Red pill me on why this company refuses to change anything...
Red pill me on why this company refuses to change anything
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There's not much it can change.
The Shop Your Way Rewards program is awesome. I've spent hundreds of dollars there and received even more in completely free merch.
It can't be saved.
it will survive into the summer at least. the CEO has personally guaranteed the company's debt with his own assets until that time
The CEO that came in to fix it is a free market libertarian using his stores and even the individual departments of the stores as an experiment in competition without regulation.
this is in contrast to the usual tactic of all stores and departments cooperating and making money together.
so basically they hired a right-wing idiot to run the place and he ran it right into the ground. Which often happens when you try to impose your fantasies on reality.
Just let i die already
>you will never work with self-centered millennial girls at a failing US corporation
90% of the items I bought were completely free
They're doing it on purpose if you haven't noticed how this game works already.
>The CEO that came in to fix it is a free market libertarian using his stores and even the individual departments of the stores as an experiment in competition without regulation.
how EXACTLY do you use the DEPARTMENTS WITHIN THE STORE as an experiment.........?
he directed them to work as autonomous stores rather than cooperating with other departments.
then he graded their performance and pay according to how well they performed in competition against each other instead of outside competitors or some other objective metric.
The result was infighting and squabbling over internal budgets rather than cooperating to improve sales as a whole. I'm not sure what he was thinking. It was widely regarded as some serious retardation.
fucking lol
>"great decision to buy a big screen TV. I would recommend maybe a couch to watch it from, but you know the couches in the home department are really shitty and fall apart after a week. definitely don't go to the home dept. whatever you do. you'd be much better off buying a new DVD player to go with this television. I gotta tell you, the electronics dept. is pretty much the only place worth spending your money in here..."
exactly. You can't easily boost your own sales but you CAN easily hurt other departments.
and he did the same shit with the stores as a whole...
>We're out of DVD players here but don't go get one at the Sears over on 1st street. They suck. Maybe try Walmart...
honestly, i'm surprised that Veeky Forums isn't trolling Kmart/Sears's shopbolt service on a daily basis
The CEO Eddie Lampert is certifiably insane.
He only appears at meetings via videoconference, and he goes on 45 minute rants when someone cannot answer a question or fails to refer to customers as members.
He has said that he sees Sears as a tech start-up whose primary asset is the data harvested from Shop Your Way, and he's personally invested hundreds of millions in the stores while selling off all of their house brands.
Bloomberg also reported that he has a fake account on their website where he regularly posts things like pic related.
I like them. Like the other user up there I've gotten tens of thousands of dollars in credit and several thousand dollars worth of free products from Sears/Kmart.
now's a great time to be shopping with them if they have anything you can use.
SHLD will be history by the end of this year. There is a user on the SHLD Yahoo Finance discussion board by the name of Rocket Sears, who goes there every day to pump the stock. Some people think Rocket Sears is Eddie himself.
>a tech start-up whose primary asset is the data harvested from Shop Your Way,
kek SWYR asks the most bizarre questions for its sweepstakes. everyone just blindly clicks without reading the question just to get an entry
what the fuck does any of this mean?
Really makes me thnk
This all sounds pretty autistic.
How the fuck hasn't the board fired his ass yet?
Actually he's using his own business tactics to help the company. Theyre original ideas. I dont see you running sears and kmart. He's doing something right
>"can you direct me to women's clothing section please?"
>listen lady if you don't need electronics you can fuck off
Kek what could go wrong?
Found the problem. You simply cannot succeed without a Jew at the top. Hire a Shapiro ffs
Cash me outside, how bout dah
He's the majority shareholder.
Sears employee here, AMA
I was 4 years ago, shit sucked get out of there
is sears kill?
Some companies just want to watch the world burn.
There's an Ingles a few miles from me. No one ever shops there. The employees don't give a fuck. They have a video rental section!!! I'm convinced the leadership knows they are beat and just wanna watch the ship go down.
Probably. We all think it is.
My ex-girlfriend worked at target and didn't trust banks. Instead she cashed all her paychecks into 20s and carried them with her.
How crazy was she?
How crazy was she compared to your coworkers?
Are you crazy?
>video rental at kmart
Oh man.
>How crazy was she?
She was right not to trust banks but her solution was indeed crazy. Retarded, even. Asking to be robbed of your life savings.
>How crazy was she compared to your coworkers?
None of my coworkers are crazy, most are nice since we all share the hell of working for Sears, some are just huge cunts.
>New guy starts about four months after I do
>Gets job as cashier but clearly wanted to be MCA, spends no time in cashwrap
>Will literally walk away while there's a line of customers and leave me alone to deal with them. Ask where he's going, only response is "I have to move some stuff around"
>Will constantly call people away from more important stations to cover his while he stocks shelves.
>Once he came in and asked to swap stations with me, I said fine.
>When I had to leave and called him to come down and cover my (higher priority) station, literally just goes "no." and hangs up.
>As I leave, someone else comes down that he sent in his place, but they had been working at THE highest priority registers, so now there was a huge line of stupid people that couldn't think to go to another register angrily waiting for a cashier who wasn't there while the guy was stocking shelves, ignoring them.
>Are you crazy?
I work at Sears so yes
I worked in hardware (nepotism I don't know shit about hardware) for 2 years after college because I got a meme degree (civil engineering). I just stopped showing up lol
Unrelated but is civil engineering hard? What do you do/study?
It's the easiest of all the engineering types. Total meme. Couldn't find a job out of college.
Right now I'm selling life insurance (more nepotism), lel
i want to feel bad for women when they get old and turn into lizards but this is one exception
Randians aren't builders; they are destroyers. Their mentality is much like the Aztec approach to farming. Slash, burn, slash, burn, slash, burn, run out of forest to slash and burn, die.
What do employees think of the SYWR members like me who walk out of the store with $60 in merchandise for free by "paying with points"?
How common are total freeloading SYWR members?
Sorry bruh I meant what do you do as a civil engineer/what do you study in Uni?
Used to be Kmart was like a slightly more upscale Wal-Mart, then Wal-Mart started going middle class. Kmart in turn went lower. When Kmart bought Sears it slowly started turning the Sears company into Kmart and that culture of "fuck it, here's some stuff on a shelf... maybe" filtered its way down from corporate into the stores. Eddie Lampert is a certified crazy man but he's not what killed Sears. He's the symptom rather than the disease, hired as a last ditch desperate attempt to save a stodgy old company with a bad fundamental business model and toxic culture. He's like Marissa Mayer in that regard.
Step into a Kmart and a Sears sometime and notice the striking similarities between the two and the differences between it and most other non-thrift-store retailers. Merchandise is haphazardly slapped on shelves with no organization and there's a high probability of finding it lying on the floor in parts of the store. Walking around you will often find large departments with no employees anywhere to be seen or with clearly not enough merchandise to fill the space. My local one has a huge corner in its upstairs section next to the home goods that is simply not filled with anything. It's an empty floor about half the size of a basketball court filled with nothing.
Everything they sell is the very lowest quality garbage and the selection is terrible. As for why it refuses to change anything? I figure that everyone in the organization is just trying to ride the sinking ship as long as they can and get whatever they can from it before it finally goes down, like people grabbing silverware and a couple sandwiches from the galley off the titanic.
The age of retailers who don't have a logistics empire and massive supplier leverage is over.
>What do employees think of the SYWR members like me who walk out of the store with $60 in merchandise for free by "paying with points"?
Absolutely nothing. We're tracked by our metrics and lose hours if we don't get enough people to use Shop Your Way. We're just happy you're not one of those literally braindead 80-year old women who give you that aggravating smile as they tell you they don't "feel" like doing that today, or some asshole that chews us out for selling phone numbers and email addresses to the alien illuminati telemarketers, as if we're personally responsible for that shit.
I used to work in the backroom fuck all the nigger that buy their ratchets at the flea market.
They're competing with Walmart and Target primarily. Their merchandise is similar but more expensive. Women are the ones shopping. Men aren't buying as many tools and Sears used to be a good place to go for. If sears has the finances to keep going the pendulum will swing back but their competitors are selling groceries now...Sears not so much Kmart yes but expensive. Malls are too expensive to operate a biz and they won't lower rents. Malls now leasing out to grocery chains. I can keep going
You know a business is doomed when the CEO compares it to a tech startup.
it's all about the land.
sear's is one of the largest landowners in the country. their ceo ed lampert is using the land as collateral on the loans he's giving the company.
he's milking the company for all it's worth before he pulls the plug, steals the land that sear's owns, and increases his net worth.
They sold my shot craftsman to even more shit stanley.
Not buying tools at walmart.
Fucking refuse.
Guess ots time to call the rape van snap-on...
>implying a dildo weilding shitlib wouldnt have fucked it up even faster by quadroupling employee pay and donating to the fucking muslims...
Yeah ill double that kek.
What a fucking moron
is this from delaware county
Let me be a lucky autist and fucking ruin all my shit...
>be me
>knows a bunch of multimillianaires
>1 sells a cement plant for $10 because he doesnt understand
>1 has like 4 farms, an asphault plant, 8 or so mines. Litteral fucking autist. Stuoid fuck only hires retarded tweakers at barely over minimum wage. 1 piss test at hire and then never again. Works them 7 12-14 hour days and more sometimes. Runs littereal junk bought at auction that was littereally pulled from the scrao yard. Screms and throws tantrums the whole time. And if u try to get unemployment he will spend 10 million fighting u over it. Hes constantly in oersonal law suits because he doesnt understand basic fucking finances and asset protection.
>1 built like 6 gyms at once and they all floped.
>1 lost 10 million buying oil companies after i told him dont right at the fucking 120 barrel oil spike.
Some very rich people are very fucking retarded lucky
What the fuck is craftsman doing. Are they going to walmarts?
This is basically my most recent KMart experience. Most shelves don't have price labels. Many are empty. The floor tiling and check out counters are scratched and worn down. Everything is a little disorganized and dirty.
It's just depressing to walk into. Now it's shutting down.
They don't tell us. All I understand is that Craftsman is staying at Sears for the foreseeable future, but we might start selling Bull and Cucker products as well.
What I'm waiting on is finding out how we'll handle the lifetime warranty shit on Craftsman going forward.
Stanley Black and Decker owns it now so Craftsman is going everywhere. Unless of course there are some restrictions regarding that in the deal that I haven't heard about, but I doubt it as Stanley has to pay SHLD a royalty/percentage of sales for 15 years.
More importantly, who gets the this royalty when SHLD goes under?
Please stop. This is fucking depressing. I remember shopping there with my family whenever I was little and playing demos on the Sega Dreamcast all day.
Kmart has store coupons that let you earn massive amounts of store money to entice people to shop there.
When I used to work there, I was able to get so much shit for cheap or free because they just throw points at you. It's retardely easy to abuse.
I wish Kmart would die already, then I could finally be happy.
How did you meet all these people?
Sears employee here also,
I work in the warehouse, in shipping receiving.
Whats your position in the company?, How do you like working for Sears?.
I just started and I like it a lot.
I'm a conservative but seriously keep your politics out of your business.
There are good right wing and left wing businessmen. Warren Buffet exists, but so do the Koch Brothers, Sheldon Adelson, and others.
There are also bad left and right wing businessmen. For bad lefties, look at Jack Dorsey or that one startup guy that decided to pay whatever it was, like 100k I think, as the minimum wage or something?
This. Veeky Forums is fucking braindead
>the CEO is just a retard ahahaaha!!
No, fucko.
>No, fucko.
the alternative is that the CEO is purposefully running the company into the ground to steal from shareholders and creditors. Which will get him sued into oblivion and is also a retarded strategy.
either way, he sucks at running Sears.
Just curious
How would you guys run Kmart and Sears?
I'm not Eddie by the way hahaha
>free market lolbertatin
>gives a failing company a 500 million loan
Real survival of the fittest there.
Holy crap, what state?
I don't know how sears stays in business. There's a mall very close to me with a sears in it. Apparently they've invested a shitload in security cameras and loss prevention because I always hear about people getting arrested trying to steal from them.
Not even that many niggers or spics near me, but it's usually nig or spic names getting arrested.
Like what is even worth stealing from Sears, it's all garbage
walmart figured out long ago that it needed to sell food to survive.
Today walmart dominates.
I'd focus on making the departments function like the successful competitors do, and focus on synergy between departments.
That and getting a website set up that accurately checks inventory and isn't shit garbage like walmart.
Restructuring news announced Friday...
Sears basically invented this concept
The best example of the "Departments competing between departments" thing that I remember is that their catalog/circulars were treated as separate departments, and departments "paid" for prime spots in the weekly ad out of their operating budgets.
So Mother's Day comes around, and you can think of some obvious things that should be advertised Mother's Day weekend - women's clothing, jewelry, cosmetics, right? Instead, they had Batteries. Because the DieHard "department" paid more to be on the front page of the ad. One of the biggest shopping events of the year, and they advertise something completely unrelated to that holiday because "Muh free market". How off base can you be?
Kmart has way too many problems to list
Their online site is a complete mess. It inaccurately lists things locally as in or out of stock.
They will also have sales online that the local stores won't honor, but they will still price match Walmart online. What kind of backwards ass shit is that?
Also, what is the point of having a price match policy if every single one of your products is already higher priced than Walmart
You go in and half the shelves are empty and the place looks like a Venezuelan grocery store.
This is the perfect example of a business going under because of pure laziness. They cut costs in all the wrong places instead of fixing the problems causing the downward spiral.
>Also, what is the point of having a price match policy if every single one of your products is already higher priced than Walmart
Probably in the hope stupid people won't think to ask for price matching
>that one startup guy that decided to pay whatever it was, like 100k I think, as the minimum wage or something?
It turned out he made that change after his brother (cofounded company) sued him and he had been served papers regarding it. He was intentionally trying to destroy the company
Stanley bought em....
Georgia baby.