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>Old thread lasted 3 days dead game edition

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It's a leak season, boys.

>another eceleb leaves hearthstone
Will hearthstone be finally saved when the hs esport meme fades out?

This guy walks onto the board and mills your win condition with a free golden spell, what do?

>46 hours for last thread
>44 hours for prior
>43 hours for one before that


130+ hours for 3 threads
4-5 threads in 1 week.

To the user who posted his secret deck for improvement. Here's mine, currently stalling at rank 6
Thinking of replacing one book though, I don't know how so yet.

>nerf miracules rouge because it's a single-player deck
>design and release quest reguo


fug u

bro do you have dyslexia or you just like to type real fast

Not only quest rogue, but taunt warrior is basically just playing on curve until you win with hero power, that's as single player as it gets.

It makes one wonder if they're nerfing stuff just so you buy new stuff that does basically the same thing.

I'm glad quest rogue adds yet another deck of "literally your only option is to kill me fast and hope my deck bricks" to join jade druid

Even though it's pretty much jade/quest druid but better

The single thing I hate most about the rogue quest is why make it 4 and not 5 required minions? Especially with new stuff like firefly, getting 4 of the same is not a big deal, nevermind all the bounce effects rogue has. 5 would be much more reasonable and fit the reward (5 mana to get 5/5's) #autism

>1 wyrm

disregard his "opinion" completely. This is my list, went from rank 7 to rank 3 with a 23-5 score:

2 babbling
2 wyrm
2 arcanologyst
2 vallet
2 sorcerers
2 glyphs
2 frostbolt
2 AI
2 kirin tor
2 counterspell
1 mirror entity
1 ice block
1 water ele
2 fireball
1 faceless summoner
2 runner
2 firelands

I used Lackeys up to r5, but I found out that they have little impact and dried my hand too quickly.

>rouge plays 2 igneous elementals and the game is already over

Also Ice Block is a bit controversial since this is a tempo deck, but in my opinion being able to fall back on a burn plan when needed and having a sure activator for Vallets it's ok.

One wyrm less doesn't make any difference.
How do you use water ele?
Why use faceless when you can draft PoP?
Mirror entity, same as Faceless, but then again why not draft another one and cut the fucking useless manipulator
You don't make any sense at all

>One wyrm less doesn't make any difference.

I'll pretend you never said this
>How do you use water ele?
You drop it on t4 since you have no fucking 4 drop in a board centric deck
>Why use faceless when you can draft PoP?
Same reason as water ele
>Mirror entity, same as Faceless, but then again why not draft another one and cut the fucking useless manipulator

Manipulator is an ok 6 drop curve filler what the hell
>You don't make any sense at all

Said the guy with 1 Wyrm and no sorcs in a fucking tempo mage deck. Good luck getting to rank 5 in the last day of the season.

>no T4
T3 Kirin tor + secret, T4 Arcanist / Kabal
>Manipulator ok
PoP is still better, even on turn 6. Spellbendereeven better for paladins. What's a good 6 drop you would want to faceless instead of PoP?
>No sorcs
don't need em. Glyphs give you discounts already and your turn 2 should be arcanologist, with the secret followup on turn 3. Valets are more usefull.
I'm convinced Ill probably hit legend with my list before you do, nigga


used up all my luck on that topdeck it seems.

give me a good list ffs, you both made points and I still don't know how to play this deck

Wait, weebverse already teasing the new expansion? what the hell?

Every 3 months.

fuck you 7 win loser

are you too fucking retarded to netdeck? Kill yourself

It's official. A braindead ogre can hit legend :^)

now to do it all over again next month

Thankfully there is no need to do it. Rank 5 is just right on the edge of kill myself and automatically get it while doing quests.


it's time for a little blood

The one with sorcs and double wyrm is better. Also netdeck yourself.


You what the fuck, does that little paladin secret murloc shout niggers?

'eureka, i've done it!'

now clean your racist ears out with soap young man

yo nigga

hydrologist is an old timey term used to describe undertakers that fished drowned slaves that tried to escape out of the water.

>"I play Reno Quest Priest in Casual Wild"

Season is almost over so lets talk about how it went.

>Did you achieve the rank you wanted this season?
>Wild or standard?
>What deck did you use to climb this season?
>What deck do you hate seeing on ladder?
>How do you spend your gold? Saving? Arena? Packs?
>Which cards would you like to see moved to the hall of fame with the next expansion (if any)

Also share any STORIES you may have from this season lads.

Artificial discussion.

I only play arena

Does liking Hearthstone require a low IQ? It feels like it.

After trying Gwent, I just can't get myself to like this pile-of-shit-made-for-retards game.


The leak for next expansion when?

Yes, I shoot for rank 5 and now I'm rank 3 just by clearing quests every 3 days.


Whatever the quest log told me to do, I tryharded only from 7 to 5 with secret mage.

I dunno, I hate Quest Rogue, Freeze Mage and Control Warrior for the way they play but it's not like they're everywhere.

I'm saving and I'm behind on my saving schedule

Ice Block and Brawl.

late june/ early july

Are most tournaments standard or wild?

all are standard

Don't worry though, while Gwent might be the superior game, they've already paved the way for their failure and eventual irrelevancy.

CDPR went way overboard on card animations and board special effects. Now it's been confirmed they can only produce 20 cards every 2 months, because they lack the manpower and time to make more at the quality they have committed to.

This will result in a stale card pool as time goes and people will switch over to Hearthstone or other games.

Their meta is so shit right now that they're bleeding non-wweb players left and right.


Don't worry though, while Gwent might be the superior game, they've already paved the way for their failure and eventual irrelevancy.

CDPR went way overboard on card animations and board special effects. Now it's been confirmed they can only produce 20 cards every 200 months, because they lack the manpower and time to make more at the quality they have committed to.

This will result in a stale card pool as time goes and people will switch over to Hearthstone or other games.

Don't worry though, while Gwent might be the superior game, they've already paved the way for their failure and eventual irrelevancy.

CDPR went way overboard on card animations and board special effects. Now it's been confirmed they can only produce 20 cards every 2 weeks, because they lack the manpower and time to make more at the quality they have committed to.

This will result in a stale card pool as time goes and people will switch over to Hearthstone or other games.

>oh no someone double (shit)posted, better clog the general with it

>This killed the Gwent shills

Gwent has it's own general.

Gwent is doing great, it's steadily climbing to at around HotS-level popularity and I love it. As long as CDPR can keep churning out quality content, it will just keep steadily rising in popularity.

jesus i just assumed it was the hottest shit in the world since i saw so much talk about it, half those views are fucking forsen as well
literally, unironically paid shilling

Hit legend yesterday so yeah
Standard. Does wild even exist?
Midrange paladin because I love sucking dick.
Quest rogues are retarded
Arena, everytime
None. But nerf Doctor 3 for fucks sake blizzard, or even better, nerf rogue quest up to five minions

I literally did rank 15 half hour ago. No more low ranks gold grinding for me.

>playing a tier 1 meta deck in casual

at this point I think it can be considered a mental illness

Fauche#2718 EU
lemme see how your meme lists are working

hahah he still lost to my Jade deck

amara, warden of hope, lyris the sunshard, nzoth and searched my auctioneer 2 fucking times and still couldn't beat me

fucking hearthcuck brainlets

quest priest is tier 1? wow to think i should have been playing that on ladder all this time

>ANY Priest deck
>Tier 1

wtf I love hearthstone now?

it's tier 1 / high t2 in wild

and there is your problem

It's an awful spectator game. Will never get big on Twitch.


I play pirate warrior in wild casual, AMA

>jadecuck beating priestcuck in casual and bragging on a mongolian basket-weaving forum
on how many levels of irony are you senpai

>yes, stopped trying at rank 3
>Dragon Priest, it's by far the most fun deck
>Quest rogue because it's an instaloss. I just started to concede when they played quest
>farm 250 gold, buy 1 arena and 1 classic pack

>Did you achieve the rank you wanted this season?
rank 2
>Wild or standard?
>What deck did you use to climb this season?
anything that lined up with a quest except warlock. Miracle rogue and midrange paladin have the most games clocked in otherwise, right now have been climbing with control pally from rank 5 because I like the deck
>What deck do you hate seeing on ladder?
primordial glyph wizard, token druid/shaman, jade druid/shaman
>How do you spend your gold? Saving? Arena? Packs?
saving + arena
>Which cards would you like to see moved to the hall of fame with the next expansion (if any)
alexstrasza, maybe leeroy

do I go for the megamemes by having duplicate legendaries?

woops forgot pic

do it


when doi you ever play 4 cards a turn in arena



>Did you achieve the rank you wanted this season?
Yes, 5 is the bare minimum so I aimed at that.
>Wild or standard?
>What deck did you use to climb this season?
Miracle Rogue and its variations
>What deck do you hate seeing on ladder?
Honestly, it's not a deck in general, but Mage as a whole
>How do you spend your gold? Saving? Arena? Packs?
Packs as soon as I have 100g
>Which cards would you like to see moved to the hall of fame with the next expansion (if any)
Every auto include card

pick xaril you garbage man

then you might actually have enough low cost cards to proc that sherazin more than once

>Did you achieve the rank you wanted this season?
I used to be a max rank 17 player, this season I got to 8 (on the brink of 7 atm). Satisfied, but now I'm greedy and I want to achieve legend.
>Wild or standard?
Standard. Wild for quests and easy gold at low ranks.
>What deck did you use to climb this season?
I started with a handicapped Dragon Priest, crafted the Warrior quest to play as Taunt Warrior, then I started to get more aggro and started playing Midrange Hunter, with my current rank as a result
>What deck do you hate seeing on ladder?
Most frustrating was the Iceblock Alexstraza Mage.
>How do you spend your gold? Saving? Arena? Packs?
I used to alternate between pack (un'goro, then Gadgetzan, then Classic, then Un'Goro) and Arena. Arena never turned out to be a good investment.
>Which cards would you like to see moved to the hall of fame with the next expansion (if any)

I think Thijs just fucked on Kolento 3-0 in record time. I've never seen a series that quick. I've also never seen Kolento beat Thijs.

Ok /hsg/, how do we *actually* fix quest rogue?

inb4 it's not tier 1 so who cares

Change '4x a minion' to '5x'

I just want shitters who put bad cards like backstab in their deck to not god draw me


>so many control babies bitching about quest rogue
>not playing the thinking man discover mage decj and just burning te mage while they struggle against the second iceblock

nerf stonetusk boar

>nerf an absolutely useclass that only works with the quest rogue gimmick

you figured out the joke, congrats

>was aiming for 5, ended up legend
>taunt warrior
>quest rogue
>only saving
>dont care


OP for testing secrets

>When Quest is complete all your cards in your hand and deck lose Charge effect.

Add Jammku#1578 I have the 80 gold challenge quest but no friends.

So 1v1 me or whatever for 80 free gold.


Which one of you is playing a tier 1 deck? The subpar control Jade Druid, or the quest priest?

T1 is pushing it. High t2 maybe, along with silence priest

>Quest rogue because it's an instaloss. I just started to concede when they played quest
At least you wait until they play the quest. I was trying to finish a "play 10 combo cards" quest with a shitty version of combo rogue, but half my opponents conceded the second they saw my class. I wasn't even trying to win, and they still gave up.

Completed. Guy had a really nice self-splosion deck made it super fast.