filling their head with clips of Lex Prime
>mfw mashing E with Fang prime
autistic screeching
I WISH I got a sculpture. God damn affinity boosters.
So throw down multiple bubbles in infested survival rounds, got it.
>Nova, Nyx and Banshee
What? How can these frames "make your life harder"?
Never been grinding for something on a defense mission and there's a banshee with max range stopping all the mobs from even coming out of their doors? Or nyx spamming chaos making the mobs never get close to you? Or nova slowing down everything?
Or worse, all 3 combined?
>nova slowing shit down when the damage boost is hardly necessary
>nyx making enemy spend 5 hours hitting each other before they come over so you can end the wave
>banshee using her wubwub generator to stagger everything but not kill anything
nova makes 1 shot clear entire rooms
shut the fuck up idiot
t. novafag on low level defense
you can tell this dumbass didn't read the frame guide
I never realized the suffering and misery you two have experienced at the hands of these inconsiderate shitters. Think of the countless seconds of your meaningful lives you could've saved if the pubbies had done things the way you wanted!
which one is rose gold the closest i can get is pink
t. nyx/nova/banshee shitter
You must be great at parties.
um no
even on lvl 30 ish range it clears entire rooms
you are just a shitter probably tunnel vision with 50 forma'd weapon that 1 shots and some shit frame like nerkos or rhino and act like a complete fag
yes perfect
whats the best nikana stance?
>Lvl 30
Fateful Truth
level 30 is low level
at level 30 there are frames that can just run around and everything dies without needing to even see the enemies
I want to feel Saryn's warm butt on my face!
>thinking lvl 30 is high
boy you best be baitin'
>joke's on them I was only pretending
which one boyz
Why's everyone so sure Rhino's gonna be unvaulted? Did they announce it?
He's next in line. We've already had Frost, Ember, and Mag unvaultings.
im super into this game at the moment, but the more i play ,the more systems i see the less i understand. i just finished the war within, loved it, but now there's like 3 more systems i dont understand. clearly sorties give good rewards but i dont feel anywhere near powerful enough to attempt them, and im one planet off finishing the star map. ive just started doing some nightmare modes coz theyre not that hard but give good mods. so, like, what's the progression list look like?
star map
nightmare modes
orokin derelict missions/vaults
im probably more than 100% wrong but im just trying to get a grasp of the order i should do things. ive still never used a potato or a forma on anything, never done a derelict mission. im just chugging through the star map, having a good time, no idea what im doing, but i do feel myself being less powerful vs the increasing difficulty of the game and content im doing.
tldr can someone give me a progression roadmap?