$10k car
$70k mortgage
Condo worth ~$100k
Roth IRA - $13k
Emergency fund - $5k
Checking account and cash on hand - $2k
Net worth ~$40k
$10k car
$70k mortgage
Condo worth ~$100k
Roth IRA - $13k
Emergency fund - $5k
Checking account and cash on hand - $2k
Net worth ~$40k
Datamining ted? Datamining ted! Rolling! Our rerawl loud?? Fuck it rawlling
Just an user wanting to see how he compares to his fellow Veeky Forumsnessmen :^)
I live paycheck to paycheck desu
What's your commission?
Technical Consultant niche business software products (possibly going into industrial programming or web development somewhere in western europe)
~550€ (shit salary, 730€ is the average national salary)
rare combination of tech skills
Those threads always get me depressed, I make about 1500 eur net a month and I always feel like I'm making pennies compared to all those guys who make 100k+ usd a year.
Younger than you
More prestigious than you
Higher than you
Lower than you
More than you
> Age:
> Occupation
Electrician/Mechatronics Technician
> Salary
> Debt
> Assets
15k in savings
15k car(can you even call a car an asset?
>Bonus Meme
I don't actually know what to do with my life.
Penis Inspector
I do it for free
cardboard box
Absence of dignity
5k$ in bank
401k ~$9k
stocks ~130k
checkin/savings ~10k
>tfw 1700 eur net
>mfw I make more than someone else here
Project Manager
Nothing yet, looking to git gud
Electrical engineer
15k €
Yuropoor, take me in Canada
Do you have capm? Im studying to get mine .
We're full, fuck off.
Not yet. I started this job yesterday. Learn me about this mystical capm.
CiB copy of the rarest retail SNES game
12 oz silver
Butcher knives
Paid all of $10 for Aero Fighters back in 1997.
12k€ liquid
I have a masters, currently on the first week of the first job. While the salary is low, it is higher than anyone around here for the first job. (Socialist yuropoor country)
Car isn't a asset!!!!!
Pajeet herder - Tech Support Manager
$60k AUD
$36k in savings
14k student loans
Roth IRA - $750
Emergency fund - 6k
Savings/checking/on hand cash - ~4k
Age: 24
Occupation: Pharmacy Dispenser
Salary: £16K
Debt: £1k
Asset: 12K
Ah, thanks bud
>Occupation/Enterprise Liaison
>Assets/A few thousand
Am I a loser?
Ebay Fag
You wouldn't believe me if I told you
$40k - Car
$2k - Small external loan, will pay off this week
Plan on racking up another $80k in debt for a second car this year
My inventory
Don't have much money saved as I keep aggressively reinvesting but I've decided to put away $1,500 a week at bare minimum into my savings.
36k (after taxes)
35k College Loans
9k in Savings
3.5k in car
Pretty typical desu
admin assistant
$550 in credit card debt
$3,000 in my checkcing account
Self employed, trade cryptocurrency, stocks, forex, commodities, futures.
Also run couple of websites which make money from banner ads and sponsored content
Anywhere from $10k to $25k per month, depending on how well I perform on my trades
Car $10k ( I dont waste money on degrading asset, not yet)
House $150k
Bank account $70k
Cryptocurrency $25k
Forex account $20k
In total, using ~$50k for trading.
Not bad :)
P.S. since4pass VIP, bitch!
Maintenance (Hotel)
31k $CAD
9k $CAD mostly liquid
>Age - 31
>Occupation - quarryfag
>Salary - 50+ hours a week. $997.50 week before tax man fucks me.
>Debt - like 10k? Various credit building notes, mortgages, debt consolidation loan. I was an autist. 780 fico now. I got into debt like everyone i lnow and had to have a metal plate put in my foot in 2010. ...i am the bionic man. Only cost $40k out of pocket and over a year off work... wear your ppe kids.
>Assets - lol. You forget where you are? I'd say high debt to income and a shitty hose i lose money on every month. Plus the one i live in if i had to sell. I call it an assett because we have put money into ot and in theory could at least break even. But 0 true assett. Working on it. Made a deal with the wife. Pay off debt. Then go nuts buying wtf ever i want. Once i leverage the first couple of houses and prove income shell probably be more interested in leveraging to the hilt. In her defense im autistic and cant be bothered to give a shit right now. Been a rough few years and we finally got some breathing room. Just gonna cruise for the next year and relax wagecucking and paying shit off.
Me too at $50k. You can crawl up the ranks and invest to the top.
I grew up ina trailer park and make more than most of my friends with 1/10th of the bad debt.
Its not easy user but you can do it.
Especially if you arent affraid to throw your life away for over time.
Financial consulting
$260k mortgage
$675k house
$170k savings/checking
$100k taxable brokerage acct
$50k retirement accts
holding a lot of cash right now because i am planning to put it down on another property soon.
I can call my car an asset if i could be bothered to set up another llc and deal with dot cucks.
Lol. Ay leno's cars probably are so long as they aporeciate.
But unless you riding in a fucking appreciating 32 ford hotrod then prolly not boss.
I still consider it a necessary investment. I think i did good with my 2002 crown vic. Cheap repairs and new bags and compressor for 500 is only major problem in like 4 years. Cost me 2k.
Erofag speaks english. Has 0 debt good or bad. Electric engineer. Actually has asset.
Welcome to america puddle jumper.
>Paid all of $10 for Aero Fighters back in 1997
just searched for this on ebay. why is it so rare/prized?
Not if you are happy with your life and not a burdon on those around u.
I know a guy lives off grid ina woods and i know a guy who owns 25 mines. The mine owner is a miserable cockbag and i would hand the woods guy 1 million dollars to be more productice with it.
how much?
Enough to pay off 120k in car loans over 5 years while putting away $1500 a week, paying car insurance which is exorbitantly high because of my age and the nature of the cars (fast), while also paying for groceries, my dad's mortgage, my grandma's rent, my own health insurance, and then still having money to reinvest at a point where I can remain at this level.
There are many downsides to this life though. I work about 60 hours a week, I only have 2 friends and I see them about once every other month, I'm still a virgin, rarely leave the house for non work related purposes, most people I've ever known have forgotten I exist, haven't had a gf in years, etc.
Hoping the new car will change the Virgin status though. It's not because I've gotten rejected, more of a lack of effort. I spent the best years of my life building this. I don't consider it a waste but a lot had to be sacrificed to be where I'm at today.
what is this inventory that you sell on ebay? If you don't want to say at least say if it's legal or illegal.
It's 100% legal, you just need a wholesalers license. However, there are many closed communities amongst suppliers and you have to know somebody to get in on the sales. I and half the people I know have been investigated either by private detectives, loss prevention agencies, or the FBI, and no one has ever even been charged because it's all legit.
4th Year Engineering Student
32k Cash
31k Mutual Funds
Car =~ 14k
Motorcycle =~ 4.5k
~8k in guns/knives/watches
Lives rent free with parents atm, with next to no living expenses except gas and automobile/bike insurance.
Business Owner
€11M private debt
Business: €12M
Real Estate: €24M
what kind of business user
Been a Business owner for 2 years
Around 120K a year
I buy gold
$38,000 last year, but last year was my first and thats only accounted for May '16 - December 16'
$170,000 house
house, car (Prius), standard low-mid/middle class living shit, Checking account and cash at a very stable $15k
I incorporated with an established small business and operate as an employee working under their umbrella. I do all the oddity stuff in their field that no one else is qualified to do, plus hold some additional licenses for them.
Year end for '17 I hope to have $20k in checking and paid my debt down to $15.5k
It's not exactly glamorous by Veeky Forums Veeky Forums standards, but I live in appalachia in an area where most people get by with communal living with their parents and surviving off food stamps.
First one of my peers to buy a house, and the only one to graduate with a degree and qualifications that arent garbage.
Really though, why are so many millenials drawn to women's studies degrees and liberal arts?
30k - School
A few websites that have decent traffic.
How fucked am I?
Shitty user.
Ditch the cars for a jacked up fag deisle with fag swampers and a fag 3 foot lit with fag tow mirrors *folded out is a must.
You will be fighting 20 year old cowgirl pussy off with a stick if you are into that.
Can build a showoff rig for like 15k if u got a good mechanic and research how to put a programmer on without blowing up your shit.
No fbi.
I wanna say i dont believe u.
But i want to know moar also.
Wtf businesses and real estate. Teach an other lander your ways
Accountant (CPA)
205k mortage
20k Car financing
475k Condo
55k Cash
70k Car
80k eTrade account
15k Forex/Crypto account
25k in gold/silver
How many years of experience do you have, user?
Betfair trader(i trade horse racing pre off and do abit of tennis sometimes)
$300.000 a year(i work 7 days a week atm,80 hours)
gold bars-$100,000
betfair account-$50,000
Quantitative Analyst
$4k in stocks and $10k in checking/savings
I always pass homeless folk on the way to and from work. They always harass me for change and I die a little inside each time I realize if they have so much as a cent on them, their net worth is greater than mine.
Student and trader
10k a year aprox. whatever i need to help my parents and fund my pretentious career
30k loan
8k car
150k in stocks
$2000 in my bank account
Financial Analyst at F50
$77k w/ bonus
$29k in 401k and $13k in checking/savings, $8k car and other misc possessions.
You make >$15/hr as a barista?
Asbestos removal, cleaning security guard
20-30k AUD a year
$5000 diploma of pathology
$12000 Bachelor of Science Biotechnology
$5000 on my car
My car
Kill me.
Probably if you include tips
Deli Clerk
5K in savings
Lecturing/Private tutoring
$35,000 USD Dollars
£24,000 GBP Pounds Sterling Student Debt
~$20,000 USD Dollars in various banks in various currencies
> jacked up fag deisle with fag swampers and a fag 3 foot lit with fag tow mirrors
I think you're saying a truck but I really can't tell. I know what you mean though, my friend drives a lifted Jeep and he's swimming in it
Front end web developer
$73500, should be getting a raise to around $85k soon.
Car worth $4k
$55k in investments
About $19k in cash for emergency fund/budgeted savings categories
Everyone here should use youneedabudget.com. A lot better than mint for tracking your money. It's so, so, so important to budget.
how did u get into front end?
Do i need to be really creative?
how long did it take you to find work?
Don't blow up
Good shit m8
10k in bank from mommy
$30per hour, 50-55hrs per fortnight
$2k emergency
ayyy i’m a front-end developer too. what up :D
160K US + bonus
~40K student loans
28 in a month
I changed careers two years ago. Glad I made the jump, but I can't help but feel like I could've been so much further ahead if I started off as a dev.
How did you make the change? What were you doing before?
How long did you practice / study for?
Graduated with a finance degree a bit after the financial crisis. First job was help desk, followed by business/systems analyst on accounting systems for something close to 5 years before making the jump to programming. I basically learned to program by writing lots of small scripts to automate my work and help the business people. I ended up writing a small program to import data into the accounting system at some point and used that to get my first real programming job.
The jump from systems analyst to programmer was pretty big. My analyst job consisted mostly of sql and digging around configuration settings.
Glasses Technician
$80,000 credit card
>10k a year
>150k in stocks
Tech support
New Zealand $60k
$400k mortgage
$500k house
$20k savings
Univ. Research Associate
None (Parents paid for everything)
Cash + bank ~$2k
Emergency fund ~$4k
Stock investments ~$10k
I rent and I'm back at U for MS-PhD.
IIS specialist
This will be the first year of my life that I make over 30k. You can see that I've taken exactly zero risk up to this point.
Sounds like you've made a pretty good deal! Crown vic looks like a cheap-ish business car, i like it. Sadly you can't get these over here. Only cars that look like toys(Kia Ceed, ect)
Having rich parents
Having rich parents
Having rich parents
Having fucking rich parents
You are not a Paramedic in the USA. Registry is age restricted to 21. Nice try though.
$75,000 base, pull $90,000- $100,000 with OT
$40,000 student loans for bachelor's degree and Paramedic school
$90,000 mortgage
$10,000 car loan
$125,000 condo
$14,000 401k
$5,000 457
$1,200 457
3 years of service for pension
$8,000 annuity product
Kill me, if I were to do it all again I'd do it differently.
I swear these debt-ridden niggas are stupid.
I'd do things very different if I didn't buy the whole American dream and credit meme.
Self Employed attorney
$70,000yr ish
$12,000 ... I had a GI bill from the guard and a fullride academic scholarship to law school
fuck we're the same age and occupation and our make twice what i do, but i have negligible debt i guess and im happy
Family Construction business. The business is valued at about €12M, the property, factory and offices related to the business are held in a separate entity valued at €10M with outstanding loans of €4M for recent expansions.
The remaining €14M is split between two retirement homes, two medical centers, a daycare and a large scale solar grid, all built by myself on two thirds leverage with outstanding loans of €7M.
Do you genuinely work 65+ hours a week and hate what you do?
Just curious because that seems to be the trend for law school grads who get into top tier corp law positions that pay really well.
I'm jelly tho.
I'm the solo practice guy not the firm guy, but I only work on average I'd say 30 hours a week(different from billable hours) and walk around the city and dick around 10 hours. I could work more but I'm content, I don't know why anyone would want to work corporate
that's fucked.
my girlfriends about to start studying for a similar degree (BSci Biochemistry/Genetics) at a Go8.
will she be a poor-fag like you?
damn. You're me but make $20k more. Are you in a high cost of living city?
Not the guy you asked but if someone goes into pure science, they better research the employment options first and be prepared to go hard and beat their cohort. Is it her first degree? The 'I don't know what I want to do but I like science' route is fraught with danger in my opinion - many people will end up having a crack at a vocational second degree like medicine afterwards. If she ends up trying that but wasn't 'smart enough'/worked hard enough to get into med out of high school, trying to get into postgrad med in Australia is really hard atm.
Hated my customer service job, taught myself fueled by anger at how much I didn't like that job.
Teamtreehouse.com got me from customer service rep to full time front end web developer in ten months. Look into their Web Development track. You can also try pluralsight.com There's a lot to learn though before you really can do anything worth charging for.
Learn, in this order, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, a JavaScript task runner, and Sass to get down the basics, then try building a site or two. Then, you should learn a Content Management System (CMS) like Wordpress, and probably some PHP. You'll also need to learn how to use basic Photoshop as the design comps you get will usually be in that format.
After you've made 5-6 sample sites, Put together a portfolio site and start applying. This industry really only cares about your skills so if you show them you know what you're doing they will hire you.
It's a lot to learn but worth it. You don't really need to be artistically creative, you normally just get the design file from a graphic designer.
When I was ready and had the site in place, I Applied to 60 places in 2 days. Had a bunch of interviews and was hired within a week.
ayyyy what up boi. Been learning some es6 lately, hbu
I work on the outskirts of a east coast city that's not New York.