>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
Fuck off Raul. Tharja is utter shit and has no semblance of being canon no matter how many fanfics you write
Off yourself faggot. You are a blight on this general
Azura is shit
There is nothing resembling romance in Awakening and Fates. The writing is too horrendous and the characters are too one-note to not play it as a pure eugenics simulator.
Is this really necessary every time?
Should I wait to promote mages/clerics/pegasus knights in Echoes, since they only promote once?
Whens a good time for promotion?
I plan on just promoting everyone else as soon as I can
They're asleep during comfy eurotime threads, thankfully.
I'm a burgerfag and I've adjusted my sleeping times just to be awake during comfy euro /feg/, feels good man.
Don't question autism. is right though. Threads are better in the morning.
As long as the spic is awake and not under a ban, It's very necessary.
Post the Echoes tier list
Filling Faye with your seed.
Azura a best!
Top tier:
B Tier:
Shit tier:
The rest
how will the spic recover from this?
>le comfy euro hour
Ah my favorite meme
1. Doot.
2. Everyone else.
Shit, is there no higher difficulty? I'm sad.
Why is Luthier so bad?
No need to get assblasted because you wake up too late to signaturepost in threads that get made in the wee morning.
Don't even pretend to history revise because we have archives sweetie.
Sonya should be high
You tell me lass
There's no "comfy euro hour" it's all literally the same autism. Get off your high horse Mohamed.
Meant for
What did he mean by this?
>Lyn and Tharja
please assist
Promote asap.
holy shit orbs
He just wants a taste of your milk stud. Open wide
user please stop trying to kill me.
1/5 of a bartre
>Not Silque, Cleric Faye, Genny, all pegasus
Shit list
Just because you're stuck in school during comfy times doesn't mean its not real
Are you retarded? The weekly orb has been a thing for a while.
I just made this on the spot thinking about the best combat units. I'll work on a full one
Should I get Sonya or Deen
Go away. Please die
Sonya and give her the Mage ring
For everyone who was arguing about the bride on the right (since we all fucking know the left is Lyn) consider the following. This character has very long hair. Just what parts of that is hair is my question. As I can tell, the only parts that could be hair are circled.
Now while there are a number of females in the top 10 who have hair long enough for what we see on the left side, consider the lower right. What is that? It kind of looks like hair. But there's only one character in the top 10 who could have hair that long: Azura. It'd also explain the 'staff', since Azura already wields a 'staff'.
Just throwing it out there.
Coldsteel the human
You may ONLY reply to this post if your lord isn't a swordpleb.
Pls no bully aniki, he has no friends but he tries very hard
Where do I get mage ring?
I want milkies
Every man is a stud to him.
The left is Nyna.
Or Takumi.
Titty monster for entrapping gay cantors and bukkakeing then
Pretty sure that's just part of the dress. You can see there's a repeat directly below it.
that staff looks weird
>tfw almost all girls are taken
Then why is the other side of the dress straight as far as we can see?
Hey, that's my wife pal!
It's Siegbert's birthday today, /feg/! Say something nice about my cute son!
Beware the Clair
Julia and Sanaki, pony tail is a ruse to trick people.
No one cares
What will his class be in the Cipher card game?
get some taste
Sonya > Deen
I'd have kids with Sonya!
Could be it's just being obscured by Lyn's silhouette.
She's beautiful
>things I'll never have
No i don't want the character, I want somebody.
I know you're a few levels under but you can still try a bit harder Boey.
Back to twitter robotortoise
Which Echoes unit has the best and worst taste in general.
Stop. Don't tempt me like this. I already have a 40+4 Lyn. I need to be saving my orbs for Choose Your Legends banner.
Mila's temple after it drains iirc
Alm's Mage ring goes to doot btw
>not using this time to grind feathers
At this rate I'm going to have enough to 5* someone with the feathers from arena
Bow knight
Don't grind to 20, or 20/20, or in Atlas's case 20/20/20.
>No Promotions run
>Clive has become the MVP of chapter 3, took down Desaix Fort without Mathilda dying, and the villagers acted as meat shields to guard Mathilda via warping after Desaix was killed
I didn't think I'd be able to save Mathilda with such a weak team.
>Didn't even break 4500
>Still not ranking down
Rank 16 is pretty easy, I feel bad for the people who actually got up. Also these fort maps are aids
Incoming autism, courtest of /feg/'s "Reddit's x" meme
1. Ephraim
2. Eirika
>le Reddit incest twins
3. Lyn
>Reddit's girl
4. Reinhardt
5. Nino
>Reddit's Julia
6. Ike
>Reddit's Hector
7. Douglas
>Reddit's Merric
8. Oliver
>Reddit's Sephiran
9. Tauroneo
>Reddit's Gilliam
10. Black Knight
>Reddit Knight
11. Serra
>Reddit's Severa
12. Severa
>Reddit's Serra
13. Owain
>Reddit's Odin
>le Reddit Swordhand
14. Lucina
>Reddit's Lyn
15. Arthur
>le funny Reddit justice man
16. Celica
>Reddit's Eirika
17. Alm
>Reddit's Roy
18. Hector
>Reddit's Hector
19. Julia
>Reddit's Nino
20. Merric
>Reddit's Hero
21. Tharja
>Reddit's bicycle
22. Delthea
>Reddit's Lute
23. Sakura
>Reddit's Maria
24. Robin (Male)
>Reddit's Mark
25. Sanaki
>Reddit's Lilina
26. Elise
>Reddit's Sakura
27. Rene Descartes
>Reddit's philosopher (seriously, who's idea was it to mention this guy as /feg/'s reddit?)
28. Corrin (Female)
>Google's Reddit's girl
30. Tiki (both)
>Reddit's Caeda
Part 1 of 2
My boey was complete ass till he promoted. He was still shit by comparison
I haven't gotten it on either route, so I'll keep an eye on it
Can I miss them?
Deen has always been the better choice in both games. It's now even more clearer in Echoes since they buffed Deen's growths the most out of any character and took away some of Sonia's spells like Seraphim and Saggitae for rewarp and entrap, which suck.
>Silk's tastes
I want to marry this used goods saint.
Kill yourself
I never got the fascination with Lyndis.
She is plain and boring.
31. Nowi
>Reddit's Tiki
32. Cecilia
>Reddit's Ursula
33. Glade
>Reddit's Zeke
34. Scarlet
>Reddit's Jill
35. Priam
>Reddit's Ike
36. Hana
>Reddit's Mia
37. Elincia
>Reddit's Fee
38. Lilina
>Reddit's Sanaki
39. Ilyana
>Reddit's Effie
40. Peri
>Reddit psycopath
41. Leif
>Reddit's Seliph
42. Alfonse
>Reddit's Chrom
43. Sharena
>Reddit's Ephraim
44. Catria
>Reddit's Cordelia
45. Genny
>Reddit's sheep
46. Azura
>Reddit's Lucina
47. Xander
>Reddit's Camus
48. Camus
>Reddit's Xander
49. Barthe
>Reddit's Boyd
50. Jill
>Reddit's Minerva
51. Miledy
>Reddit's Cherche
52. Kliff
>Reddit's mage
53. Roy
>Reddit's Roy
54. Faye
>Reddit's Catria
55. Arvis
>le Reddit BBQ man
56. Rinea
>Reddit's Eirika
57. Sonya
>Reddit's Sonia
58. Deen
>Reddit's Sonya, le Reddit Dreadfighther
59. Boey
>Reddit's BLACKED
60. Cynthia
>Reddit's Marcia
61. Sophia
>Reddit's Julia
62. Kempf
>le Reddit "stupid bitch" guy
63. Tobin
>Reddit's cuck
64. Ishtar
>Reddit's Sophia
65. Canas
>Reddit's Merric
66. Cain
>Reddit's Kent
Are you a cuckold?
I only have one of them, so I definitely missed one. That would have been very useful on Thabes.
>celica has her own band of mercenaries