How to make money

What are some ways to make money?

Could be really simple or really complex

>Inb4 "Get a fucking job"

Other urls found in this thread:

Sell your asshole on craigslist.

Is /pol/ your start page, retarded nigger? Go the fuck to

Get a fucking job
Refrain from vices like whores,sugars,latest igoy product,alcohol and vidya.

Don't know if it would for America.
Get a job (yeah, I know), but not for salary's sake. Get it so that a bank would give you a loan. Use loan to buy real estate. Rent (most difficult part, make sure you don't get fucked over by asshole tenant). Rent money should cover your loan payments and give you a little extra (do the math). Your property will most likely increase in value.

It's neither fast, nor extremely profitable, but it's relatively safe.

Step 1: Think like money

think like (((them)))

actually not a bad one, except just make an ad for selling nude PiCs as a girl, go to /soc/ download, sell

Or buy an expensive bag at a store, find a fake online, return the fake, sell genuine online

if you transfer 1000$ to me I will triple it within to weeks

Bootlegging booze, every one wants cheap booze, and nobody really give shit about how illiegal bootlegging is at these days.


Sell knives, everybody needs knives.

How to double your profit: sell booze and knives at the same time, they allready got same customer base anyway.

Pikey detected.

Pls gib account and sort code

invest in knee pads

Become the president and usher in a new renaissance of American imperialism, reaping the profits through your own billion dollar company.

That would depend on whether the loan repayments could be set off as deductable against the rental income, what are the tax laws in the US regarding this ?

Get a job, any job
Stop eating out, stop intaking sugar, stop buying luxuries
Only buy stuff on sale, use coupons
Cancel your TV, pirate
Buy a bulk sack of beans, buy a bulk sack of rice, buy lots of spices and herbs and chicken then learn how to make as many different meals as you can
Drink only tap water, take short cold showers, stop using shampoo and soap, don't use electricity unless you need to, use candles and not lights
Quit buying video games, pirate
Fix instead of replace
Read books and educate and entertain yourself
Save your money, don't buy if you don't have to

Save up money and become a landlord

I install windows for 50 bucks on craiglists
20 bucks extra and I'll do drivers and setup antivirus
I have more business then a neet has time for

Buy a house. It's both useful AND a valuable investment.

Taking working advice from a Mexican is actually a smart move, fuckers know how to work and support a family thats firsure.

Been thinking of doing this as a bit of side income.

Have you ever run into something you couldn't handle? What did you tell the customer?

You live in the richest country in the world, within your own nation you have 300 million potential customers, you have the means of reaching them by virtue of the internet, find something that people want & provide it, those are my thoughts on the subject.

I make cash selling high heels to trannies.

Buy them cheap from a factory supplier I have (the big sizes always go for fuck all as they cant get rid of em) and sell them on various websites for 2000%+ profit.

worst advice, no millionaire has done this. Its ok to cut costs but to fuck up your health eating rice and living like a hermit is not going to do any good, you just have to work smart instead of hard.

>a house is a good investment

Literally the worst advice ever given.

thank you user, have a rare pepe, you have saved me from his fate

>Or buy an expensive bag at a store, find a fake online, return the fake, sell genuine online
Yeah, thieving cunts like you put people out of business.



thats not bad advice if you are truly poor trying to accumulate wealth. and you dont think beans and rice are healthy? are you retarded its a staple of asian and mexican diets. mexicans beig known for having large families. please explain yourself faggot

never change Veeky Forums

>Drink only tap water, take short cold showers, stop using shampoo and soap, don't use electricity unless you need to, use candles and not lights

Tap water, yes.
Cold showers with no soap? pig disgusting and unhealthy.
Candles are much, much more expensive than electric light.

> Be frugal not cheap.
> Cheap gets very expensive very quickly.

Pay attention to global politics and popular trends and invest accordingly.

For example, if you exchanged your money to GBP just before Brexit and then back to USD just after you could have made a 15% increase on your investment, not bad for under a week's time. The GBP value was going down whichever way the vote swung, it was a pretty sure thing.

Investigate companies and how the times and their announcements change their profits. Gamers knew about Pokemon Go and knew that it would have been insanely popular before it was released. If you bought stocks in Nintendo just before the announcement you would have seen between a 66% to 100% increase in the value of those stocks, depending on when you decided to sell. Similar thing happened to Sony, right at the end of the PS3 life cycle stock was low and then when the PS4 was announced you saw a massive increase. If you invested in Sony in late 2012, when news was spreading that they were sending out dev kits, you could have tripled your investment by June 2013, when the PS4 was shilled hard at E3 and everyone wanted a piece of it. Everyone who knows about games knew on the very basic level that with a new console there would be more sales and more money coming into Sony's coffers, but very few people were able to figure out that they can make money from that.

If you're on the ball and paying attention you can make a lot of money that way. The trick is to not get greedy and stay with what you know.

sell bricks at a pride parade in eastern europe

The fact that you're asking an Indonesian basket-weaving website such a question seems to me that you're already a lost cause. Making money is modern Darwinism because most people realize: No money = 'I die hungry in the streets.' Just follow your gut and let nature take it's course.

Better than throwing money away on rent each month.

U mad wage slave, desu never done it senpai

buy NAK

>apartment dweller detected.
Enjoy paying in rent for your studio what i pay in morgage for a 3 bedroom house.

You'd be surprised, take this answer for example. You're talking to people without the the usual retarded social barriers. Seriously one of the best places for advice

Grow weed. Easy as fuck and highly unlikely you'll ever get caught if you're smart about it. You'll have to invest a lot of time in it though...

Bitcoins/cryptocurrency is worth looking at. I made $10K profit and could've made ALOT more if only I had more money at the time

Depends on the type of rice and Mexicans are also known for being fat as fuck, puto.

>Mortgage repayments cost as much as rent

How much did you put down, like 10℅

sounds like one of those gay "how to be alpha" posts. do you even read the pasta you copypasted?


For sure difficult

if I were $1 million where would I hide?

Do they sell fake CPUs? Would be easy to rape Newegg or other.

Do you use a legit key or an activator?

It's actually very risky, not worth it at all. Unless if you're doing it legally.

buy a money making machine first. then you have to buy special paper and ink, have a place where you can set up...


I still don't know what bitcoins is. Magic internet currency that you mine?

>you mine

I hear about people setting up servers to mine it or something. Idk it sounds really volatile

nah, the hardware requirement is brutal and the electric bill would be crippling. chinks steal electricity from plants to mine it. you will never compete.

>take short cold showers, stop using shampoo and soap, don't use electricity unless you need to, use candles and not lights
I was onboard until you went full Varg
What the fuck

Buy a duplex or fourplex if you have the money. Flip crap on the side from Good Will and the like. Work up to buying a few used cars for a huge deal. Just pass if it's not at the numbers you want.

Could be anything, but cars are easy online.

Just rinse and repeat with sales and rental properties until you have a property management company covering the paid off rentals. Takes around 6 units to live comfortably, but nobody says you have to stop there.

I'm saving for an apartment complex at the moment.

Should retire at 45 making about $250k/year passive income, very likely more. Probably won't stop there. I'm buying an airship and need the extra income for a decent staff.

Check out bottom left. Feels good to have lofty yet tangible dreams and a working plan.

>buying a blimp

No but it should be easier to swap out existing parts from a PC and then return it. Maybe even edit the software so it doesn't display that you changed the original hardware, China does it.

start out a peddler or something, make a company off of peddling i guess idk but that's pretty oversaturated

start a company but do some stuff before that and get a job as a side hustle

Enter an agreement where you sell your labour for money.