/qtddtot/ Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

So I need help phrasing an answer to the "Why did you leave your last job?" section of an application.
My reasons include

-Dangerous as fuck without excuses
>Overloaded vacuum lifts
>Forced to enter cnc work tables during cycle
>Full retard lack of chemical storage
>Silicosis hazards
>Outlets without face plates in a wet process work area
-Piss poor management
>Didn't know who my boss actually was until week 3 when someone was talking shit about him and gave away key clues
>No SOP's of any kind, all instruction is word of mouth, and varies depending on who you ask
>4 fucking "bosses", office space style

Pls respong

sounds like you got it under control, i wouldn't point the finger at having 4 bosses but maybe that they were putting you in dangerous positions too often.

Right on, thanks for the input

I want to start a small tobacco store on a main street in my town.

The plan is to sell cigarettes at the state minimum to get traffic and make profits off the papers, wraps, pipes, etc.

The rent would be medium, maybe $600-$700/mo. Utilities would be around $100/mo.

I want to put a few grand into inventory. That's enough for testing the waters.

I'd say at least a few thousand vehicles pass this building every day.

Also, in my state, tobacco licenses are free to any licensed business.

My question, is this a good idea as my first attempt at a retail business? I'm 21.

Never ran any business, but that sounds like a fairly solid plan.
Don't forget to factor in employee wages, unless you plan on living there though. Also get familiar with sting ops and build a strong ID'ing policy

all of these are valid, pick the most important though don't bore whoever's reading the application

Just say that the place wasn't a good fit for you and you were looking to move on.

When they ask what you're looking for, say a safe environment with well-structured management that provides appropriate structure and rewards good work.

Never complain about a past job in a job interview.

I have a good friend who would work for $8/hr starting. I'd bump it to $10/hr pretty quickly though.

My long term plan is to buy 4-5 acres of land for around $18k-$25k and build small rental houses all over it for around $20k each and rent them for $500/mo.

I want to retire before I'm 26.

Questions about getting into business analyzing field.

How much mathematics and coding do you have to pursue along with your business classes in college for it?

Are they usually accountants or auditors beforehand?

Why do they have less chance of being replaced by robots compared to accountants or auditors?

If you dont do accountanting, what would be an alternative major to become an analysis?

Do you have a good chance of finding a job out of college?

What are the different analysis jobs? I know that a hedgefun analyzer is at the top

What type of people would make a piss poor one vs successful multi million dollar one?

Are there easier business majors with same pay?

Am going to business school next year. Have no idea what im in for.

Im 23 and make 42k a year as a groundsman and im thinking of going to college part time to get a degree but i dont want something useless. I want a degree that will be extremely profitable. I live in NYC btw if that makes a difference, also I never went to college.

Just say it was too dangerous. How is this even a question

undergrad has 0 coding., unless you are going for some nieche degree. finance/economics will open you up for bank/investment world. While accounting will open you up for acccounting, and you can only ever dream of becoming a business analyst once you get your CPA/equivalent, accountants tend to be more stable but lower paying than top finance people.Business analyst is a very narrow possition, its nice to have a career goal, but its very unlikely you will achieve it. \
>Do you have a good chance of finding a job out of college?
cant really predict job markets 4 years in advanced, but if you do good in school you will be on a good track
>Are there easier business majors with same pay?
all business majors except finance and acct. are a joke

>Am going to business school next year. Have no idea what im in for.
expect retarded chad mcchadson who do nothing but party and talk about their lame lives all the fucking time. I fucking hate 90% of business students

How do invest $1000 a month?

If I go to Martin Shkreli's lecture to learn more about finance. Would my family think I'm a lunatic?

I would also sell head-shop crap like glass roses and t-shirts, incense and shit, depending on your customers.
See what your competitors do

I graduated accounting not so long ago but I realise I'm probably not going to find a job with my piss poor communication skills without at least having some experience. I figure finding an internship is the way to go, and I fancy the idea of doing it overseas. I'm particularly interested in places like Singapore and Taiwan. No idea where to look for them though. Any suggestions?

thanks dude

How can I turn $951 into $50,000 investing in stocks

Is a accounting minor paired with a finance major redundant?

How do dividends work? Do they just give you back a set amount of money in your brokerage account at a random time if the year?

Theoretically, probably, but in practice no.

An accounting minor looks better on a resume in a lot of positions than if you solely had a finance major. If it is between whether to take a minor or not, I'd go for it. If it's between -which- minor to take, you might want to see what all your options are.

I had a friend who majored in accounting and minored in computer science; the world is basically his oyster at this point. A lot of banks, accounting firms, and financial sector SaaS companies have tried to recruit him.

You could potentially do something similar with finance and compsci if you were so inclined.

It is a set amount of money per share.
The payout dates are typically quarterly, but can be monthly as well.
They dates are usually set by the company , as long as you own the stock before the 'ex-date' then you are fine.

The double major is God tier so it's probably a good combination.

Finance at the end of the day is starting at financial reports and statements. Getting an accounting background will put you head and shoulders above your peers.

Personally if I could redo undergrad, I'd go Finance/Accounting or Math/CS

i did my undergrad in international relations, took a gap year to do some language program after graduation to hone my language skills in my foreign language to get nearly fluent.

Now im about to start a master's program in Finance and Econ..I feel like this is finally a good opportunity for me since my undergrad degree was shit for jobs and not what i wanted to do anyways in the end.

I know i'd never be able to get into IB or something top tier like that probably but..would I have a decent amount of opportunities in finance with a masters? I'm already quite good at excel and have a lot of international knowledge as well.

The only thing i'm missing are internships...i'm hoping to get a couple while im doing my masters but idk how feasible it will be since i didnt do finance in undergrad.

There are two other small stores in the area, but if I put even remote effort into sourcing and inventory, I think I could run them into the ground.

Their variety blows and I know I can beat their pricing.

I live in a small town in the SE of the US. Population ~15k people. For perspective, earning a penny over $10/hr is considered good here.


Glass factory or mine user? Lol. If it was that bad call those MSHA cucks and snitch.

Fuck yeah it is user. Fist off you young so you got time to play the field in business. You will learn a lot and not all of it will be pleasent.

Peiple will try and steal your shit a lot. Let them and call the cops. Not worth a suit. Preferably if u see them a lot let them try a second time and stall for the cops. Tell them your machine broke and go in back room and call and stall. Cameras are your friend.

Need minimum llc.

Need find you a coa for tax tine and keep about 30% in a seperate fund or pay taxes 4 times a year.

Be sure and write off any clothes or shoes or anything you bring to work

Legit make a habbit of keeping the reciept if u buy a fucking stamp for work.

Other than that i would spend some time studying basic financial litteracy books recommended off here.

The second u can front a second location or hire a trustworthy manager do so. Grats. Now you have an asset.

Probably cant retire from it but you could add on a beer cave or open a liquor store next door etc.

Probably wont make bank selling truckloads of cigs at cost. But you could advertise "cheapest in town" and pay your bros to check prices every week and adjust accordingly.

Good luck to u op.

Keep in mind that like 90% of businesses fail. If life sucks for a year or 2 and there is shit income cut your losses and try again.

Sure 90% fail.

Bit you only need 1 or 2 to retire. Then you can start 5 more and have 7 businesses before u die.

The odds will bend also if you arent an autist as most entrepreneurs will only start 2 or 3 before their souls are crushed and they give up.

Dont give up. Go for gold.

I got a failed trucking company on the books. Pretty much broke even gor a year. I regret nothing. Lessons learned. Loyal fanbase since i simultainiously started a brand.

Also, 1 down 8-9 to go maximum.

It aint bad.

It is a job and youll have to be resposible. Treat it like a career and not a fuckoff job and you will do fine.

Second this. I'd every single fuck until you get to know them well.

Also 7.5 perxent on top of employee wages since yall split a tax. I think its medicare? Medicaid? Fuck if i know...

I would go it alone asside from 1 part time cuck and be open 12 hours a day 7 days a week minimum to start.

Solid plan user. Same here. 32... good luck dealing with the fucking tenants. If u anywhere near a woods dig a pond and plant cucksheds. I'm buying a backhoe and truck and digging on the weekends with wtf ecer fuel i can afford.

Fucking dozer work at good buddy rates is over $150 an hour. M8.

Skip a degree and run equipment while u save and descide where u want to go.

If a campony descides to pay the stockholders rather than invest or grow u get dividends. In reality its stupid bet because little reward and always a risk of conpany an hero. Barely beats inflation user. Chad up the road always brags about making money till he dies off his GE stock dividends but hes still a cuck for a power company. And arrogant as fuck so he probably has a million bucks tied uo to say hes an investor making a grand.

Finance and accounting.

Not sure how you couldnt invest from your walk in closet and be rich...

Shiiit. Nice. Sound about like me here. Make 17 and none of my friends without a degree break 12 or 13. Feels pretty good if i can stay here till i retire or die.

You could bust your ass and run them out of town and then jack your prices up a little at a time and have a real asset there.

Consider making bros with a truck driver also if you can get shit from a neighboring state and abide by tax law. You could get a broker and buy a semi load of sigs a few housmrs away and essentially become your own supplier. Might be better to just rent a u haul or stick to managing the store. Youll have to run your own numbers and watch the lasw close. Id hire an attorney if it seems worth itm

I'm 26 years old and work at a callcentre. I have no relevant degrees (I studied music for a few years but got sick of it). How do I get out of this job? It's making me miserable.

>idiot coworkers who waste time and material and destroy everything they touch including equipment
>idiot coworkers who pretend materials or tools are their penis
>idiot coworkers who do shit like aim the sparks off a grinder into a room where we keep explosive gas cylinders
>idiot coworkers
>none of them can be fired and boss thinks the antics are funny