League of Legends General - /lolg/


Azir statue edition

xth for NTR.

shoop in some tendies and a shuriman mcdonalds uniform

Xayah is CUTE

one mcurgot coming up

>Kill Irelia level 3 with help from Jungle
>Back, buy, start walking back to base
>She gets to lane right as the wave starts to shove into Tower
>Kinda pissed since Irelia can pretty easily farm under Tower, know she'll get most of it-
>She starts trying to hold it for a freeze
>She's standing just outside of Tower Range tanking a wave and a half LEVEL THREE

I don't think I've ever seen anything like it. She literally lost 3/4's of her HP before I even got back to lane.

why are these runes specifically the only ones not in order of type in the shop?

after this its all sorted as it should be, so what gives

xth for cuddling Nami in her warm embrace

does riot just not care that jayce with stormraiders cant be beaten in lane?

>ywn cleanse Xayah of her edgy brat attitude with your dick

>Get MyWayOrTheViWay in one of my Normal games
>Our Shen top gets fucking dumpstered by a Mundo
>He spends all game shit talking Shen and giving up right out the gate while feeding just as hard on Sejuani
>At one point he tried to solo dragon with all of the enemy team up and with his Smite on cooldown
>Dragon gets stolen by a fucking Tahm Kench auto
>Continues to spend all game raging and feeding his ass off and being an all chat warrior
>Enemy team goes out of his way to dump on him just to tilt him further
>Refuse to surrender and watch the shitshow bloom even further
I know he won't listen to shit which is the sad since he's always been this way, the saddest thing is that he hasn't really changed.

>tfw no good open of Ahri fucking Xayah

Jesus Christ I can't stop playing Cho'Gath.

Laning is rough but it's SO WORTH IT when you walk into a lategame teamfight the size of a small mountain.

>get 3 champion shards finally
>decide to reroll them into random champion permanent
>there are only 11 champs I don't own, 10 6300 champs and 1 4800 champ
>it gives me the 4800

I know the odds aren't that ridiculous, but I'm still absolutely certain riot rigs this RNG to choose the cheapest champ you don't own to minimize the amount of IP it saves you.


did anyone notice Jax has new attack animations?

what the fuck is this???

Nice try VIDF, Xayah only wants to get fucked by big fat human cocks.

Which champ was it

It's fucking great. I think the sad thing with me is that Cho offers an experience unlike any other champ and I've been dicking around a lot trying other champs lately but they just don't compare.



Thats my shit

>leveling otp
>need blue essence for mastery 6/7
>get a few random champion shards

I don't recall owning more than a dozen or so champions at the time.

Uh, you should get shit on.

How come Azir was once all the rage in pro and solo queue play, being Riot's money maker and shit, and Riot gutted his ass?


I want to IMPREGNATE Kalista

Can Rammus still play support or is he just fucked hard with the changes to his defensive curl making him a huge fucking target?

Because mid lane was just
>Azir vs someone who can hope to survive against Azir
And that's incredibly boring to watch competitively

Leona is boring as fuck, my condolences.

Because he's an abhorrent concept and pubs can't play him well. Every one of Zenon's champs are complete disasters to the game, even worse than CertainlyT's because at least most of his champs remain popular and well liked, for better or worse.

its in annie players DNA to suck

they only have a surface level understanding of the game and expect to just farm the lane neutral roam then flash ult for a double

except it doesnt fucking work like that when they face a mid that knows that waveclear destroys annie

then they just tilt when they are 50 cs behind and losing lane "m-muh team"



Give me the ancient +5 oro leona gif in exchange for good vibes and positivity.

not gonna name drop you
and you can assume im marcus or that im trying to defend him (im not)
just posting to say that nobody likes you either
and you should consider suicide

My house is the appetizer.

because plebs simply can't grasp his concept
that and he's a fucking buggy mess

All these champs I could have gotten, and I get fucking Leona. Rito pls.

guess i'll just give him some water?

I don't really care man.

You missed out on fun times. Illaoi is cool too but clunky as fuck and not for everyone.

It was said in patch notes you dingus.

yea, averages, i'm climbing, team has fuckall to do with overall winrates and as an individual player you have a ton of impact. I'm specifically saying it feels bullshit to lose a game prior to champ select by a player who doesnt have enough experience to have relevant impact in any game.

not rare to have a player with 50% of an enemy's CS. Same for the enemy team really.

I guess i'm complaining that the game isn't competitive at all in this rank. The games don't feel like 'which team plays better', they feel like 'which team has the players who aren't total shit'. Which is a fair complaint imho, cause I'm used to high elo play in games, where you can count that a loss is 100% your fault, and where players play close enough to optimally that you can easily identify what's what. I genuinely feel like it's harder to improve and climb in low elo than in high elo purely because of consistency.

IE Overwatch, was boosted by a GM buddy to 3800, I tanked to 3400, and then improved and climbed back up to 3700. This was after next to no time played. low elo feels super fucky

same thing in WoW. I overhyped my logs, got into a top 300 guild, played a spec i was entirely over my head in, and got gud purely because the environment was consistent. I reliably pull purple or higher in mythic now.

A legitimate question is 'how do you improve when the thing you're studying is inconsistant?' I'm fine with being silver, i'm fine with labeling myself as bad.

LoL is such a high varience game, and low elo play in all games basically at minimum triples the variance level.

...What does he eat? Maybe he wants a beer or two. Probably wont die.

So again, when exactly do I want TDL, and when do I want DFT on Ziggser?


NA Bronze 2 account, do w/e you want with it it's not mine :^)

Support is a lot of fun.

Okay, okay, but what about Kalista? Remember when she completely dominated the pro scene and was a crowd pleaser?

Riot then gutted her ass and try to act like she doesn't exist now. Why?

he eats hardboiled eggs

read the lore

he has a mouth just like you and me under that mask

someone explain to me why irelia should ever have any reset on a skill if she kills a unit

its absolute horse shit

Leona is cool

>Lane opponent has Ignite/Barrier

Olaf Syndrome

maining Ahri is a bliss from heaven

I don't hate her I'm just annoyed because the system so obviously jewed me and I would have preferred almost any of the others.

*A foul unwashed stench appears*

if win its p1 promos

>Remember when ____ was destroying the pro scene and then riot gutted them and acted like they don't exist?

There aren't any champions that phrase DOESN'T fit.

Which one of you bastards did this?

Kalista is actually the most exciting ADC to watch in the game, prove me wrong. Everyone else is fucking lame ass shit.

>Its a my Jhin takes any Keystone but DFT episode

I'd rather impregnate Xayah 2bh.


>Jhin taking DFT anymore

No user.

It's warlords or bust.

Hasn't that guy been here forever? How is he so bad at the game after all this time?

>Vel'koz hasn't been meta

How new.

dtf vs thunderlords

I guess? I mean, I'm shit too but holy fuck this wouldn't be an issue were it not for the constant shit talk all game. I know /mute all but it was like a train wreck I couldn't turn away from. Plus it's not like I didn't enjoy myself since I didn't do horribly and spend half of the game dead. Mistakes were made on my part but fuck it, it's shit that can be learned from.

Who the fuck takes Thunderlords on Jhin?

Read the post I replied to again.

intentionally miss one shot to proc it on your hardest shots

There was absolutely nothing remotely interesting in watching a Kalista snowball out of control almost every single LCS game while build half bruiser and shitting AoE damage thanks to Runaans while also being uncatchable and giving her support Ali/Thresh a free Malphite ult every fight.

Kalista belongs in a dumpster not the champion pool.

>dealing bonus damage on a THIRD hit

How utterly revolting. Fourth hit or bust.

When shit like Lissandra becomes a contested pick, you know something is wrong.

can lidandry finish a kill?

Lulu is for _______________

I want to lick Fiora's feet

>normal aa (1)
>runaans (2)
>take thunderlords (3)
>crit shot aa (4)
>build wits end (5)
>build rageblade (6)
anything else?

>you are now manually aware that Kalista was the Zed of ADCs

Id like to know how this is considered 10 game chat restriction worthy but telling a player to kill themselves repeatedly in two games and 3 other players being blatantly abusive flinging insults isnt.

not abusing or bullying!


New maps when

>build half bruiser


is bork runaans and BT bruiser items now or something?

should i learn to right click to attack instead of using attack move every time
i don't use it because i can't click the creep, i just like using different buttons for moving and attacking, gives me a nice rhythm alternating

>Play jungle
>Get lucky pick by going to scuttle crab right as the other jungler went
>Start ganking a lot since I'm ahead
>Get even more ahead and lots of kills
>One of my teammates starts going "holy shit user is a fucking GOD" and "this guy is fucking crazy good" and shit like that even though I'm not even doing all that well, I'm just fed
Why am I so toxic again? Being complimented so much felt good desu.

support ticket to riot
send it in

ive been told that they cant state the status of another player (actually bullshit, nowhere in any terms or eula does it state so, trust me i spent the time to read it all on multiple occasions)

generally youll just get the shit end even if someone is being a shit to you. you dont have to say a word and you can get banned based on who reviews the report

Maw and Steraks when they used to stack.

What are some champion specific tips most of the playerbase doesn't know?
>inb4 if you hit the enemy champions they die

I do this as well but im nearly 100% convinced it causes your items and spells to not go off sometimes if you spam A-move

>breeding without consent

The best kind.

Being good at dodging is extremely important, both ingame and in champ select

>he doesn't remember Maw/Steraks Kalista

Lucky you.

>970 from 1 (one) draven axe
yea that was nice

tiamat actually destroys heimerdinger

>dash in
>break all his turrets with 1 auto 1 aoe move and the active

really gave me a fresh perspective on the matchup

yeah i think it could be what's giving me some wonky interactions with tit hydra
getting auto resets just feels slower than what i see people do on stream

tit hydra doesnt give you an auto reset my dude

You picked the literal worst time to ask this question.

He'll force me to make multiple full course meals using everything I have in my house and then when he finishes eating it, he'll eat me too. But not before tipping me under 5% like a fucking faggot.

come now

Anyone else watching League break summit's spirit? It's pretty refreshing compared to watching pros who've played this game for the last 6 years of their existence play every champ at an automated level.


Jungle is a lot of fun

>Wildturtle was unironically the best ADC in the west for about half a split because of how fucking broken this shit was.

Christ, that fucking image is an optical illusion. Most of the other motion blur/vibrating images just look like motion blur but this one looks like it's legit shaking when I move my eyes to look at it.

I bet she spends THOUSANDS taking care of those beauties

>In order to win at League, your team has to want to win too
>I'm already sick of Overwatch
>Urgot rework isn't coming for a long ass time because instead of Riot's incessant need to change the game twice a year, their game gets too advanced for what they have planned.

Video games are getting stale. Am I finally dying?

Maybe it's just me but Tahm looks like a big tipper. Though he'll probably have some smarmy comment complimenting the chef (after he eats you).