/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General

Remember to make game, and encourage others to do the same. We're a community, not a competition. Programmer art edition.

> Play Demo Day 14

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Haxe: haxeflixel.com
LÖVE: love2d.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

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virtual waifus

We're a competition

Well I'm glad you like it partially haha. It wouldn't be hard to make the low-resolution toggleable. The game runs at whatever the native resolution is, and the game view is just drawn to a small texture which is scaled up and drawn to the screen.

There'd be a disconnect between the game and the UI at that point, though, as the UI is setup to match the low-res view.

Just wanted to share something I whipped up today in UE4. I had an earlier project with Guilty Gear XRD models ripped and I rebuilt the shader techniques from the art presentation and decided to use it as a test bed for learning how to use IK and VR stuff.

Still cant figure out how to get the character to move around with the HMD but it's been interesting

What was the best demo day of all time?

Demo Day 9

I'm just imagining you doing all those cute moves and laughing my ass off. Thanks user.
Unless you're actually a cute 2D girl.
If you are, LONDON

>tfw your game story is heavily based off of the themes in catcher in rye.

Who /pretentious hack/ here?

Is it a GitS clone?

0.0.1 demo is out
I forgot to include instructions:
a-d movement
s crouch
space jump
left click attack
esc pause

Finally done with the redone background.
Also got some subtle 3d effects working with the road.

Seconding DD9.
still upset that I wasn't in the artwork

>All these dead games
Like tears in the rain.

Woah that looks super good. But why are you destroying the cute unicycles?

Glorious as usual Schmoop. I love the thing with red spikes that comes in at the end.

Finished the fractal noise. Now, I just gotta find a way to make it tile, can't be that complicated, right?

Scaled up UI would be fine. I'd prefer that to low res game. UI looks like it would scale perfectly anyway.

>When It Hits the Fan release date when
I'd like to release it later this year if I can get all of the kinks, bugs, and refactor a few things related to performance and reliability in time.

I think you are trying to make your background look like Akira but I don't think the colors work as is.

So I have a question, if you're making a game for profit how much would you pay a voice actor? Would it make sense to pay them per line and how much per line?

Also with that said would it only be a one time payment after recordings or with every sale of said game they get royalties?

Gif related is Skeleton MC and Behemoth qt

Also, would you be apposed to play a game where a skeleton had no facial expression and just kept their hard boned expression?


Oups forgot progress.

Smoke grenade/10

Thanks user. They hold precious points and they're in the way.

Thanks user. For something like that, if it's blended with something else and close enough, you might be able to get away with it not tiling perfectly.

I'm actually trying to make it look less like Akira compared to the old one. The lighter colors are to further contrast it for later in the level, witch you'll see when we get there.

So for a class I was asked to do a game on Phaser, I want to do a simple top-down game, but I cant find anything on that, I also know very little JS, so I'm kind of fucked there.
Any help?

What exactly is fractal noise?

i wan make game

pls rember
wen day dark
jus make game

I've got stories without gameplay and I've got gameplay without stories.

I'm a firm believer that a fully realised game needs both elements to work as one to make a truly wonderful game, each informing the other.

Might be the worst place to ask but anyone else have this issue?

no game, but progress on my new years resolution to get better at modeling faces

>Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important.

I was thinking the same, I'll have to try and get the shader to cooperate with my noise library, see if I can make some magic happen there.
Well, I'm planning on using it as a heightmap to generate geometry. But that's a good trick for when I use it for materials!
Normal noise in this context is texture where the pixels have random or pseudorandom values. Perlin noise is noise that is based on blocks of gradients in various orientation that are blended using interpolation.
Fractal noise can be generated with any kind of noise, here I use Perlin. Fractal noise is called like that because it aims to look like objects that have a fractal-like structure, like clouds and trees, with big features and smaller features that look like the bigger ones but scaled down.
To do this, you use Perlin noise at a certain frequency to generate the bigger features, then you use noise at a higher frequency to generate the smaller features. Do that a few times, sum the map, you end up with fractal noise.

You'd probably wanna read a proper paper/documentation to get a better idea, but that's the gist of it.

Please respond


Seems good to me
How long did that take?

Thanks for elaborating, user.

you wouldnt even believe how little i paid the Restricted-RPS Narrator.

I'd rather do a flat payment for a given commission for as many of my assets as possible, personally. Don't wanna let artists into my 1MA.
Welcome user.

There was a fuss over voice actors wanting royalties in games, I think they went on strike for a little bit. But thats just for VAs that are part of whatever guild or union. For an indie dev I don't think you'd be offering royalties, unless you either wanted to, or couldn't afford to pay up front otherwise.

Look around on VoiceBunny, should give you an idea what you can get for what amount of $


triple-A voice acting for a skeleton grabbing some tits

that'll be $900

>tfw no progress this week

Initially I thought I'd go for a 2.5d surroundings and 2d characters, but I'm not using isometric projection any more and I'm not sure this is going to work. The 2d dude looks kinda out of proportion. I guess I should try to draw the dude in the same projection as the walls, but that'd be painful.

Unlike other skills (art, programming, music) voice acting is actually as quick as one might expect, right?

Like if you're already good at voice acting, you just need to at most make a few passes and select a good one.

Is pic related the later level or an edit? Either way, it looks better.

Just a few more things.

The background colors should recede to the color of the sky (atmospheric perspective)

Also, I think the way you did lights and how the windows are all the same size regardless of distance away from camera makes the background look off, and you should not be able to see every individual detail for windows really far in the background.

How can you feel bad about that? You chose to do something else instead. You should feel good because you did the thing you actually enjoy.

Assuming you are editing the audio yourself yes. They just speak for a few hours then go home. I'm not saying it's easy, but it's not laborious.

Are there any Rust fags in the room? Thinking of trying it out and making a game with it and building an engine off of it adding features as I make larger and larger games. Not against using pre-existing stuff though so if there is anything to make it less of a headache feel free to share.

Or better, I go back to coding and think about drawing the characters later.

can you not use the word fag?

thanks in advance


depends on the producer.
if youre doing this online then the process is normally: here's all the lines, they record a few takes of each, send it to you.
at that point a shit producer is like ITS ALL FANTASTIC I LOVE IT ITS PERFECT THANK YOU and sticks some garbage in.
good producer has to send back like alf the lines (more or less depending on their skill) and this will happen repeatedly because theres always a couple lines that has some emotion or effect theyre just not that great at.

Are you asking this same question in every fucking thread? Just go and try it already. I personally think that Rust is bad, but it may work for you.

Learn hitboxes with Pannenkoek-sensei.


my god


No language with a leak-safe 'new' can be a bad thing! :^)

Why does no language other than C/C++ have a good cross-compilation story

I have a bunch of sprite sheets I made way back when. Unfortunately I was stupid and exported them in one gigantic row instead of a grid, so I've got these ridiculous 10000x128 sprites, and Unity doesn't like uber high res textures so it's using low res mipmaps instead.

Anyone know of any programs that can repack an existing sprite sheet into a more efficient grid?

I ran into this leshylabs.com/apps/sstool/ but it doesn't repack it in any sensible order, so the animation gets fucked up.

Reposting because no responses last time.

I'm after a project to work two days a week doing music on.

Here's the latest stuff I've done.



I know FMOD and I'm good with sound design too.

I'm a real sucker for Mega Drive inspired stuff

Man, he's still making videos?
I wish someone loved my game as much as this guy loves SM64

why is it called monomyth?

Fellow orchestral composer here

That is some good shit, user.

>why Unity no
It has nothing to do with Unity.

That tool is just a front-end for ImageMagick, you could write a command manually.imagemagick.org/script/magick.php

I don't really feel like arguing, but you may want to look at how Vec is implemented. It has lots of 'unsafe' blocks. If this is required to make a fucking simple array, then how're we supposed to write complex stuff?

>a simple array
Except it isn't.

I'm another user, but my gpu supports 16Kx16K textures if sdl is not lying to me.

That's his point.

That was your music? When I heard it for sure I thought user just bought some professional "trailer music" clip and slapped it over gameplay

so congrats on sounding pro-tier

This is the only time I've ever spoken about Rust. What are your opinions on why it's bad? I've only heard good things so I'd like to hear before I waste my time and figure out 10k loc in that the "zero cost" abstractions were all memes.

It has no way to guarantee TCO and no HKTs, if that stuff matters to you.

(Yes, the compiler will probably perform TCO where possible but you can't 100% guarantee it which is important for some algorithms, and people have implemented pseudo HKTs but they're not as powerful as real HKTs.)

No TCO seems like a bug, but I don't care about types.

Is that really it? These things hardly make for a terrible language. Is there anything performance wise that makes it bad, like it's doing some fuckery with memory or something?

>I wish someone loved my game as much as this guy loves SM64
you'll have to create something uniquely terrible, as terrible as SM64's collision handling.

Then sorry, that was someone else. Perhaps you should try it for yourself, but I didn't enjoy fighting with the borrow checker, absence of exceptions and the trait system.

>Is that really it? These things hardly make for a terrible language. Is there anything performance wise that makes it bad, like it's doing some fuckery with memory or something?
I don't have much experience with the language yet (I'm going through the tutorials and book), but those were the things that stood out to me on the FAQ page, which means it's not going to be able to fully replace the languages I currently use.

I've heard that its performance has a long way to go before it will be as good as C/C++, but that it's a lot better than, say, Python. I expect any performance issues are being actively worked on, though. Don't take my word for it though, go look for actual numbers and benchmarks.

how did it feel to look down and have anime breasts?

it was everything I imagined it would be.

i dont see why I should keep developing after this, its all down hill from here

1 minute 5 seconds

didn't you watch the webm? 1 minute and 5 seconds

wow you are fucked, sorry man


name better dev music than this



Whatever your special snowflake gpu does is still irrelevant. That's not how gamedev works.

What's the problem with it?
Legit question.

day1 rookiedev mistake of letting the entity update itself into a collision box before handling the collision.

You are a retard.

rectum devastated
he will never recover


I think TexturePacker is worth the money since it can trim unused space, remove duplicate frames, and rotate the sprites while retaining all that information for the engine you import to.

this is a sample sprite sheet from a test I played around with in UE4. I rendered them in blender with the model dead center at 256 with a lot of space around it. I had planned to later seperate body, head, and weapon and layer them in UE4's material editor for character customization. so if I wanted a bunch of different heads, as long as they were positioned at the right spot in that 256 frame they would appear in the right place, without having to take up a 256 block per frame in the head's sprite sheet, because TP trims/rotates and passes the offset to the engine.

It has a free trial with all the features so you could probably just get your sheet done with for free. Maybe it can even extract your sprites for you without your needing to crop them out yourself. worth a shot.

>tfw come back after a few months to see when the next jam is
>tfw its right fucking now

Time to crank out something horrible as fast as I can.

>all these misaligned sprites to save a tiny bit of space

working on shirts.

>failing to upload an image twice

8 directions 12 fps
not a tiny bit of space

their alignment makes zero differnce, saving me from needing an additional atlas does

>giving voice actors royalties

Why not give royalties to the janitor too?

>not contractually obligating the voice actors to clean the toilets and mop up before they leave

>using 1980 alignment wasting pixels
get on with the times gramps the alignment is done within the game

welp, this math doesn't work

>not contractually obligating your artist to be your girlfriend and your programmer to be your girlfriend (male) at the same time