>The reason mercs are bad is that they purposefully lose to support a different team. That's what defines them. The hell kind of definition is that? Mercs are literally people who choose to manage a team for a board that they do not use at all. Lark didn't merc because he wanted Veeky Forums or /hr/ to advance, he merced because he wanted to manage a team, any team, even one for a board he not only didn't use, but actively don't want to have a team in the first place.
Also how are they gonna replace the merc with a non-merc if the board doesn't have any fans to become a manager in the first place.
Jaxon Torres
nth for benis
Zachary Cook
>The hell kind of definition is that? Mercs are literally people who choose to manage a team for a board that they do not use at all. Lark didn't merc because he wanted Veeky Forums or /hr/ to advance, he merced because he wanted to manage a team, any team, even one for a board he not only didn't use, but actively don't want to have a team in the first place. I wasn't giving a literal definition. Anyway, I'm talking about the main reasons to dislike them. Another I didn't mention is they don't know board culture and aren't "one of us" kind of thing.
btw, what board "actively didn't want a team"? That seems like an odd thing for a board to be united about.
>Also how are they gonna replace the merc with a non-merc if the board doesn't have any fans to become a manager in the first place. If there are literally no fans, then you don't find a replacement and then that will be that, but obviously you try first, instead of prejudging as nofans and removing them.
Xavier Harris
Lincoln Davis
Juan Rodriguez
>btw, what board "actively didn't want a team"? That seems like an odd thing for a board to be united about. /diy/. Sargbot was the old /diy/ manager and admitted before retiring that the board was hostile whenever he tried to communicate with them about the cup.
Also /ic/, but that's a different circumstance.
Aiden Rodriguez
The solution to all of this bullshit is obvious: benis
Jaxson Roberts
while we're at it, the solution to life itself is benis
>/diy/. Sargbot was the old /diy/ manager and admitted before retiring that the board was hostile whenever he tried to communicate with them about the cup. Well first off, I don't know from this whether they were against having a team altogether or if they didn't like that incarnation of the team.
Furthermore, even if they had hostilities towards the cup, that wouldn't be enough to warrant removing the team. If 49% were for having a team and 51% were against, I'd side with the 49%, because that's more people watching the cup and isn't bringing in foreign bodies.
Ultimately I'll always lean more towards keeping teams because that's more possible viewers. A board would have to make a strong case, a very strong majority before I give in to their demands, since boards usually aren't very coherent hiveminds in the first place.
Well, anyway, I haven't been paying much attention, aren't we going off on a tangent at this point?
Grayson Edwards
You don't really seem to understand or know about the situation at all newfag. Sargbot was the manager for /diy/ for a long time, and was not a merc. He said the board was against having a team altogether, that any time he made cup threads, there was either no interest or the posters told him to fuck off. This wasn't a 49/51 "oh some people are fans", this was a "the board deliberately does not want this to happen" thing. There were no viewers to be gained, there was no interest to be garnered. He retired with the knowledge and regret that he was prolonging a team for a board that not only didn't care, but loathed its participation.
>lark then picked them up without telling them at all or communicating with the board, fucked around with the team for a cup, then let slip he was a merc and was vilified.
>A board would have to make a strong case, a very strong majority before I give in to their demands, since boards usually aren't very coherent hiveminds in the first place. >I will literally not listen to the board and keep a team alive against the board's wishes >I am also the one in charge of determining whether a team should die, not its board unless it's a supermajority What the fuck
Dominic White
holy fucking shit dude
Mason King
holy fucking shit dude
Josiah Sanchez
What's the appeal of UPS again?
Aiden Long
Colton Foster
Actually maybe we should let /trash/ have a team. Shitposters got /p/ to be a team and now they're dead with no actual board interest anymore, the same might happen for /trash/ and we can let this meme die forever
John Gutierrez
>Fedex There.
Justin Allen
Adrian Price
>You don't really seem to understand or know about the situation at all Sue me, I don't pay attention to the shit show that is 4CC controversies and namefag drama.
Anyway, that's why I said I didn't know the situation.
Wow yeah, mercs are assholes, yeah, did I ever say they weren't? I'm not arguing for mercs if that's what you think.
>I will literally not listen to the board and keep a team alive against the board's wishes >49% of a board isn't the board
>I am also the one in charge of determining whether a team should die, not its board unless it's a supermajority You're asking as if I would be the one deciding. Yeah, commish or /merit/ is the one who decides whether teams live or die, because that's how management works.
Also concerning supermajority, killing a board's team isn't something you should do easily for obvious fucking reasons. The whole point of the super majority point is to prevent sour assholes from ruining shit. I mean ffs, if people don't care about the cup, but decide they don't want a team, while other people care and want about the cup, why should people who literally don't give a fuck be listened to? Which is why they have to fucking work for it to show they truly care about the cup enough, that their pain is great enough warranting about some naysayer's opinions.
If 49% or even 20% of a board is happy with it and engaging, the rest can just ignore it. You act as if this is a heinous act, but every board is sure to have people who hate the 4CC.
As long as a board has fans, why the fuck would you cull it? That's fucking asking to shrink the fucking cup. That literally is shrinking the cup.
John Davis
Anyone else not into any board?
Jordan Clark
>You're asking as if I would be the one deciding. No, I was asking you as a fan of /yourteam/, not as someone in charge. I didn't ask you anything about how you would cull boards, you brought that up yourself. And we aren't talking about some nebulous situation where there's obviously both fans and shitposters, we were specifically talking about /diy/, one of a few cases of the board making it crystal clear they didn't want to participate and has no fans, so going "a board would have to really scream at me if I allowed them to not want their board's name on something they hate" is a pretty retarded holier-than-thou mentality to have in this instance.
Nathan Clark
Is this what /merit/ considers acceptable warning to managers? What would have happened if /h/ was in Autumn and got that message and then made a thread and it got deleted?
Justin Miller
>this is a warning I knew they incompetent, but damn. I hope this isn't real.
Evan Kelly
Why do people keep bringing up /h/ as an example when it's been explained several times that not only were /h/ in a different category of consideration and got a different type of "warning", but that rhs has already explained in great deal that it wasn't a big deal and there was no actual danger with them
Jayden Sanchez
Well what warning did /c/, /y/ and /out/ get? All we know is that Jack and SDA expressed a lot of surprise.
SDA and Jack were surprised about the cull, they'd been told about what they needed to do and they reacted to it so they weren't uninformed on needing to do something.
Joshua Bennett
As far as we know they were just told to make a cup thread. There was no indication about any punishments being given out if they didn't.
Jordan Rogers
>If they tell me how to manage my team, I will tell them to take a hike.
Blake Nguyen
I know for a fact that the the attempts to communicate with SDA were minimal and that what SDA was told did not in anyway suggest any consequences. This is in line with what I know happened.
Jonathan Lewis
I don't get why these people would need a warning about consequences, they were told to do the thing managers are supposed to do by the people in charge. Some tried and failed, some didn't do anything. You shouldn't need to be told you're going to be punished if you don't or can't do your job, you should just do your job and expect punishment if you fail.
Gerb failed /c/, SDA failed /y/, Clrs failed /adv/, and there was nobody for Jack, Fuji, and Pybro to fail to. Simple as that.
Oliver Watson
If you don't get why Lear has to actually communicate with people in order to be the decision maker you are probably Lear himself.
Grayson Morales
He did communicate with them, and he told them to do what they should've been doing all along but hadn't. That's all anyone should need, especially if it's the commissioner coming up to you personally and telling you to do it. If you have to be pressured into doing something you signed up to do, why are you even in the position in the first place
Ryan Campbell
Oh user, you really don't want to know. notice the complete lack of feedback for 18 fucking days[/spolier]
Connor Scott
>is told to make a thread on /y/ >admits that's literally the only thing he didn't do Sorry what's the problem here
Sebastian Perry
As far as I'm aware managers have been told to show support for the teams in the past and if they failed to do so nothing happened. There's no reason for any of them to think that this time would have been any different.
In most cases it was the manager that failed, but the way this has all been conducted punishes the team, and any supporters that they have, more for their failure rather than the managers themselves.
Angel Adams
He said he will make one after Summer.
Which would you know be a roster poll for Autumn. Is he meant to run roster polls mid cup?
Brayden Myers
>I know for a fact that the the attempts to communicate with SDA were minimal and that what SDA was told did not in anyway suggest any consequences. That's the problem. The "make a thread, or else!" attitude. SDA's way of engaging is stupid, but he at least had a way, and how is he supposed to know it's the wrong way if the person he's talking to doesn't tell him it is? Sure, he may be an idiot but the complete lack of transparency Lear offers there is of no help whatsoever.
Matthew Lopez
He was told to make a thread before his matches in the Babby. You know, a cup thread for matchday, like other boards do.
Josiah Long
And the ironic thing is that /merit/ itself recognizes this which is why /y/ got reinstated and put in the new probation category.
Christopher Clark
On may 3rd, about 72 hours before the second deadline? What kind of poll can you run in not even 3 days? Are you this dense?
Samuel Perez
But a lot of boards don't make cup threads for every match day. Even those that have regular polls with plenty of interest.
Sebastian Long
Two idiots at work there, both at fault
The situation has been straighten out now, but not thanks to that fucking Leaf
Joshua Bailey
>the way this has all been conducted punishes the team, and any supporters that they have, more for their failure rather than the managers themselves. But the teams are fine, since if interest is actually gathered from fans on the board, they can come back perfectly okay in Autumn. /t/ and /out/ lose their Summer status, yes, but they have no board support so that's not hurting anybody except secondaries who can get over it and bandwagon a different team.
Nowhere does Lear say "make a thread for a roster poll", just to make a thread. There's more types of threads than just for the roster and he could have made it at any point during May.
But he was told to make one regardless. It didn't have to be a matchday thread either, I was just using that as an example. By "before his matches" I just meant at any point before or during the cup.
Carter Murphy
He also made a thread for every previous cup. You know what /w/ did?
Blake Green
Why didn't he make a thread for this cup then?
Gavin Peterson
>Lear stirring up shit to draw attention from the real crisis
I'm right onto you, fucking leaf.
James Scott
Given /merit/ clearly accepts cases where teams only make threads for roster polls and given that SDA clearly indicated that he planned to run a poll before /y/'s next cup why so quick to jump the gun on /y/?
Note that the competent members of /merit/ reversed this decision to cull /y/.
And how do you justify these actions
1. Lear sends message. 2. Assume automatically that SDA is ignoring him within two days because it couldn't just be that SDA isn't on discord 24/7 3. Ignore SDA's actual response for the next 18 days
Quite clear that Lear had made up his mind to use this opportunity to get rid of SDA.
Aiden Cruz
Because he got banned last time he made a thread.
Jace Edwards
The /y/ threads that were posted on the original Cull news are all from different cups, sounds like /y/ only has one-two threads per cup at most, and has skipped this season of polling\engagement probably because SDA was all over the world in the offseason (as we know well from his ceaseless shitposting). Pretty much none of this would have happened if you had made it clear to SDA that you would be punishing the team, but instead you choose to make vague empty threats at people in the hope they comply.
Kayden Perez
Its entirely obvious that in regards to /y/ they were targeted because of personal opinion about the manager.
Cooper Allen
Reminder that if you like diverse teams that automatically means you love no-fans merc mountain teams like /t/ and /wg/.
Isaac Edwards
That's a really dumb excuse when probably almost every manager has been banned at least once for posting cup threads and it's hilariously easy to evade if you're desperate to shitpost.
>you This may come as a shocker but I'm not Lear.
Dominic King
>get rid of SDA >DF drums up interest on /y/ >/y/ enters Autumn as an autopilot >DF makes the autopilot
Brody Hall
Reminder that if you like diverse teams that automatically means you don't want any team to ever be removed for any reason because it removes diversity.
Carson Gray
>Lear uses the Cull o get rid of SDA and rig /w/ to the elites >fail at both
What a muppet
Sebastian Rogers
Its an excuse used by pretty much every cup manager and you'll notice that most teams only have threads for polling. In fact making a whole bunch of openly meta threads in a short period of time is why so many boards are so against the cup.
Charles Cox
I bet DF is who convinced Lear to get rid of SDA, DF is always complaining about how SDA is shit and claims that /y/ threads are nothing but him and SDA
Carter Ramirez
Yeah, this is the only explanation, /merit/ wanted to make SDA go away despite his very good record of polling and engagement with /y/ (unlike say Pybro) I've never been banned on /myboard/, which is why this stings the most. You're asking people to pay for adspace on Veeky Forums to participate to a fucking meme tournament? Come the fuck on.
Hudson Peterson
>You're asking people to pay for adspace on Veeky Forums to participate to a fucking meme tournament? Come the fuck on. Where'd I say that, there's other ways to get around the thread bans. And even if your mod is the most clever sneaky mod on the entire site, at least you made the effort to try.
Leo Bennett
But you know Gerb did that and posted his polls in multiple /c/ threads and that wasn't considered good enough.
Thomas Ortiz
You're leaving /h/'s management with no other option than buying self serving ads though.
Gavin Cooper
>have 3 times as many answers as /w/ >not enough never fails to get me
Caleb Hill
That was a year ago apparently and he hadn't done anything since then, and he even admitted he fucked up on that end when he retired. Gerb isn't a good example in this case, it's more the manager fucking up than even SDA.
If they have no other option, then why were the /h/ managers already planning to try doing threads when Lear approached them
Leo Martinez
Don't apply logic to /merit/.
Adrian Miller
Try doing threads *again*. Come on my dude, I know you lurk the IRC, you've been there to see Flow bitch about being banned again and again.
Landon Baker
And what if their thread gets modkilled straight up?
Nicholas Russell
>Flow It does beg the question why the /h/ manager who got the warning to shape up was the guy who started managing after Winter.
Thomas Brown
No, I haven't, I just know what rhs said in that screencap that keeps getting posted
Then it exists in the archive and can be presented as an attempt to reach out to the board?
Christopher Bailey
probably because he was the only one Lear could/bothered to reach
Daniel Sanders
Based on the effort made to communicate with SDA this is probably true.
Nolan Howard
>hadn't been a need for one since fetus teams take 6 months to show up again. Was gonna do another one if we made Elites While I agree that showing irc and discord groups shouldn't be a basis for teams existence, that's the message where Lear should say "that's not enough, at least try to make a thread during the babbies to tell the board". I understand that he said it in a previous message, but SDA obviously took his silence for acceptance. He had over 2 weeks days to clear this misunderstanding, unless he's legitimately autistic and doesn't understand social cues.
Jaxson Phillips
>unless he's legitimately autistic and doesn't understand social cues.
Austin Gray
>if fan number reach below 10ish, then it would be time to move on IMO
SDA even says himself if the team doesn't have enough legitimate fans, he would kill /y/.
Matthew Carter
The /y/ case wasn't about killing /y/ it was about removing SDA.
Jace Carter
On Probation - /y/ /c/ /w/, /h/ and /wsg/ are too.
Christian Wright
This is why /adv/ and /p/ were assassinated
Jeremiah Phillips
>SDA posts a poll to his twitter >thinks this is acceptable proof of BOARD support Ahahaha, that's fucking hilarious. Come on dude. And for the record, /y/ mods aren't that nazi, I've seen past /y/ cup threads last for well over a week. It had 3 IPs, SDA, DF, and some user unaware what the cup was but was there to post yaoi of that football anime. /y/ should gave definitely been culled, not that it matters because they won't qualify for Autumn because DF is their only fan.
Connor Bailey
>All we know is that Jack and SDA expressed a lot of surprise. Gerb too. He thought he would be getting a suspension or something.
Angel Allen
You now realise two teams from /a/'s group were ineligible for summer. And they still failed to promote.
Nathan Davis
But it wasn't faaaair and SDA a good boy he dindu nuffin everything was scapegoat's fault
Elijah Roberts
Is anyone willing to trip on and say they think Lear does a good job and they think he has handled this properly?
And that they believe he is able to be impartial?
Charles Torres
Even if I did I'd be accused of sucking /merit/ dick because I'm a manager.
I think the process is fine, I think the entire /w/ fiasco is a mess though. Personally I think you're giving Lear too much shit.
Tyler Hernandez
My trip would have no weight as I'm currently a literally who
James Roberts
But the process was based on estimates which have been proven to be widely inaccurate.
Daniel Howard
You're going to have to be more specific, user, that's fucking politician language. Proven is a fucking meme when this is literally opinion. The fact that someone would even challenge you on it being proven already calls the "fact" into doubt; if you really want to make this politics by using politician language like "proven" you better deal with someone calling it out.
Jaxson Fisher
>page 9
Alexander Thompson
/u/ was estimated as small market and turned out to have a pretty large fanbase.
/c/ and /h/ are apparently no fans need to get culled but apparently they are solidly midmarket and in line with a bunch of other teams who aren't getting culled.
Robert Edwards
Jonathan Smith
Wait how can you think the process is fine when within 24 hours they reversed the decision to cull two teams.
Andrew Rivera
Weebs vote for all the weeb boards. Not because they like those boards, but because they're weebs.
Every cup it's the same thing.
Easton Peterson
/u/ were marked as mid market by me (smugleaf), until I was greentexted by others and it was changed to small Feels good being right :^]
Bentley Ward
>implying /u/ has fans
Jaxson Barnes
/c/ and /h/ are two of the smallest market teams in the cup, and have been for years Stop slavouring absolute shite my