Fighting Games General /fgg/
Reminder that the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated.
TFH beta is fun
I don't like playing as girls in fighting games.
What's some good music to listen to whilst playing fightan games?
you're missing out my man
Yamazaki is a crazy yakuza member with the blood of a homicidal snake god that lets him stretch his limbs to insane lengths
Thats as Yakuza as you can get
Wind Jammers
Please don't shit on other fighting games, it's rude and makes people feel bad.
Me neither.
infil is reverse saitama
he used to be godlike back when was bald, now he has hair and he sucks
I'm not shitting on Tekken for no reason when I'm pointing out the 24 frames of input delay, I'm merely trying to help my fellow gamers to make more informed decisions as consumers
what? he's still based
He also put botox in his face, his face bloated and puffy in a motherfucker. His girl really didnt like his looks. The power of pussy makes men do stupid things.
what? he still sucks
i just wanna watch tokido play all day
akuma is the only interesting character in jive
Everyone should just talk about the games they like, and let other people talk about the games they like desu.
If lebron takes down this warriors team, no one can deny he is in Jordan's tier. Those bulls teams never had to face one as good as the Warriors these past 3 years.
>Saint saying, in his opinion, there is input lag on the console version. Particularly more noticeable on the newer stages that arent on arc.
Same thing was previously mentioned by JDCR and other pros.
So what's your excuse for getting the inferior version that can't work properly even in 900p?
Except it's a huge improvement, his wife is a great influence on him and is probably the best thing that has happened to him.
Infiltration speaks good English, such a humble guy.
brickpill me on sniffblue
how old is gachikun? 13?
Thats guilty gear you gaylord
>changing the way you look because a girl doesnt accept you the way you are
Found the beta's yall. Piss off pussy.
43 I think
Good game with good sniffs.
Is it dumb to play wireless with ps4 controller? My cord is so short.
rip has been mentioning it, at least
markman, tasty steve, and aris are shills
I can't believe Daigo still can't speak english.
no it's a new character from blazblue
dat game stinks
reddit comment if I've ever seen one
The controller doesn't use the cord to send inputs.
>My cord is so short.
story of my life
he speaks english about as well as any other jap player, he just has enough self awareness not to do so when he's not drunk
no unless there is interference
I only shit on NRS garbage, and only if someone tries to sell their games as good fighters.
Are they serious with the DBZ soundtrack? What the fuck?
It's good but Brick can't microdash
>when you can't even maintain 60fps in a fighting game
harada you fucking lazy shitter team
But the game does run at 60 fps
harada mashers BTFO
Gee, I wonder if shitters will make as big a deal about this as they did about 8 frames?
No? Wow, colour me surprised...
only on select few stages
the game is not out.............
What do people see in Street Fighter? All the characters look so bland and the graphics are gross. I guess the gameplay (pre V anyways) is kinda solid however.
it doesn't even run 60 fps on the loading screen
>he fell for the tekken meme
I love this cringeworthy stuff, it's fun.
is your post implying that high input delay does not matter in fighting games
This is awful
>mfw PC
>mfw buying from a chink reseller so that Harada doesnt get a penny
tekken will kill sfv,,, this time for sure my bros,,,
Why is every1 saying tekken is gonna have frames of lag
It is, user. It is.
There isn't anything wrong with Tekken's input delay. If it has 10 frames of delay that's fine because it's a far superior game to jive.
The reason I bitched about jive's 8f is because Capcom betrayed the community. Harada has been on top of Tekken from the start - he's met pretty much every deadline, he's answered fan queries and the game looks fantastic.
Tekken could have 12 frames of delay and I wouldn't complain - the footsies are so good in Tekken that it would take 22 frames of delay or something to really hurt it.
Should I get the Digital Deluxe edition?
3 years for a shitty port, bravo Harada. Thank good for the PC version but it's a shame tournaments will still be played on PS4.
Dumb 17er.
of course they wont. they will most likely try to spin it as a positive thing and then brag about having more input lag than SFV.
24 frames of input delay already confirmed
What's up with all the minorities and foreigners in the Tekken community?
can u link or provide additional information
>most iconic character designs in the whole industry
Then why is there no torrent
checkmate athesits
over here in europ all the turks and arabs love tekken.
they mash low kicks with kazuya just like they mash low kicks in real life.
Something about that series.
>American military man
>Japanese karate man
>Chinese lady
>Naked Russian bear man
>Indian guru
>Native American guy
>Bitchy schoolgirl
SF literally has the most generic, stereotyped designs in fighting games. It's their thing
number one reason fighting games are not popular esports
They're part of the FGC.
Holy shit Brick you're so fucking stupid, just stop
Anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, KoF and MK/Injustice have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their rage move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!
If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.
>number one reason fighting games are not popular esports
Non-whites and non-east asians can't be successful without gibsmedats
you should have backed it dude, it's going to replace Melty
>when you could be comboboaring
finally got around to fullclearing rev 2 trials, this one was weird
Street Fighter has Juri, so starting from SSFIV their cast is good.
Ryu is instantly recognizable as the face of fighting games alone, hell just his red headband is iconic, that said his design is bland as fuck
Tekken has always had huge input lag though. If your jut figuring it out now that's your fault.
Guilty Gear trials are easy, now try doing SFV challenges.
kek gg rev 2 and tekken 7 come out this week and literally no one cares lmao
everyone is talking about season 2.1 coming on tuesday.
Capchads always win, baby
Ono gave him a 1 because he broke his game.
t. goober falseflagging as a tekturd falseflagging as a capcuck
>Bitchy schoolgirl
Literally who
I don't wanna be left behind
What's the story with Ono and Blanka? Was he the original designer for Blanka in SFII?
That's a lot of trainingboar, I only do the ones for the characters I like.
>some literally who posts something on twitter that has less than 10 RTs
Wtf? Uhhh guys.... uhhhh I just canceled my tekken per order and bought 4 more copies of SFV? WTF??
not true, tekken 5 dr and tekken 6 on ps3 had a 5 frames of total lag
TTT2 is where they added a bunch of lag
>Tekken has always had huge input lag
stop making shit up
Those are all 10/10 designs and stereotypes are an amazing thing when utilized properly which SF does greatly, mistakes like Remy aside.
What actually makes him stand out is his sleeveless gi and his moves/move sounds.
Thats why so many like KoF characters like Kyo with his bodega shit and Terrys ARE YOU OK? BUSTAH WOLF.
Catchphrases like that are so important.
Why don't they make dlc so characters can dab?
>mfw sfv footsies in a classic game