My wife and I have 120k in the bank, what the fuck do we do with it?

my wife and I have 120k in the bank, what the fuck do we do with it?

Pay me $20,000 and I'll bang your wife while you watch.

Next week you can come back and ask what you should do with $100,000. May make this easier to answer.

I'll film it for $10k. I promise to properly light and shoot the scene.

I'll masturbate in the corner. No fee for my service.

ive directed and produced many small indie films, give me 15k, you got the actor, you got a producer, and you also have the cameraman

For a small fee of only $5k I will market and distribute the video and earn you easily double that in ad revenue

Hookers and blow

Invest in 50 iPhone screens so I can go fix phones in NY and I'll pay you back 1.5x in 2 weeks...

being broke with skills but no way to get to a city to utilize them sucks

three- or four-fund lazy portfolio with vanguard

You're hired.

If we do this with class, we could probably convince the wife to divorce the cuck. Then we take ALL the money.

We might be onto a winner here, bud.

I'll go and jack off on people I consensually meet, for exposure

buy AMD

Maybe when it was sub $4

Worst trick in the book.

Put $20k somewhere (checking, online bank, doesn't really matter just as long as you can access it within a day) as your base Emergency Fund.

At Vanguard put $70k into VTSAX, $20k into VTIAX, and $10k into VWITX. Dividends pay out monthly on VWITX and quarterly on VTSAX/VTIAX. Either re-invest the dividends with $1,000 purchase that keep your 70/20/10 ratio intact, or spend them if you need the cash. Expect 4-6% return per year on dividends alone, no matter how the funds perform.

Never touch the principal, invest more as your budget allows, and live happily ever after.

what would you recommend for highest monthly dividend?

Bitcoin and Iconomi

The above, and keep buying more of it. It's fool-proof and you cannot lose if your investment horizon is 40+ years.

Can you elaborate on the phrase "investment horizon" ?

If you're 25 and you plan on working until 65 then you have a 40-yr investment horizon where you're in growth mode, which is plenty of time to weather the ups & downs of the market.

how long you are investing


Spend about $1,000 going to dinner and a movie and shoping for stacks of personal finance books.

Read 10 each. Any books.

U will know.

Reward yourself by gambline 20 to 40k until u learn the ropes. Then go all in and hang on for the ride.

Diversify assett classes for safety.

Git gud user

Never change /biz

I'm sensing a lot of synergy here.

Let's all get together for some coffee and hammer out the details of this shoot.

No margin of safety?