/mggg/ - Monster Girl Games General #107

Amira edition.

This general is for the discussion of games containing Monster Girls, main game of discussion is Monster Girl Quest, but people are encouraged to introduce new games.

Monster Girl Quest (MGQ): pastebin.com/CGWN0k1u
Monster Girl Island (3D game): monstergirlisland.com/
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou Online: pastebin.com/xh3u3f0Y
Mobile games with Monster Girls: pastebin.com/NFaxEGib
Zell’s game Forest of Blue Skin: pastebin.com/hqc0JYhJ
Quest Failed: frostworks.itch.io/quest-failed

Previous thread: boards.Veeky Forums.org/vg/thread/178227095

Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder MGQ is an underbound game

Shitty thread, my idea came first, rigged polls, artificial difficulty


nth for slim

Underbound? What the check does that even means.

Best edition

It's on the image.

Don't fall for it my son.

Damn, I screwed up linking to the last thread in my rush to avoid the archive.