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>tfw the objectively superior digital card game will never take off because of the legions of cocksmoking Blizzdrones and Hearthshits that defend their broken game

Dead Games Dont Need New Threads.

fill my butthole with your aids nigger-chan~

Post fanmail.


I literally NEVER get added after matches, i dont know how you guys do it. No one ever has salty shit to say or need help with a quest.

Don't worry, Gwent is quickly rising in popularity.

We'll overtake shitstone soon. This game (like WoW) is killing itself pretty bad right now. Even stalwart guys like Kripp have flat out said he's not streaming Hearthstone as his main game anymore (last night's stream apparently)

It might just be because you're not rank 20 like those guys

You'll get some fan mail if you rope enough quest rogues

So, who overtook WoW? Oh, wait.
The problem with genre-defining games like WoW is that when they die, the genre dies with them.

We get it, you like Gwent. Go and enjoy the game then

Nice post.

/gwt/ is making fun of us again...

In ranked I'll get adds if people like my deck, but in casual and brawl I get salt adds. The worst is I'm usually just grinding dailies so it's not like I'm netdecking in casual. Brawl I understand even less.

You don't play enough ladder, son.

>Every fun deck I could think of making like Lakkari Sacrifice-lock or Mimiron Mage costs a shitload of dust

this is the real problem with the "some players enjoy winning with bad cards :DD" shit they spout, it really only replies to streamers/whales who can just throw $300 at this game to get the necessary dust to build shitty meme decks

>there are people reading this thread RIGHT NOW that play pirate warrior in casual

I might start now that I know it triggers people so much

>being this assblasted

You know, normal people who have faith in their game don't have to defend it to death constantly.

Just saying.

What's so wrong with this? I play Pirate warrior, Murloc paladin, and quest rogue in casual. I'm trying to get better

it doesn't trigger anyone it just makes you a fag

if you need to practice pirate warrior you might be brain damaged user
literal bots following very simple algorithms take it to legend fairly easily

Fuck. I must just be garbage then. How to pirate warrior

trade with weapons up until t3 or so then go face with everything
play the biggest green card each turn or multiple small green cards

who made you the boss of how to have fun, jerk?

>pirate warrior

So you're saying if I get good with pirate warrior I can take it up from 18 to 5?

for me it is, yes

Winning is fun.

i expected no less from hearthcucks

>Watching random channels on twitch
>Stumble in right in time for this


Nigga you can take it straight to the top of legend


you're such an asshole

I just said, that when WoW started to die, most of the playerbase just left the genre altogether. Never have I said that Hearthstone is good.

It's considered a fierce deck for a reason. It's definitively a good deck that can carry you all the way to high legend. The main reason that it doesn't see more play right now is that the meta isn't slow enough for Quest Rogue to become even more popular and many Aggro Druids + Hunters tech Golakka Crawlers. But don't let that stop you from playing it. It shits hard on people and gets you quick games. It's a good deck for ladder and has been ever since release.

>cant make it to rank 5
i think im just gonna stay at rank 6 for this month /hsg/ its just taking to long

What are you playing?

secret mage, i was started playing burn but fuck mirror matches

There are numerous different versions of secret mage. Play the fast one.

probably better off just going full aggro for 6

why didn't anyone tell me hct day 2 was on


because no one cares about hs esport

Nobody is here.

it's not that interesting
>taunt warrior
>gunther mage or secret mage
>jade druid
>control paladin or murloc paladin
pirate warrior actually feels exciting after all of the control decks

>Hearthstone ESPORTS

I like the few miracle rogue/control shaman matches but taunt warrior being viable is horrible

I don't play since Whispers of the Old Gods / Kharazan

is there a fun control deck with lots of RNG or steal mechanics? I like Mage and Priest. I have 5200 dust

i do too user. the problem is that those 4(ish) decks are the most prominent ones and after watching multiple matches over multiple days from multiple tournaments with these same decks, it's hard to get excited for another match with one of them.
are other cards games like this? are they all just about the same few decks being played endlessly until the next expansion

I'm not going to tell you shit. You people are so defensive just mentioning other card games makes the whole thread shout shill. Enjoy your shit dead game.

That's what Pokemon is like. And in Pokemon tournaments each person only brings one deck so it's even worse.

Yes, in fact. There's a few versions of priest like silence/purify, Control, and "aggro". They all include Lyra.

Or there's Burn, Secret, and Control mage. Some include Medivh or Alexstraza.

Every card game is like that.

>playing discardlock standard
>keep quest in hand
>coin out succubus turn 1
>lose quest card
>this has happened 3 times


That's just stupid

>in Pokemon tournaments each person only brings one deck
why is that?

there was a bug during the first week where you were able to discard the quest after completing it

found out how to have fun with this game again

My favourite thing to do at the end of the season near server time midnight is to concede as many times as possible for everyone I like.

Then as I get matched vs a rank 6 Quest Rogue or Token Druid or Murloc Paladin and similar highroll decks I don't like, I rope them every single turn until the season ends, knowing they might desperately need that final push for the juicy dust.

Makes my day better knowing I might have ruined someone else. Hearthstone, ladies and gentleman.

thinking about tanking back to 5 to do this

Why not just play taunt warrior?

>playing casual
>me and opponent playing thief priest (except he's quest)
>he steals my oracle
>i steal his oracle
>keep stealing our oracles
>our onyx bishops keep rezing oracles
>discover like 5 onyx bishops
>barely playing my own cards at this point
>he goes to fatigue while i still have cards in my deck
>he hasnt played amara yet
>mind read his amara twice and play one at 14
>"You have bested me."
that was fun :>

It just is. I don't remember if the games are best of 3 or best of 1, but each player only has one deck.

How integral is Aya to a Jade deck?

this warrior mirror is fucking disgusting





Literally a fucking coin flip contest


Depends on the deck, it's 100% important in jade shaman but replaceable in jade druid

that match was worse than watching yogg flipping games

probably best card in every jade deck

Accurate thumbnail for the stream.

At least yogg is interesting as opposed to flinging 8 damage randomly

>Reynads stream last night took 8 hours for him to win 10 games
>Couldnt even get to legend from rank 3

yogg is a shitty design just as much as coinflip rag shots

how did stark make it in over cydonia?

Holy shit Miracle Rogue is still strong???

Post decklist.

I got a random drop priest quest, but as I don't have N'zoth and Umbra, I haven't really tried it.

I don't have Raza either if that's part of the fun.

cydonia didn't high roll

Noted, thank you.

A 5-mana 5-3 minion that gives all your jades +2/+2 for the remainder of the game and summons a 2-6 drop and has deathrattle 3-7 drop is pretty good. Definitely need her for ranked.

Hey /hsg/, I'm about to get the symbol of Hearthstone as a haircut. Convince me why this is a good idea

no one would be this retarded, right?

it's a strictly casual deck. it will crumble under any competitive circumstances.
you can replace the legendaries with whatever you want like lyra instead of ysera (add another dragon) or another thoughtsteal instead of barnes

Das Is Unglaublich!

you live in a world where people tattoo celebrities on their body lad

I see people keep saying murlocadin is cancer, I haven't played in a few weeks but is it more controlly like this or full aggro with bluegills?

have I become the cancer without even realizing /hsg/? I win more games just with all the healing than I do the murlocs desu cause there's so much aggro

>(4) legendaries

You are cancer alright

i said it was interesting, not that it isnt shitty

I've been playing for 3 years I better have at least 4 legendaries

>vilefin into rockpool into warleader
Just as bad as trogg totem golem coin tuskarr totemic, kill yourself

>tfw you have the jade druid deck that all the 'stars' play but you can't win for shit

I guess I'm just bad.

sorry, guess I should ;-;

don't worry sometimes I brick and draw all my 8 costs and removal with no minions

We're just rustling your jimmies. You deserve all the stars you get

>quest rogue
>quest warrior
>quest rogue
>switch to pirate warrior
>get oozed turn 2

Aaaaaaaaand fuck this game I'm out

Honestly its fun and doesn't even swing things that often. I am playing this janky tempo/quest Mage with a 30% win rate where quest is a ultra late game win condition and whenever I win, I win so extremely onesidedly that Yogg didn't matter, usually it just blows some shit up and doesn't insta lose or win me the game.

>not logging in only when your quest log is full
Nigga what are you doing