/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1637

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Sky Compass Guide (now includes air dates)

>Schedule for May:
4/30 - 5/9 - Alchemist Astray
5/10 - 5/15 - All Four Celestials
5/17 - 5/24 - Guild War (Light)
5/25 - 5/30 - Xeno Ifrit Showdown
5/25 - 5/30 - Hero's Return
5/31 - 6/8 - Little Skyfarer a la Sacre Blumiel!

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:




> tfw no cute gbf girl to cum in

DJ feet


Reminder that Lyria is the canonical waifu.

My wife.

Excuse me, but just what is that disgusting saggy thing doing there?

Cute imouto.

>Posting Feathers girlfriend without his permission

Bahamut: 6B904B3C

Can someone help me kill this xeno ifrit? It's at 10%.

This is your new fire limited. Say something nice about him.

but what if Lyria is like a sister to me?

Cain's used goods

Water shiva will be this legfest.

this shit is suffering, where did you get your axes anons, red chests or flips?


EX flip

Both desu

Xeno coc after GW

What axes? Axes don't exist.

I'm so drunk. Help mr gbsg

That's not Gandharva

>tfw no clarisse gf


EX. No lie.

Lennah might not be canon, but she's kind, gentle, beautiful, hardworking, and mine!

i got 2 from host red box and 1 from EX



Since the next legfest limited will probably be dirt, who will it be?




Do you have some kind of disability?

If it's not Yugu I'm quitting this game.

I'm laughing so hard irl, jesus.

Wow what a werid grid user

yugu isn't canon

You wanna try that again?

i uh

>completely eats up the 25% trigger


>ywn have this grid
Why live?

Thanks for papers.

Para just doesn't want to stick today.


nice grid





I wish I had that grid




What is she doing?

Low level chicken


user you have the best grid in the game

Never forget.

You look ready for HL to me.

Press F to pay respects to the user who just wanted to get opinions on his grid


When are they going to announce the new earth limited?

buying an account was a mistake. it was cheap though and it's pretty established. i have no fucking idea what i'm doing though.

A mistake in what sense?

.. user you haven't bought an account past rank 20, have you?

post characters. and weapons

Has the gbf wiki tier list not been updated since Noa 5*? He seems WAY better than 8.0.
>20% damage down debuff
>20% defense up
>Debuff resistance down debuff
>25% DA buff
>30% charge bar sped up buff
>Passive zenith lessens dark damage to all allies.
>Level 90

He has a better kit than most of the 9.0s on the wiki.

>i have no fucking idea what i'm doing though
You're in the right place. Make sure to answer other questions with whatever you feel sounds right and you'll fit right in.

How much did you pay?

The wiki goes by gamewith ratings, and gamewith are braindead tards who think that just because a character is SR means they can't be 9 or above.


>Feel bad for having to kill Swimmy over and over again
>Feel ecstatic because Silva gets to shoot Xeno Ifrit in the crotch over and over again

Such a rollercoaster ride of emotions.

Rackam is lucky guy having this cute girl as his lover

>Damage down debuff
Shit in multi player content since someone else will carry it
>Defense up
>Debuff resist down
Actually really good
>25% DA buff in the wake of our savior Elysion
>Charge bar speed
Pretty good if you aren't running Amira

8.0 Fits him pretty well

Rackam's waifu is strong

Really stupid beginner question but can you use weapons of different elements as skill fodder for weapons with different elements? Or is it same element only


No thank you I only consume wholesome vanilla doujin with plenty of gentle, handholding lovemaking.

I kinda wish they pushed Rackham and Io harder like earlier in the story.

yes you can, as long as it has a skill

you can and need to

If Xeno Ifrit doesn't give me my Xeno Axes, I'm going to be angry! What the HECK is his problem!?

Done I did goof by wasting two fodders, or is this fine?

are you nice to him?


Its an alright weapon for spear class

Okay thank you.
I feel really stupid now

Could someone please tell me the name of the song played at this point of the battle? I really like it.



I feel stupid 24/7 its alright

thats fucking cute

>tfw I simply dropped 3 chocobars on it and my soul is at peace now

why? user

>SR tier list

I honestly doubt much effort is put into ranking characters you aren't going to use anyway.

tfw no boywife

prove it


Stop cursing!


Thank you very much for the horn and the merits!

Thanks for making the game really want me to get Six.