>he doesn't back into the spot every time he parks
Explain yourself.
The only excuse is angled parking lots
>he doesn't back into the spot every time he parks
Explain yourself.
The only excuse is angled parking lots
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frontlets are cancer. Sometimes i pull in front first if im driving the van and need to unload it but thats it.
Pretty much ever parking spot is directional these days. Just like manually driven cars, 'backing in to a spot' is a lost art, and only meant for pick up trucks with shit to unload. AKA poor blue collar people.
It's easier to reverse out of a spot than into a spot tbhfam
>Pretty much ever parking spot is directional these days
Where? I've yet to see a supermarket lot with angled parking, assuming that's what you meant by directional.
I do it depending on if I'm more interesting in getting there or getting away, I always reverse into the spots at work but normally park forwards when at my GFs apartment.
It's easier to get slammed reversing out of a spot than it is pulling out
Your mom should have pulled out
Failing to back into a spot is a sure indicator that you can't drive. It's less than a second slower if you know how to drive, looks better, and is safer and faster for leaving. Not to mention most modern cars have backup cameras. If you pull into parking spots you're either a woman, an asian, old, or a combination.
because i can get into a spot just fine without backing into it?
Oddly enough I cant get into a stop going in nose first. One of the first times I did it was in a narrow as fuck spot and the car next to me was some jacked up shitbox 4runner with mudders. I rubbed a bit on the tire. Ever since then I have backed in....am I broken Veeky Forums?
>backing up into a spot
>not just driving through a space into another so your front faces outward
Its harder to get stuff out of the back if backed into a spot.
What car do you drive where this is the case?
Wal-Mart, Kroger, Gas Station pumps, Malls of America, McDonalds. Are you not American?
What do you do on busy days where there are no pull-throughs?
My car has a shit turning circle so its almost always easier to reverse in
Same here. Unless the lane is extremely wide and I can be far out enough to get a nearly straight run at the spot I can't do it. It'd help if my shortest vehicle wasn't 17 and a half feet long I think
alot of the parking spaces in my city and college are labled as "head-out" only because of people hosting car meets and things like that. No wonder there are so many accidents at the local community college parking lot
Yeah but then I get insurance money whereas if I slam into someone while pulling forward out because I'm in such a fucking hurry to gtfo then I'm at fault.
Genius jew. I do the same lol.
God I just love running my key up the side of any car I see that is parked like that.
Access to the boot without scraping the trolley along other cars.
Angled spaces are inefficient.
Wait. Are you not supposed to back into angled parking lots?
I just moved down south, and angled lots are everywhere. I still back in all of the time though. Sometimes, I'll be the only one that backed in.
Have I been in the wrong?
Easy trunk access
Because your front wheels turn, you're less likely to clip the car next to you when pulling out after parking forward into a spot. This is why some corporate lots even ticket employees who back in.
Backing in is cancer, you're not impressing anyone.
2/3 Walmarts that I've been to in my city have regular parking spots, only one is angled
This is the first time in a long while where I'm not sure if I'm being trolled or if you're actually retarded.
They're one-way streets, bro
>you're less likely to clip the car next to you when pulling out after parking forward into a spot.
This is exactly the opposite
>This is why some corporate lots even ticket employees who back in.
Sauce? Which corporations?
Nigger show me an angled Kroger. I'm at one right now and it's normal.
I have worked for two companies that did that. And it's true, if you pull out forward, you are dragging your rear tires along a different axis and you can clip the car next to you if you turn too quickly.
>t. faggot who is such a lazy piece of shit he can't even spend 10 to 30 seconds parking is car up optimal.
Let me guess, your one of those retards who just swings into a space leaving a grand canyon on your drivers side and no space at all on the other side and then doesn't even bother to straighten up his front wheels.
Which is the same going backwards, it's now just easier to clip your nose, which is easier to do because you're looking backwards when you back out.
Wow, okay, you guys feel way too strongly about this. I've been driving for 13 years and have never even dinged another car, but y'all just jerk each other off b/c you can back into a spot. I'm out.
>Honey, why don't we park there?
>Let's p-p-park somewhere else
>Honey, it's close to the theatre, it's just a back-in only
>Wow, okay, you guys feel way too strongly about this
You literally said "Backing in is cancer"
Ohhhhhh, my bad. I guess only the MAJORITY of parking lots are angled.
he probably got a two-way car
God, I just love stabbing people who park back-end in.
Look, I can say things too!
Bring it on, motherfuckr
I reverse out of spots so people can actually see my fucking break lights
If they don't see A MOVING CAR what makes you think they're going to see a light?
Besides, when pulling out you don't have to put as much of the car out before you can see up and down the lane as when you back out, meaning you can control your own accident chances.
Not that guy, but this is my local one.
1 km turning radius, tinted windows, no beeper, big ass car which leads to insecurity when parking backwards, so I cram my car forwards into parking spaces even when I have to slightly reverse and correct myself 5 times
how to get gud
Takes some cones out to an empty parking lot and just practice over and over again of just approaching the slot then backing into it
You can't get better at something you never do:
Is that the car in question? You shouldn't really have that much trouble backing it up.
good shit my dude
втaк йo
i have to load stuff in the back
why would i make the back harder to get to?
Because you're making it easier by having the back end of your car next to the sidewalk?
Are you fucking retarded?
I have hobbies. If I want to put my hockey bag in my trunk after backing in, I have to squeeze between my car and the one next to it and get dirt from their disgusting car all over me just to put the damn thing in the trunk. Sorry that you have no hobbies OP
>Not getting there early enough to get a frontwalk spot
Sorry you're not devoted to your hobbies, user
op's pic shows no sidewalk
most places that is not an option and the lot is an island similar to so i ask again, why would i back in making it more difficult to load/unload things?
Because you can just NOT park close to other cars?
You realize you have TOTAL control over how close to get to the cars on your left, right, and rear, yeah?
My appt complex has a rule against it. Exhaust fumes mess up the landscaping or some shit. I back in whenever is convenient otherwise
>Global Warming is directional
You're land lord is a retard, you need to jip her out of as much money as you can.
i can either have my ass on the aisle making it super simple to load/unload or i can park in such a way that makes it more difficult to load/unload
not saying it's hard to do that but it makes no sense. there's no advantage.
>appt complex has a rule against it
Drive pic related and tell manager to get fucked.
>Gas Station pumps
Angled parking?
>lists a bunch of places only poor people go to
there is almost zero angled parking that i have noticed in and around boston. i have also only been to a walmart once in my life, over a decade ago.
>This is why some corporate lots even ticket employees who back in.
My corporate employer doesn't ticket, but sends a notice to that employee's supervisor. The note also appears on job performance reviews for the purpose of determining layoff rankings.
And yes, my corporate employer is a large one. It's policy is head-in parking. So that's why even if part of the lot is empty, if someone can drive forward into the spot in front of the current spot to be effectively head out, they do not do that.
>he doesn't back into the spot every time he parks
I put stuff into the trunk. Backing into a spot means moving the cart in between cars. I've seen some other people who back into spots do that. The husband and wife gets back. He pushes the car in between his car and someone elses to get to closer to the trunk. I hear the scratching noise!.!.!.!.!.! He doesn't want to scratch his car so he moved it too close to the other car and it scratched the side of the other car. Head Out Parking caused that. I kept on walking. It didn't look like they left a note. Too bad.
Where do you live that the person pulling out has right of way? I'd like to move there. I bet you could left turn across an intersection whenever you want too.
>back-in only
do those exist anywhere?
Can only speak for Northwestern America, but yes
The US of A baby. Basically the rule of thumb that I was told is that if your front end touches their car, you're at fault. And yes, people backing out do have right of way.
Oddly enough everyone in east Asia backs into parking spots.
Got no dog in this race, but once the car on your right or left has passed your mirrors you can freely turn without clipping your nose unless you drive a literal land yacht
Are you alphonse posting another "bad info" post to confuse people? As for right of way, earlier this year in my city, someone backed out and hit someone in the aisle. The car backing out received a citation from the police.
>Oddly enough everyone in east Asia backs into parking spots.
Same for a lot of cars in Vancouver BC Canada, but that is because of high traffic density. A car trying to back out of a spot often has to wait for traffic to clear. If they can just drive forward out of the spot, they are able to take advantage of smaller gaps in traffic and leave their parking spot.
I always park head-in because my headlamp bezels have a bit of side exposure. I noticed with my older cars that whenever someone hit my fender in the parking lot, it was usually in the area where my headlamps would be if I was head-out. I also have no protroding front bumper due to car style design. The front most elements are chrome followed by expensive hard fascia and then the grille. All of that would be expensive to repair if hit by a car backing up into mine. Also, my rear has a bumper that protrudes out. Thus I have some protection for the bodywork if I park head-in.
Having the trunk facing the aisle also lets me load goods into the trunk easily.
Another reason I prefer head-in is not related to cars or cargo. It is faster to drive into a space and then dash out of the car to the mall or store. That way, no homeless in the parking lot has time to walk close to me and try to talk to me. I am out of the car and gone.
Depends on where I am... If I'm buying shit and need access to my liftgate, I pull in forward so I can easily put my shit in without some fucking mouth breathing glass licker thinking that a 'bumper' means you use it to bump other cars to park (like New Jersey). Otherwise, backing in is good,
Nowadays it's becoming illegal to do that cause of exhaust fumes and inability of cops to see registration and plates (doesn't make sense here in cali as both sides are required)
One of the dumber laws we have
As long as it's not my fault... I wouldn't care, I went from a Zephyr to a Rendezvous... Slow, seat feels like a couch with no leg support, Thermostat is possibly controlled by hitler... only feature I really wanted for winter (heated seat) doesn't work... I wanted more storage space, but I went overboard and got a fucking minivan...
>driving in parking lot
>see break lights on
>"oh that guy is backing out"
Breaks light turn off when you're moving dumbass
Not in most automatics, most you have to ride the brakes a bit to keep the torque converter from getting you going too fast when slowly pulling out of a space.
>in car line in parking garage
>empty spot
>reverse parker in front
>drives past it a little bit
>what the fuck is this guy doing lmao
>starts to reverse to get into parking spot
>well shit I already pulled up a little bit because how the fuck was I supposed to know he was going to reverse into the spot like a moron
>now I have to reverse to
>so does the guy behind me
>and the guy behind him
>all so one dude could reverse park like a retard
"Yeah alright sir your autism checks out you're free to go"
Still applies
>o shit that guy has his break lights on
>he's leaving or he just entered either way I will know it two seconds
as apposed to
>minivan moving out of the spot from fucking nowhere
if i'm in a parking lot it's to buy stuff, so i need easy access to the trunk
but usually i park so far away that there are no cars around me so front or back is irrelevant.
>following so close you had to reverse yourself
You sir are the retard
>w-well you're following too close
>in a parking garage
You're supposed to follow close as long as you can see the bottom of their wheels.
A person who pulls out of a spot nose first fast enough to cause an accident would have done the same thing going back too.
or are you telling me you stop at EVERY person with brake lights on in the parking lot?
>You're supposed to follow close
You're supposed to slow down and see if they have their reverse lights on
Why aren't you travelling slow enough such that any person pulling out isn't enough to cause an accident? Why does it matter front or rear? Just slow down, man.
Nigger it's a parking garage
Are you one of those people who leave a massive space open in front of them when you're traveling at 5mph
>You're supposed to follow close
So, now that you've learned your lesson are you still going to follow close? Or are you going to be part of an unnecessary jam once more because m-m-m-muh back-ups
A queue is not an aisle. It's fine to be bumper to bumper in a queue. In an aisle where people are expected to slam on the brakes when they see an open spot, you should not be following closely
Because I didn't pay $200 For a vanity plate to not be vain.
>all these retards who don't know how to drive
You must all be American.
I've never seen a Euro backup into a spot
The only place with angled parking spaces I've seen is chik fill a
Seriously. My apartments has a parking lot that is like a half mile straight away. People take that as an excuse to go 20+. When it's full of blind spots for cars trying to turn into the main aisle.
Any car. Backing into a space means keeping an eye on exactly where you're going in every direction. Backing OUT of a space is just "don't hit anyone behind you."
>Backing up
>Avoid non-moving obstacles
>Backing out
>Pray other motorists are paying attention
>Are you one of those people who leave a massive space open in front of them
If I see someone in their car, I leave a bigger gap. I am hoping they will back out so I can take their spot.
>Backing into a space means keeping an eye on exactly where you're going in every direction.
NO, it means you leave if you feel the bumper has hit the other car.
Do traffic laws apply in parking lots? I always run the stop signs because I assume they are just put up by whomever owns the lot...
>he doesn't back into the spot every time he parks
When people back into a space, I naturally feel it is a riskier move. I often try to park farther away or even on a higher floor in the parking garage to reduce the number of cars coming and going around me. As long as the parking garage isn't prowled by dindu (some are), I will park farther away.
I was in a parking garage earlier this year (march or april) and a white nissan backing in hit. It's not my business to get involved anymore (long story) so I didn't bother. The lady left of course with no note left behind.
yeah Volvo XC90
>he doesn't back into the spot every time he parks
This is not even hard anymore since most modern cars come with parking sensors and cameras.