>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
Other urls found in this thread:
Mae is best girl
Does le epic choirshit belong in FE?
>It's a skirmish that's on a shitty map episode
never forget that 'that ass' saved us
I think Tharja is okay. And I'm not that invested in who the "canon" option is supposed to be.
pancake ass
>upheaval hurts pegasus knights
Why don't they tell their pegasus to fly for 10 seconds so the earthquake doesn't hurt them?
I'm sad at Faye, /feg/. Did Heroes do her any good?
>playing gaiden
>every fucking map is a fucking field
>every fucking encounter is with cavs/pegs that run at you
Holy shit, only now do I realize that the old FE games had some dogshit map designs.
I may shit on Awakening but at least they had some bushes and shit to slow down cavalier enemies just running at you the whole time at your squishies.
Playing Gaiden on hard first time was a mistake.
what do you rather have a few classes with plenty promotions or a lot of classes with just one promotion?
She's cute in both but basically irrelevant as a unit in both.
Her bow is... Interesting in Heroes? It's not amazing but it's okay'ish?
Honestly she's pretty okay as a peg rider but I regret not making her a cleric after going decently far in gaiden.
Also what the fuck is Catria in this game. She's ridiculously strong. Just made her a falcon knight and she has 20 speed.
> he sucks at gaiden
gaiden hard is the same as normal except that you get less exp but if you meant echoes hard well you suck at vidya
Felicia is the cutest! She gives my life meaning! Every day spent with her is a blessing! I`ll always be there for her and she`ll always be there for me! She is my soulmate! I could never want anything more! I love Felicia!
It's echoes.
And really nah, I just hate the map designs.
Wide open fields with just 15+ cavalier running at you isn't interesting or fun.
It just makes me take out all my non-knight units, put a shield on them and wait 20 minutes while the enemies all slowly die.
She gets over Alm in Heroes and falls in love with Kiran (You).
I love Flora!
Poor Echoes Faye doesn't.
Oh! Well, it's you, isn't it, [Summoner].
My eyes light up every time I turn a corner around here, hoping that I'll see you-know-who.
And, you know? You're not Alm, but you don't have to be. At least, not anymore.
Funny how people can be so stuck on someone... that they don't see what's right there.
I know you'd think I'm the last one to ever say something like that. but it's true.
I have proof. See? I'm working on a good-luck charm for you. Thought of you with every stitch.
Does it look good? Do you like it? I hope so. You mean a lot to me, so I really want it to be great!
> boring and tedious
> difficult
hello no you just have to play it safe and dont rush in like a moron bait them with lukas and alm
I never said it was difficult, I said I hate the maps and think they suck ass.
And there is no baiting to do, it's literally a huge wide open field of grass with a forest in the middle and two legions of cavaliers running to you on both sides. I'm specifically looking at the map on Act 3 with Lawson.
There's too many cavaliers on hard to deal with quickly enough and your units start too far from the forest to go to it fast enough to not get run down by the cavs. Meaning if you don't wanna lose units you're best off just putting two knights and then running Alm to the center healing area.
Then waiting 10 turns as your knights kill them all.
Azura is shit
>still no Faye
>still no Genny
>probably won't have Silque when they decide to release her either
why must they make me suffer like this
>gaiden hard is the same as normal except that you get less exp but if you meant echoes hard well you suck at vidya
It's not exactly the same. Enemies like Zombies have higher defense and there are a few new enemies on certain maps in Hard.
Are you talking about Alm's route? Do you have Ridersbane and did you give it to Clair?
Only a few maps are like that. Bait.
Dafuq. Why is Catria a monstruosity?
Well, it's better than a life like her Echoes' one
user, if that's true then I'm really happy
That's my wife
Yes, Alm's route.
I've actually given it to Forsyth and parked him and Lukas in the forest and waiting for them to slowly kill every enemy. Only deployed those two plus Alm. Stupidly cheesy but no one else has the defense to take on 20 cavs at once.
Not bait, the maps suck.
Look at the desert one with a dozen fucking archers and your units move 1 tile at a time. The map took fucking forever.
Lucky you.
for the love of god
when will i ever roll a good green unit
current pool of green is utter shit
and then you get screwed by ivs if you ever roll a good unit
fuck this
and here we have all these blue units running/ruining the arena
i know blue is the coolest color to pull from but this has to stop
Anyone interested in some writing? Nonsmut or smut I'll do either.
You fuckers seem impossible to please. What would be the ideal Fire Emblem game for you?
Ur wife a slut
From memory, Boey, Cherche and Anna are all decent.
>/feg/ is a single person
Fuck off
dude the very first advertisement of the game was le epic choirshit
t. RaulTheCuck
If Fates had actually been the game it was advertised as and had the development time and budget appropriate for it.
Are you saying random units ,or those what you have ?
I'm pretty easy to please, but I'd like something like Fates without the split. So half the characters, meaning better characterization and supports, good gameplay, marriage (but not children unless the actually make sense). If the player is gonna be the lord like Corrin let be actually able to make choices like Robin did. Also have the story not suck ass.
If conquest wasnt garbage in every other aspect other than gameplay which it showed potential in
>What would be the ideal Fire Emblem
fe7 is literally perfect
Say something nice about Severa! I know you got it in you!
>brainwashed yandere
Those are the greens I have that are doing alright. Narcian also might be green and he was doing well during auto battle when I was training him up, but I haven't actually used him past like level 20.
Earthquakes are capable of knocking birds and other flying creatures out of the air IRL.
It's like you guys don't even bother to investigate literally anything that seems out of place to you.
This. Fuck off. Also Echoes is a disappointment which isn't surprising.
Tellius tier map design and Telllius tier story.
Except nerf horses to have no canto and also don't bring back 3rd tier class changes.
Also balance laguz somehow.
Fuck off.
>Michalis, Anna are free
>Titania is available at 4* and featured on the banner two times
>Nino is available at 3*
I dont see how you're having so many problems
This guy's art are the best
What is it with translators these days who can't do translations without changing random shit?
>remove canto
Just reduce their stats or make more sections of the map inaccessible to cavs like in radiant dawn.
Lads is the landslide the last thing for Alm act 4 or am I missing something?
How about you go to tumblr and dont come back
Who is bottom left. It's not Hinoka. She can't be that cute.
>Except nerf horses to have no canto
Just nerf their stat caps.
I just use Cecilia. She's a very good budget blue killer.
What the fuck, why would you do this?
Horses already have incredibly mediocre caps (which don't even matter in PoR because barely anyone reaches max level in that game in the first place)
I thought Cecilia sucked ass?
Is the shadow sword even worth using?
>double-roll RNG
yeah they are alright about the best you could say about them.
Also titania only good if you have distant counter which is impossible to even think about if you setteled with her and cant get a hector.
there is about 3 good units in the green pool
while in red and blue 10+ units each.
There is a balance problem between the colors and it must be fixed
Do celicas shit. Move alm back so you're not ambushed by dragons constantly
She's really cute and sex with her must be amazing!
50 coins and turn it into a brace sword numpty
Which units surprised you in Echoes?
Mine was Atlas. I didn't bother to class change him for a while because it's a pain to backtrack, but once I made him a Merc he quickly became one of my best units.
I also like his character a lot. He's a simple and humble guy, but endearing.
>Sending away the one content creator we have
This is why feg is the way it is.
It's Hinoka. A couple of the Supports with her and some of the people directly tied to her tell Corrin about how Hinoka used to be a regular girly princess until after Corrin was kidnapped, after which point she manned up and decided to train in the art of wrecking shit.
The real crime is how we never learn how two chucklefucks like Azama and Setsuna got to be her retainers. Hana and Subaki get detailed backstories into the matter with Sakura, and Saizo/Kagero are stated but not really explored. Trapgirl and Afroboy, though? No clue.
Fanfics aren't fucking content.
How would you know?
If you don't mind abusing Mila's Turnwheel every now and then, yes.
She got a lot better with triangle adept. Horse stat boosters are also common and again, make her a lot better. With stat boosters gronblade also becomes viable and is pretty fucking stronk.
It's hard to tell if RD horses are balanced, since most of them are given such bad availability. Titania is definitely the most stand out horse unit in that game, even though Oscar is given the same amount of availability.
Fuck off Tharjaspic.
Who drew Niles' art in heroes and how do I make sure they never draw another character
Didn't people already recommend their fantasies to you like 2 threasd ago?
So any of the rusted weapons have a chance to turn into sol, Astra, luna?
Cause on serenes it says (iron) or (steel) next to rusted sword on the drops page
Well to be fair, a lot of the ones we got stateside all actually have double RNG on hit-miss actually.
I think they only removed those beginning in Fates and more people actually complained about it because they were now actually getting true percentages instead of weighted ones.
Tharjaspic's entire life is a fanfic
I hate him.
Oh, I see. I might try her out then, since I have a mounted healer already.
He's mad because they refuse to write Tharja shit.
She crashed in the woods and azama saved her ass. She thought he was a good priest and wanted him nearbye to heal her and to reward him. I can't remember setsuna
what is her ideal boon bane ? i have a +spd -res collecting dust
>FE7 fandub
What the fuck?
You're just bad at the game, honestly.
Saber, usually don't care for that type of character but he turned out really cool. I expected him to be more like Alvin from Tales of Xillia for some reason.
She has bad stats besides attack but she's a free unit, comes with a raven tome so you can crap on Archers and Kagero too and only really needs feathers and TA to function on non-cav teams. Great investment if you can't get a great green. Since my greens consist of Anna who can't counterattack Reinhardt, Boey and Merric which kinda suck, it's a no brainer.
I want something of gameplay of Fates and people from Chaos Rings to write the story and characters. Those motherfuckers can put anime-troped characters and pull off great stories.
Why does the heroes AI always have my healer attack instead of heal the people who need it? It drives me insane
Why do people pretend Fates has exceptional gameplay?
We need more Catria bullying
t.hector baby
ok luckshitter
Why do you pretend to be contrarian to spite Fates?
Conquest had interesting maps and interesting objectives.
I'm personally more of a Tellius cock sucker myself since I love basically everything about that game except for some things here and there but that's just me.
I like multiple paths, the whole child units and Conquest was cool. What about it?