League of Legends General - /lolg/

Fo' the glade edition!


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Should i?

>mfw i realize this is what the average lol player looks like
i seriously hope you guys dont do this

Yes it's a good skin

he isn't THAT ugly
it is just the beard the fat, and he got a personal trainer

yes, one of the few good project skins

Except he's funnier, more charismatic, higher IQ and richer than you lol

Is my hot glue user here?

at what point does someone go "ima grow a neckbeard like a fucking retard, im sure its a good idea"?

Thoughts on this summoner?

a shaving, a fitness program and a visit to the dentist later, he'd look better than zyzz.

I'm actually baffle by how eloquent he is, nigga looks like a fucking basement ape but has a richer vocabulary than 95% of this thread

>tfw you play against an actually good riven, yasuo, zed, lee or vayne and they singlehandedly roll your game

>plays lol 24/7
>higher iq

Come back to the discord

Lulu skin when???

>tfw can't play viktor like this ever since rylai's changes

>jungler main


as someone with 5 ashe skins, yes

play cassiopedia to kite the shit out of everyone?

I dunno
he used to post here tho so who knows

tbqh i don't get why he doesn't just get veneers or some shit, he has the money
does he not care?

He definitely has the capability but most of the sentences that escape his mouth these days is uninspired garbage and twitch memes, it's a shame since I like hearing his opinions and analyses

How many times have you made this post? You're annoying as fuck retard kill yourself

Hey Anniefucker420 thanks for subscribing
And welcome to the big dick club!


see you tomorrow

Why aren't there MLP skins?


didn't qt win a study loan or some shit to go to med school because he is actually smart and half cuban half colombian

annie a slut
get with a real girl

I wanna hold Lulu tightly in my arms and keep her safe and warm!

well atleast you have Diana and Hecarim both having quotes doing references.

Good Akali skin when?

Akali has zero decent skins. All of them lack animations or SFX and are rather bland art aside.

Ayy elmao shit doesnt even count.

Akali a shit

I'd hammer Poppy

Guys is plat 4 more respectable than plat 5 or is it all the same shit? I don't want to invest the effort if no one even cares...

viktor is fun

>didn't even retarget his ult
Real viktors know Rylais is just a crutch

yes. division 5 of any bracket might as well be the one below

Nothing about playing this game is respectable.

>ask for skins
>get nerfed instead
>my face
>ayyy lmao

>he isnt ugly if you ignore everything

But I'm a pathetic person and it's all I've got

Like what?

Your dick is more respectable than the fact you play this game.

oddone is much uglier than him


Post yordles
any yordle
this thread is lacking

sweet dreams, off to sleep with me at 8:30am

Even if it's 5 inches erect?

ye dont tell the lulu fags to fuck off tho, kys

back the frick off

the fact that a skeleton has found a way to blend into human society is the opposite of ugly

Sounds cute.


He is an aborted embryo resurrected by dark magic

Get locked up.

>nocturne on your team
>an ally has been slain
every fucking time, fucking force feeding champ

Bot lane sucks.

>be support
>ADC can't play at all
>positioning is so bad that I can't save them from their own stupidity

>be ADC
>support can't play at all
>positioning is so bad that the best I can hope for is trading kills

It's 1v3 regardless which role I play. I tend to just play MF because then I can use my support as a meat shield as I trade kills. Then I can just ult into team fights and be relevant even if we lose lane. But what's a good 1v3 suppport? I play as Lulu and she is just too reliant on the ADC knowing how to play, even though I love playing her.

>I tend to just play MF
There's your problem

Akali is cancer desu senpai

It's legitimately frustrating that Nocturnes ult can basically win teamfights without doing any damage.
But you always get the ones who only use it for damage and zip into 5 people alone.

What do you think of the new Rek'Sai ultimate?

and why did they change it? It looked ok to me but I never played with her so idk

Why? She's the strongest laner as far I know. What would be better?

meme pick
force the adc to play better
take their farm if you must
take over their role if they are not adequate enough

i just had a xayah start cull, not farm at all (so support item was fucking irrelevant) she died trying to invade as well, i said fuck it, just took whatever farm she wasnt taking. she got pissed and played better. we ended with the same score of 17/14 (despite her score being solely killstealing but you know hurr kda, long match it doesnt matter). i did everything her job description required and did it better. took towers, dragons, baron, killed people, pushed other lanes as well if theyre pushed

treat your ally like youre better than them if they are blowing 5 dicks at the same time

As a Diamond support main, I love having good Ashes on my team.
And Project Ashe is propably her best and cleanest skin.
You better pick her and up and learn her good, you FUCK.

>we're supposedly getting Pool Party Ahri and a Program Elise skin

If this is true. My dick can only get so erect. Ironcuck being fired from Rito has been the best thing ever for sex appeal skins since the release of Blood Moon Elise.



>Android Spider
Oh shit , two of the best fetishes together.

I should get Elise

So Viktor/Aizr bros I like these champions and I've never really had a main mid laner also Hex gave me 76Azir. What are some good tips you could give me about these guys?

he's boosted



You guys ever wake up and want to cuddle Lulu so hard her organs splat out?

I wanna build sandcastles with Lulu!

back the HECK off and kys yourself

Azir I can't say, but Viktor is a fantastic squshy killer.
He blows up asassins faster than they can blow him up

>She's the strongest laner
literally how did you get that shit is the strongest laner?

Fucking look a cait and lucian

This shit must be bait man I swear.

Lulu would probably give brand a BJ if she could, she has cravings for seed all the time.

They changed it because it was too good for competitive making it hard to balance her for soloqueue
I don't really like it

>climbs to challenger with rengar/elise
>suddenly winrates drop
>decays to d1
>now plays every other game mode including flex aram custom and normal, but almost never ranked solo
really gets the old noggin choggin

at what rank does studying and knowing match ups become important?


EUW unable to connect to login queue.
Someone else have that issue?


>this guy gets more pussy and money than u
how does it feel

his smurf is D2 tho.
the dragon account

how does a persons neck d that?

i only played varus jhin ziggs ww to get 250lp masters then i played support to 350
why are you acting like you know anything about me?

is this scarra?

tomorrow is today




Why does everyone build BTORK into black cleaver (pro players) on lucian instead of going a standard crit build?

How does one sex nami?

Is it fine to build Morellonomicon on Nami later on?

oral only

benis in bagina :DDDD

synergy with on hit effects cuz free passive autos?
also Lucian has 0 "crit buffs" like almost every other carry (Jhin extra MS, Xayah Ashe extra damage, Miss fortune's ult crit etc)

dolphin pussy

It's better

earlier powerspikes, you powerspike at botrk, then again at black cleaver. with a crit build, you only really spike once you have IE+zeal item, so the earlier spike allows you to do more early game.
