What is wrong with this car?

What is wrong with this car?


Why is a bmw only for 12k? I've asked this before but didn't receive any convincing replies.

>05/18/2017 Damage Report
>Damage reported
>Damage to front
>Damage to rear

Did you even read the CarFax bruh?

Brand name doesn't mean everything, faggot.

I regularly see Audis and BMWs for under $4k. The reason?

they are shitboxes

I'd say that's a fair price for a 6 year old 3 series with 60k miles. It's expensive to maintain """luxury""" cars, and this is a well used """luxury""" car, and on top of that, it's a BMW.

Luxury cars depreciate much more than your average car.


>3 previous owners
>damage reported to front and rear

really makes you think

Everyone caught on that BMW isnt a good brand

But really, jokes and general dickishness aside, don't buy a car like this.

Just buy a Civic or something and be happy. We know that you aren't a car guy from this thread.

>60k miles

it's the most expensive car in the fucking world, that's why

Why won't I be happy if I buy a BMW. I was looking at camrys that are in the same range (2013-2015 though)

i want to make saya my wife


she's basically perfect in every way

you are lord of the faggots, user

you would know a thing or two about faggots wouldn't you

but could you be less of a faggot about it?

I completely agree.

BMWs are much less reliable than your average Camry. A Camry at 100k miles will be in much better condition than your average 3 series.

replied to wrong post, meant to reply to

Sorry lol. Just kind of forgot myself.

People like OP really buttblast me. They are complete badge whores who don't care about anything other than the social aspect of their cars.


actually, e90 325/328/330s are the most reliable bmws, and very cheap you can get em for like 6-10k used. I have one and track it regularly. i'm convinced they're the best car money can buy for the 7 grand ballpark

they're also very cheap to fix when they do break. don't listen to Veeky Forums for car advice. this is a shitpost board