>gas is $2.80/gal
>it cost 28 dollars
>28 ACTUALLY AMERICAN DOLLARS to fill up my geo metro
what the FUCK is going on
>gas is $2.80/gal
>it cost 28 dollars
>28 ACTUALLY AMERICAN DOLLARS to fill up my geo metro
what the FUCK is going on
Nice to see America is finally starting to catch up with the rest of the world
Could be worse
thanks texas
Still cheaper than 9-10 years ago when it was like $4.00 a gallon
>Gas has been over $2.80 for years
must be nice. Try filling a german hammer wagon with premium and a 20+ gallon tank.
$7.30/gal in New Zealand.
Stop fucking complaining. You bastards have cheap fuel.
>slight shortage because of hurricane
>no worries for anyone outside of the affected area, US has massive fuel reserves
>news channels blow it out if proportion
>everyone freaks out and panic buy more gas
>create an even bigger strain on the United State's fuel reserves
>gas stations jack up the prices to compensate and laugh all the way to the bank
>literal race fuel is expensive
Wow thanks for pointing out the obvious
Don't forget isis or iroh or whatever it's called is about to fuck the either the entire east coast or the entire gulf of mexico
Where the fuck do you live that they sell leaded 110 in Canada?
The petro dollar system is the only thing keeping it that cheap.
>There people who don't remember gas was three dollars a couple of years ago.
I find it strange, feels like gas has been Nationalize in my city because everywhere I go its fucking $2.50. I ain't buying the shitty Walmart gas that is five cents less either.
This is Mosport race track in Bowanville Ontario
Wallmart sells petrol too? Why does that company own half your country?
They can afford to be a loss leader and most Americans can't afford anything else
Because capitalism and the fact they manage to get really good at scale economics. Nothing wrong with it but it is not really that great of a place to shop when the savings from place to place is maybe like 20 dollars. Its just more convenient. More so for families too. They also have Sam's club which is basically a warehouse they allow people to shop in for stuff in bulk.
Also here an image for all the faggots crying about gas prices. You have to be a newfag driver if the recent spike has gotten you concerned.
I've seen 110 at the pump in a couple snowmobile towns in BC back in the day. You can also walk into your local VP supplier and buy as much as you want too.
What are they gonna bomb? Rednecks who'll shoot them on site?
>driving a Geo Metro
I would be so fucking depressed
So? More tax money back into the system. While I chill on these nicely paved roads working my two under the table jobs. Heh heh heh :)
Because walmart has the cheapest shit. Hell, a month ago I was looking for a new stereo, and I ended up buying one at walmart for cheaper than I would have paid for the exact same kind from the auto parts store. I
Gas currently is $7.05/gal
This is normal.
It would cost you $73 to fill up that same geo metro over here.
>Americans complaining about cheap gas
>Be me
>Gas is 3.34/gallon
>Drive a V8
>Commies in the government are going to take all my guns
California is suffering
>more tax money back in the system
Except tax isn't on total sold, Tax is on a gallon of fuel no matter the price.
Which is only like 24 cents for federal fuel tax and what ever each state has.
So doesn't matter if its 1 dollar or 9 dollars, 24 cents only goes to federal.
It's 2.90 for a gallon up here in New York. But hey, at least it isn't 5 dollars a gallon like the previous gas spike
y-you own w124 hammer?
live near philadelphia
>pay 3.50 a gallon for V-power because my 944 develops a knock otherwise
>move to bumfuck nowhere, ohio for college
>V-power nitro is 2.95
Got the alignment tool for the oil pressure relief valve I could borrow for a day?
This is what you get for being a commie...
Fucking yuropoors...
canada says hi
lol no
the only specialty tool i've bought is the cam nut thingamajig for adjusting the rear toe. I've nigger rigged anything else i needed so far, and that's after doing shocks, engine belts, a clutch, but never had to mess with oiling system so far
You should try it some time. Higher standard of living is worth paying a bit more for fuel.
American geography.
>No fuel shortage at all
>Hurricanes hit Texas
>Well boys time to double down on our profits this quarter
thanks obama
*laughs in diesel*
Changing the water pump right now. Decided to do the seal on the oil cooler since there is evidence of oil mixing with the coolant. Needs a tool that is $50 for pretty much a bolt to make sure you dont f up the relief valve.
Nigger it was 4-something years ago quit complaining
Probably someone pretending to be American to make a le ebin MERICANTS R DUMB post. "Reddit spacing", boomer ellipses, mention of commie, and yuropoors. The works.
Probably. I just feel lucky to a Kiwi. Being away from all the world's drama is a beautiful thing.
>*laughs in diesel*
>focus got rear ended, went to the shop
>got my motorcycle but it's raining daily
>only other car is my camaro which needs at least 93 to be worth a shit
>93 is $3.35
>I get maybe 10mpg
oh god my wallet
I meant the hurricane
I wouldn't be laughing. That's the premium price in Alberta.
The price you pay for living in a province with an economy
we were >$4 a couple of years ago. A couple of weeks ago, we were at around $1.60. Fuck kikes
I should've mentioned that I live in Tampa
gas is cheap
stop acting like spoiled children
I just paid $1.43/litre for premium.
$30/quarter tank, FML
Get fucked poor fag
Irma, you crouton.
>4-wheelers complaining about a 30 or 40 dollar fill up
Fucking poorfags
also check em
>dieselfag calling anyone gay
enjoy sucking dick so you can afford all that preshus DEF
>just paid 3.29 in california for 91
when is the winter blend of gas generally come? i've alwyas noticed the transition of winter blend- summer blend and vice versa cuz muh mpgees drop but i always forget when it is
I don't call 8 us gallons at 3 bucks a gallon in 8000 miles a terrible thing for def. But than again my fca 1500 is probably cheating.
>complains about $2.80/gal
>meanwhile I paid the equivalent of $6.81/gal last weekend
>over $75 to fill up a 1.2 ecobox
Germany that is
Gas prices could be another reason why gas-guzzling us-cars aren't popular here
Best country in the world mate
I just use my AA smartfuel card during the week putting 95 in my shitbox and get a fat deal on bp 98 for my z in the weekend
Plus we can get many of the advantages of the American economy by buying shit from eBay far cheaper than available here and paying no tax on it. So what if fuel is expensive
It costs over a hundred bucks to fill up my 05 Atenza. Who gives a fuck company pays for it
>tfw you have enough disposable income and a good enough public transit system that all your gas money goes towards fun driving and not shitty traffic driving, and gas prices mean nothing to you
I love having a career in STEM
it cost me 30 eurobucks to fill up my swift
I still pay 2.60 here
rip outsider
WHO said that?
$5.74 dollarydoos per gallon for me, $4.66 in burgerbucks.
OP is a cuck.
petrol cost me around $5.10 a gallon on dollarydoos so about $4.10 a gallon in burger bucks.
cry more.
>premium gas is $3.20
>costs almost $50 to fill up my WRX
Just fuck my shit up
fuckenn this
americans crying about fuel prices wew
you'd have to be really poor in the US to drive something like a fuel sipping econobox.
I paid $3.07 for gas (premium) the other day. First time I've paid more than $3/gal in a long time.
>that exchange
>you crouton
chuckled heartily
Be fucking glad you didn't live in Connecticut a few years ago when gas prices peaked around $4.20/gal. I'll gladly take $2.80 any day of the week.
>Be fucking glad you didn't live in Connecticut
I am glad, thanks
It'd be pretty nice if the state could just get its finances sorted out and they weren't doing construction everywhere. Honestly, a 15 mile drive can take over an hour depending on where you're going and what time you're going at. Still don't have as much to offer as New York or Massachusetts though.
Fuck off to your shitty bumfuck nowhere village, faggot. Somehow you dipshits are worse drivers than Massholes and the Garbage State.
>Drive a v8 landbarge
>Costs $60 for a nearly full tank of 93
>Gas is 2.93
>costs ~$55 to fill up my tank
>6 mile commute tho so I only need to gas up once a month
>kind of nice
>kikes gonna use Irma and probably Jose as a reason to boost gas prices more even though I'm as far north as can be without being a leaf
>if some retards who made poor life choices gotta suffer we all gotta suffer
Thanks guys, really appreciate it. Honestly not even a team effort--all you!
>people have no control over gas prices
>they still bitch and complain about them
>Somehow you dipshits are worse drivers than Massholes and the Garbage State
Oh you are completely fucking right about that. CT manages to turn out some of the shittiest drivers in the country. It absolutely amazes me sometimes.
>Americans think this is expensive
Stop panic buying gas you dipshits and it'll be even cheaper than dirt cheap
$6.64/gal here in Sweden
>buy a 4 cylinder Subaru
>gas is $2.06
>gas goes up to $2.69
>Subaru decides not to start
>have to drive 3 speed V6 ford
This shit is killing me. $20 every other day
fix it retard
Netherlands also around 6.50$/gal.
There was a time when it was around 9$/gal.
Currently i pay up to 50 yuros to fill up..my miata.
You do get best roads in the world in return. Silky smooth. Everywhere.
An interesting question is how many times can you fill your car's tank a month with your salary, and how much of your salary actually goes into fuel costs.
I can fill up my shitbox's 42l tank 8 times and about 1/6 of my salary is wasted on fuel.
>You do get best roads in the world in return. Silky smooth. Everywhere.
This is actualy true.
-t. german living directly at the border
I am. Battery is good. Starter is good. Gonna try a new ignition relay today
I fill my 35 L tank up every other month.
I get about 1000 km out of it.
7$/gallon in Yuropoor literally all the time
>americans wonder why Yuropoor are into econoboxes
>why u no buy v8 pickup trucks to drag your ass to work !?
stop complaining
Dumbass 2008 wasn't nin-
>It's 2017
Fuck me
>tfw I spent $45 to fill up my WRX with premium
Daily reminder dieselfags brought you literally everything you own.
And we're bigger than you and we don't have to suck our own dicks, dudes in brotrucks with 8" stacks on a 1/2 ton Dodge will do it for us and it's not gay if you're receiving.
Yea it's like $102 in the suburban. Not that bad really
3.5l/100km average, the hell do you drive?
>Fill up at Arizona border
>He doesn't live in CA
Leaf here, I remember last year when gas got down to like 68ยข/litre, shit was incredible.
> the hell do you drive?
downhill obviously.
>mfw some places have their gas at 2.55
puck dumb tourists going to the grand canyon
I don't want to hate on americans or start the europeans vs americans shitposting while the japanese are laughing but jesus christ
gas is a bit more expensive than usual, holy shit meltdown