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Chair vs Envy edition

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i expected nothing and i'm still let down

I can smell vinegar and sugar from that picture. Y u do this


nth for I want Tresdin to break my pelvis

>aussies eat what is basically garbage because anything edible in australia can probably kill you

before u guys play dotes roll up

odd dotes
even no dotes

i wonder how bone7 feel now when he wasn't invited to C9 2.0

Anyone /coremaiden/ in here

im not an aussie tho

my name is allekh salleh and im a proud german

>Envy gets third place against the best teams in the world right now
>bone7 is doing ???

i mean im no envy fan but at least people remember who he is

post dotard webms

>bone7 lurks these threads
Say something nice to him




is that on vhs?
add me on steam bro

thats a big forehead


thats not bad

now let's see a larger sample size

>no blink
>no force staff
>no even fucking shadow blade
so what kind of shitty bracket do you play in there CM is just allowed to walk by, press bkb and channel ulti

getting tipped battle points feels good

Is slutbreaker out?

I am actually quite impressed at the itemization of these 1-2k trashcans.
>bfury and deso PA

Why do people even want to play carry in a pub? It's the worst shit ever. No support for you most of the time and if there is he still steals your last hits anyway. I play either jungle, roamer, mid or offlaner, never with other retards that are just going to steal my xp and gold.

>a linkins

for what purpose

he got yelled at by mirana about having bf and deso before getting bkb. And btw everyone just scrolls down the default guides and uses the highest rated one

zeus kill me with big lighting

If you play an amazing game as a support but cores are still retards, you lose. Unless you are playing the "supports that are really cores" like silencer or venge.

so why didnt you build a bkb?


idk it probably would have been better, but he kill me after engagements if he got away

>sprint for zeus because no one on that team could kill you
>win game

i didn't even consider getting bkb on dp desu. I've only played this hero a few times.

>enemy team had people who abandoned
yeah, i made them rq ;)

user bkb isn't some hero dependent item.

If they have a shit tons of magic damage or stuns, you get it on whoever the fuck you are playing.

>mid goes 15/2? tip him guys
>support enabled his snowballing, kept vision going for entire game and basically lead us to victory with his invisible hand? who cares lmao

So is siltbreaker cancelled?

didn't you know that one unspoken rule of dota?
guy with most farm and shiniest items always gets mvp

yea he's the best, but i did shit on mid lane with out anyones help and ganked getting kills with out them pretty much tbqh.

Please it feels good getting tipped 100 battle points and getting praise from the other team :S

Experience overall got much better, but losing all games.Thoughts?

>got much better,
>losing all games
you mean you hate winning?

Maybe he hates other people

communication is vital to high skill dota. At like 6k averages and up, there is practically always chatter on the mic as players let their teammates know their intentions and get everyone on the same page

I love how everyone's screen just goes over to that spot

The range indicators for SF's razes are actually very misleading. The longest raze is almost twice as long than the indicator. Volvo needs to fix that shit.

Quit the game when patch 7 hits, how is it now? What has changed? I want to play again.


post steam inventory worths

ill start

>TNC gets a free LAN next month securing them the 5th invite besides the big 4 right now (VP,EG,IG,OG)

is there any wraith king set that isn't shit?

what site?

oops forgot site
haunted lord set is good

havent been to low prio in a while and forgot what a shithole it is
its like no one actually wants to play dota here so no one wants to win, 3 games in row i had at least two retards who jungled entire fucking game

Friendly reminder that Templar Assassin does not have a penis.

She's cute though

i just played lone druid now,i crushed the enemy mid,got radiance at a good timing,got all t2 towers and even got bottom barracks
the enemy was taking roshan,everyone in my team had a tp but no one even tried to contest.
after we lost this game cause this hero cant carry 1vs5 late game,my pl blamed me for being useless while he died 12 times and build daedalus into heart without even upgrading boots.
i just dont know what should i do in those types of games

the thing that she possesses is called feminine penis

>enter game
>4 russians argue with each other and occasional cyka can be seen
what do?

IIRC he was playing storm and dropped an euls for muh efficient mana regen, except he got jumped/chain stunned as he dropped it and died, and the item destroyed.

Accept the loss

What an idiot

When does the game become fun?

wow you saved an image from a 10 year old ds game lol you're either 15 and a nostalgia fag or 30 years old

When you get to a decent MMR bracket.

How can I do that when playing with carries like this?

Play carry


At least show the heroes, silly. Also that BLD damage.

all of these are pretty meaningless without showing the heroes

for all I know your hero pool consists of PL and oracle

Did I mention we lost?


Forgot image.

>Random Winter Wyvern aka the most boring hero in Dota 2.
I rather play LPQ than random that complete GARBAGE hero.

You're going to get io, zet and ww in lpq anyway

How many of you fags paid for the IO arcana?

>met 2 (two) wisp mids in pugs
>neither had arcana
Also I learned that wisp is not that bad solo mid.

how about boring heroes in the game like lich and tide get their Q's reworked to be skillshots?

>posts about the MMR assassin with a picture of one of THE top team assassins
What did he mean by this?

>not potentially support
yeah ur bad

go play custom games

good morning d2g

What the hell

>telling me to support when I almost carried the game
>basing that as a reason to tell me I'm bad

And this is why I don't post any extra info, some retard will always come out and say "lel u bad".

good morning

It was actually worse than that, it was a brand new blood stone he dropped to use soul ring, and it was a ti elimination match

In ti5, the same international ppd won, who swindle has a personal vendetta against that goes back to their hon days. Swindle went out after that match, complexity disbanded, and eg won ti5 - then two members of that complexity team formed og and started winning big lans.

meanwhile complexity has dropped into obscurity, losing regularly to team freedom and SG.

this moment was, although he didn't know it yet, Kyle freedmans career peak.

how did u almost carry the game?

there is no such thing as almost carried
you win or you lose

git gud

>tide get their Q's reworked to be skillshots?
buy aghs

Except it was a euls. Who the hell goes soul ring after bloodstone. How do you manage to talk out of your ass this much.

Lots of deaths, low gpm, looks like you threw
Low as fuck gpm, low as fuck cs

Not even top BLD in any of those games out of your team.
Looks to me like you're just running around trying to play some kind of deathmatch without achieving anything.
No items for deciding teamfights, no objectives taken.

tl;dr git gud

>waah fuck supporting me carry ooga booga
And you're trying to say you're good? I have a positive winrate from last picking support for a bunch of inta carry pick shitters and winning the game for them by making it easy for them to just right click everything without thinking. Git gud rofl.

>carry venge

The original meme build. Stop it retards

Uhhh, dotards?

Guess the MMR.

My friend this is before the blood stone recipe change

>he's still alive
how about that

* Crystal Maiden: Base movement speed reduced from 280 to 275

what will OG do now that illusion heros aren't viable


>tfw you've come a long road from being the worst farm vacuum to enlightenment
Nothing more to teach.

Is it possible to get into dota as a new player right now?