OT: eyoson can go fuck itself since the tracker is still broken
shadow isles edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
What are the top 5 biggest trashcan champs right now? Got into an argument with my friend about Singed
i didnt sign up for this
That picture's missing two important individuals.
why are you erping with some random autist
block his ass
>you are the only constant
um, real sick of this meme -_-;
anything past lobby is not something i want
Riot has nothing but good intentions rn... and I just wanted to take a minute and explain why I'm so glad League took this direction. Not everything went as planned and pitch perfect but Riot is being so attentive and implementing with the community's thoughts.
People before season 7 kept complaining about how Riot never listened and then bam, Jesus decided to find employement at Riot Games.
Here are examples:
Removal of Dynamic Queue whilst still keeping a (somewhat) competetive queue for playing with your friends.
The entire hextech system, free skins is just so great to have.
ADC buffs to make ADCs happy again (a bit overtuned, but hey it's the thought that counts :( )
Practice tool (thanks rito)
10 bans
RGM queue and constantly updating old and adding new gamemodes
FINALLY reworking the most needed champs such as Urgot, Galio, Warwick, Yorick
I mean the list goes on, but I believe Riot's been trying really hard and no one is really appreciating it that much, not to mention, the new client is now official and long waited for. Although the client isn't perfect and will take some time to get used to; let's not ignore the fact that everyone wanted a new client and new format for it
I guess I should have carried harder
Why are you reposting copy pasta from reddit?
well maybe they shoulda thought about getting released before 2013 like the rest of them
>Hasagi the Exile
oh my LORD
I know, sorry that I can't handle the 19/3 Akali as the ADC
xth for Syndra
Dr Mundo
"Hasagi the Exile" should have been insta-dodge. If that flag were any redder it'd be fucking China.
>not the fact they had cait vs lubecian
why even bother at that point
Holy fuck nigger drink some bleach.
Is Maokai in a better state as an AP support abomination than a frontline tank or was the rework a failure
So did you suck his dick yet?
I REALLY want to fill Syndra with my stinky NEET semen!
why is fiora so fun?
and I want to punch you in the jaw. here's your (You), happy?
>Yasuo: "chogath lets laneswap ziggs is cancer"
I love normals
Sona is the breast waifu!
>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3
I-Is stinky neet semen tasty?
I love the (You)s. I'm a little disappointed in the lack of an image though.
its been more of the opposite if im to believe the chatbox
good, now fuck off and die.
Is this what this subreddit is about? posting the same garbage over and over until it's "funny"?
Give me one more before I eat breakfast.
Imma gunu kall jim reddit so he gets le mad lmao xDDD jajajaja im seh funah
just rerolled three champ shards and got zyra what do
I quit league 2 weeks ago and now I make $400k/yr starting and bang hot euro bitches. Why haven't you?
no. oops
Spam her for free elo before she gets nerfed.
what you gonna eat user
I could really go for a over-battered, soggy piece of low-quality flake right now.
But for real though, I could.
no it isn't since neets don't eat fruit
which lanes can i play her in?
but hawaii pizza has fruit on it
She's only good as support
but she still does a shit ton of damage, often 2nd / 3rd highest if you're playing her correctly
O-Oh... Too bad then...
Objectively Mundo, Garen, and Corki are the holy trinity of garbage.
Below that you have Singed, Diana, and Azir as the backup holy trinity of garbage
most neets don't eat pizza with pineapple on it, and even if they did they'd have to eat a lot of pizza for the taste to come through and it'd probably be diluted by the other ingredients
garen mundo and corki are weak from a mix of meta and items
the truely left in the dumpster never play champions are :
Azir, Ryze Ezreal
that works out pretty well, needed someone other than gragas for when i get autofilled support
sissy heal sluts are not for mee
Wait Darius is actually extremely strong.
>absurd damage from his bleed
>true dmg ult that resets, only need to build one AD item to do over 1k dmg
>auto attack reset
>two forms of slows and a hook
>excellent wave clear
>fucking heals up to 36% missing HP every 3 seconds
>gets 200 free AD
Do people not play him because they think he's a noob champ? Put a smart player on Darius and it's done. I don't see how you can lose as long as you don't pick him into super slippery comps
Nigga Darius is like the third most played top laner
>sissy healsluts are not for me
>enjoy le pussy plant of free poke damage with no real danger
pussy nigga
>lux jhin zilean ziggs on one team in aram
we did it
I wanna CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!
Fuck off riot games shill.
I want to pollinate Zyra
Try Janna/Lulu/Galio/Blitz/Literally anyone else
hey zyra has low movement speed
Oh my
Why are girls so drawn to Nami / Janna / Soraka and Lux?
>aram is shit
whats new
Because most women want to play as cute women.
But every time I see him, it's a complete noob who plays like he was autofilled. I have literally only seen one good Darius player and he was a smurf one trick with 84% win rate.
It's like good players think they're "above" him but he's actually a really powerful champion.
I want to make up my mind about whether to go for DT or PP, hmm.
i'm a guy and i wanna play as cute women. am i gay or are does everyone else want to be a cute woman
Because these characters tend to come off as nurturing and helpful, while also being generically feminine and/or pretty. Also a lot of guys drag their female friends/girlfriends into playing the game and gluing them to their hip so they end up playing these characters as well. A female friend that I play with a lot loves Nami, but also plays a shitload of Nautilus and Orianna.
Darius has maintained a strong winrate forever though. It's not like he's some state secret, he's a very popular champion.
People like cute women as a general rule.
I want to endanger her and cuddle her against her will while you have to watch!
im gonna fuck that poro while she watches and cries begging me to stop
I'm gonna slap your shit then!
Should i buy BARD or KLED, /lolg/?
hey not true
>primary jungle
>get top
>primary top
>get jungle
nice system
kled because bard is mine
Downtempo or postproduction?
>Be top lane
>See other team pick top GP
>Take cleanse because I know GP is going to run exhaust
>Loading in
>He has exhaust
Why do all Gangplank players take exhaust? It's literally every single one
Internalized misogyny. They should be playing strong independent womyn like Illaoi and Camille.
Hopefully Riot's efforts towards educating women will pay off eventually.
>going top without teleport
The mark of a shiter
Popular where, like bronze or silver? I haven't seen him once in the past 30 games in plat and the few times I have, like I said it was a noob who didn't know how to lane. I'm glad though, he's ridiculous when played by anyone with a brain.
In Plat+
>educating women
no you can only watch!
Half the reason I like the supports that I do is because they threw their skins at me. I also got kept getting asked to learn Janna because she was hot stuff at some point.
While I bought the Blitz chromas, my friend even bought me Battle Boss and I'd gotten Dark Star Thresh in hextech.
I started with those in terms of learning support and I want to improve with Blitz, but he relies too much on punishing mistakes and Thresh's hook glitches are too DISGUSTING to play.
azir requires you to be at least mid diamond + in terms of mechanics to work
corki is shit
diana is shit and only her mains play her, still wins games because she can still 1 shot people
Prepare to get your shit slapped!
Because those champs are easy.
>azir requires you to be at least mid diamond + in terms of mechanics to work
Azir's winrate is lowest in diamond and master's
>the stable backup of the worlds best AD carry for when he gets banned out
you must be baiting my man
Drop the baton and walk away slowly or you're getting shot
You first!
Ezreal is shit unless you play in challenger m8
>have ten new tweets in the last hour
>they're all from trump
It's because of "men" like you, scared of diverse female champions, that innocent women are forced to play champions like Lux that they secretly detest
Is Sej still good after the repeat nerfs?
>caring about GP having exhaust
>not running a fighter that will kill him through it
as to why? generally it was only mid GP that ran exhaust into every matchup, because he just turns it into a farm lane.
top is a farm lane half the time anyway though, and no TP top is usually too big to not have.
junglers below diamond almost never punish a non-TP top, its gross but they get away with it
I wouldn't mind a music, movie director or reporter themed skin for my favourite Glade Yordle.
But I meant Pool Party or Dragon Trainer. The shop+one of the May bundles are making it hard to decide what to get.
On one hand I could get Star Guardian Janna, Ghost Bride Morgana and 2 chest for 15 dollars.
Or I could get SG Janna, Pool Party, Dryad Soraka and 3 chests for 20 dollars.
But I really like the way Dragon Trainer seems like a progression of her character and its outfit, but the discount is not so great.
No, if you wanna abuse, pick zac instead
>junglers below diamond almost never punish a non-TP top
As a top main who takes tp, this infuriates me to no end
Who does he main